import logging

from uuid import UUID
from flask_login import current_user

from auth.validateresult import AuthKind, ValidateResult

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def validate_session_cookie(auth_header_unusued=None):
  """ Attempts to load a user from a session cookie. """
  if current_user.is_anonymous:
    return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, missing=True)

    # Attempt to parse the user uuid to make sure the cookie has the right value type
  except ValueError:
    logger.debug('Got non-UUID for session cookie user: %s', current_user.get_id())
    return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, error_message='Invalid session cookie format')

  logger.debug('Loading user from cookie: %s', current_user.get_id())
  db_user = current_user.db_user()
  if db_user is None:
    return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, error_message='Could not find matching user')

  # Don't allow disabled users to login.
  if not db_user.enabled:
    logger.debug('User %s in session cookie is disabled', db_user.username)
    return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, error_message='User account is disabled')

  # Don't allow organizations to "login".
  if db_user.organization:
    logger.debug('User %s in session cookie is in-fact organization', db_user.username)
    return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, error_message='Cannot login to organization')

  return ValidateResult(AuthKind.cookie, user=db_user)