from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from six import add_metaclass

class Build(namedtuple('Build', ['uuid', 'logs_archived'])):
  Build represents a single build in the build system.

class BuildLogsArchiverWorkerDataInterface(object):
  Interface that represents all data store interactions required by the build logs archiver worker.

  def get_archivable_build(self):
    """ Returns a build whose logs are available for archiving. If none, returns None. """

  def get_build(self, build_uuid):
    """ Returns the build with the matching UUID or None if none. """

  def mark_build_archived(self, build_uuid):
    """ Marks the build with the given UUID as having its logs archived. Returns False if
        the build was already marked as archived.

  def create_build_for_testing(self):
    """ Creates an unarchived build for testing of archiving. """