import logging import json from flask import make_response, request, session, Response, abort from functools import wraps from datetime import datetime from time import time import storage from app import app from auth.auth import process_auth, extract_namespace_repo_from_session from util import checksums from auth.permissions import (ReadRepositoryPermission, ModifyRepositoryPermission) from data import model store = storage.load() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SocketReader(object): def __init__(self, fp): self._fp = fp self.handlers = [] def add_handler(self, handler): self.handlers.append(handler) def read(self, n=-1): buf = if not buf: return '' for handler in self.handlers: handler(buf) return buf def require_completion(f): """This make sure that the image push correctly finished.""" @wraps(f) def wrapper(namespace, repository, *args, **kwargs): if store.exists(store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, kwargs['image_id'])): abort(400) #'Image is being uploaded, retry later') return f(namespace, repository, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def set_cache_headers(f): """Returns HTTP headers suitable for caching.""" @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Set TTL to 1 year by default ttl = 31536000 expires = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time()) + ttl) expires = expires.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') headers = { 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age={0}'.format(ttl), 'Expires': expires, 'Last-Modified': 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', } if 'If-Modified-Since' in request.headers: response = make_response('Not modified', 304) response.headers.extend(headers) return response kwargs['headers'] = headers # Prevent the Cookie to be sent when the object is cacheable session.modified = False return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/layer', methods=['GET']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session @require_completion @set_cache_headers def get_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id, headers): permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if permission.can() or model.repository_is_public(namespace, repository): try: return Response(store.stream_read(store.image_layer_path( namespace, repository, image_id)), headers=headers) except IOError: abort(404) #'Image not found', 404) abort(403) @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/layer', methods=['PUT']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session def put_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id): permission = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if not permission.can(): abort(403) try: json_data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) except IOError: abort(404) #'Image not found', 404) layer_path = store.image_layer_path(namespace, repository, image_id) mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id) if store.exists(layer_path) and not store.exists(mark_path): abort(409) #'Image already exists', 409) input_stream = if request.headers.get('transfer-encoding') == 'chunked': # Careful, might work only with WSGI servers supporting chunked # encoding (Gunicorn) input_stream = request.environ['wsgi.input'] # compute checksums csums = [] sr = SocketReader(input_stream) tmp, store_hndlr = storage.temp_store_handler() sr.add_handler(store_hndlr) h, sum_hndlr = checksums.simple_checksum_handler(json_data) sr.add_handler(sum_hndlr) store.stream_write(layer_path, sr) csums.append('sha256:{0}'.format(h.hexdigest())) try: csums.append(checksums.compute_tarsum(tmp, json_data)) tmp.close() except (IOError, checksums.TarError) as e: logger.debug('put_image_layer: Error when computing tarsum ' '{0}'.format(e)) try: checksum = store.get_content(store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) except IOError: # We don't have a checksum stored yet, that's fine skipping the check. # Not removing the mark though, image is not downloadable yet. session['checksum'] = csums return make_response('true', 200) # We check if the checksums provided matches one the one we computed if checksum not in csums: logger.debug('put_image_layer: Wrong checksum') abort(400) #'Checksum mismatch, ignoring the layer') # Checksum is ok, we remove the marker store.remove(mark_path) return make_response('true', 200) @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/checksum', methods=['PUT']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session def put_image_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id): permission = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if not permission.can(): abort(403) checksum = request.headers.get('X-Docker-Checksum') if not checksum: abort(400) #'Missing Image\'s checksum') if not session.get('checksum'): abort(400) #'Checksum not found in Cookie') if not store.exists(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id)): abort(404) #'Image not found', 404) mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id) if not store.exists(mark_path): abort(409) #'Cannot set this image checksum', 409) err = store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum) if err: abort(err) if checksum not in session.get('checksum', []): logger.debug('put_image_layer: Wrong checksum') abort(400) #'Checksum mismatch') # Checksum is ok, we remove the marker store.remove(mark_path) return make_response('true', 200) @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/json', methods=['GET']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session @require_completion @set_cache_headers def get_image_json(namespace, repository, image_id, headers): permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if (not permission.can() and not model.repository_is_public(namespace, repository)): abort(403) try: data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) except IOError: abort(404) #'Image not found', 404) try: size = store.get_size(store.image_layer_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) headers['X-Docker-Size'] = str(size) except OSError: pass checksum_path = store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id) if store.exists(checksum_path): headers['X-Docker-Checksum'] = store.get_content(checksum_path) response = make_response(data, 200) response.headers.extend(headers) return response @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/ancestry', methods=['GET']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session @require_completion @set_cache_headers def get_image_ancestry(namespace, repository, image_id, headers): permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if (not permission.can() and not model.repository_is_public(namespace, repository)): abort(403) try: data = store.get_content(store.image_ancestry_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) except IOError: abort(404) #'Image not found', 404) response = make_response(json.dumps(json.loads(data)), 200) response.headers.extend(headers) return response def generate_ancestry(namespace, repository, image_id, parent_id=None): if not parent_id: store.put_content(store.image_ancestry_path(namespace, repository, image_id), json.dumps([image_id])) return data = store.get_content(store.image_ancestry_path(namespace, repository, parent_id)) data = json.loads(data) data.insert(0, image_id) store.put_content(store.image_ancestry_path(namespace, repository, image_id), json.dumps(data)) def store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum): checksum_parts = checksum.split(':') if len(checksum_parts) != 2: return 'Invalid checksum format' # We store the checksum checksum_path = store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id) store.put_content(checksum_path, checksum) @app.route('/v1/images/<image_id>/json', methods=['PUT']) @process_auth @extract_namespace_repo_from_session def put_image_json(namespace, repository, image_id): permission = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository) if not permission.can(): abort(403) try: data = json.loads( except json.JSONDecodeError: pass if not data or not isinstance(data, dict): abort(400) #'Invalid JSON') if 'id' not in data: abort(400) #'Missing key `id\' in JSON') # Read the checksum checksum = request.headers.get('X-Docker-Checksum') if checksum: # Storing the checksum is optional at this stage err = store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum) if err: abort(err) else: # We cleanup any old checksum in case it's a retry after a fail store.remove(store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id)) if image_id != data['id']: abort(400) #'JSON data contains invalid id') parent_id = data.get('parent') if parent_id and not store.exists(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, data['parent'])): abort(400) #'Image depends on a non existing parent') json_path = store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id) mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id) if store.exists(json_path) and not store.exists(mark_path): abort(409) #'Image already exists', 409) # If we reach that point, it means that this is a new image or a retry # on a failed push # save the metadata if parent_id: parent_obj = model.get_image_by_id(parent_id) else: parent_obj = None model.set_image_metadata(image_id, namespace, repository, data.get('created'), data.get('comment'), parent_obj) store.put_content(mark_path, 'true') store.put_content(json_path, generate_ancestry(namespace, repository, image_id, parent_id) return make_response('true', 200)