(function() { /** * Interactive tutorial page. */ angular.module('quayPages').config(['pages', function(pages) { pages.create('tutorial', 'tutorial.html', TutorialCtrl, { 'title': 'Tutorial', 'description': 'Basic tutorial on using Docker with Quay.io' }); }]); function TutorialCtrl($scope, AngularTour, AngularTourSignals, UserService, Config) { // Default to showing sudo on all commands if on linux. var showSudo = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux") != -1; $scope.tour = { 'title': Config.REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT + ' Tutorial', 'initialScope': { 'showSudo': showSudo, 'domainName': Config.getDomain() }, 'steps': [ { 'title': 'Welcome to the ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT + ' tutorial!', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/welcome.html' }, { 'title': 'Sign in to get started', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/signup.html', 'signal': function($tourScope) { var user = UserService.currentUser(); $tourScope.username = user.username; $tourScope.email = user.email; $tourScope.inOrganization = user.organizations && user.organizations.length > 0; return !user.anonymous; } }, { 'title': 'Step 1: Login to ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE, 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/docker-login.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.serverEvent('/realtime/user/subscribe?events=docker-cli', function(message) { return message['data']['action'] == 'login'; }), 'waitMessage': "Waiting for docker login", 'skipTitle': "I'm already logged in", 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_start' }, { 'title': 'Step 2: Create a new container', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/create-container.html' }, { 'title': 'Step 3: Create a new image', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/create-image.html' }, { 'title': 'Step 4: Push the image to ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE, 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/push-image.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.serverEvent('/realtime/user/subscribe?events=docker-cli', function(message, tourScope) { var pushing = message['data']['action'] == 'push_repo'; if (pushing) { tourScope.repoName = message['data']['repository']; } return pushing; }), 'waitMessage': "Waiting for repository push to begin", 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_wait_for_push' }, { 'title': 'Push in progress', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/pushing.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.serverEvent('/realtime/user/subscribe?events=docker-cli', function(message, tourScope) { return message['data']['action'] == 'pushed_repo'; }), 'waitMessage': "Waiting for repository push to complete" }, { 'title': 'Step 5: View the repository on ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE, 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/view-repo.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.matchesLocation('/repository/'), 'overlayable': true, 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_push_complete' }, { 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/view-repo.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.matchesLocation('/repository/'), 'overlayable': true }, { 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/waiting-repo-list.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.elementAvaliable('*[data-repo="{{username}}/{{repoName}}"]'), 'overlayable': true }, { 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/repo-list.html', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.matchesLocation('/repository/{{username}}/{{repoName}}'), 'element': '*[data-repo="{{username}}/{{repoName}}"]', 'overlayable': true }, { 'title': 'Repository View', 'content': 'This is the repository view page. It displays all the primary information about your repository.', 'overlayable': true, 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_view_repo' }, { 'title': 'Image History', 'content': 'The tree displays the full history of your repository, including all its tag. ' + 'You can click on a tag or image to see its information.', 'element': '#image-history-container', 'overlayable': true }, { 'title': 'Tag/Image Information', 'content': 'This panel displays information about the currently selected tag or image', 'element': '#side-panel', 'overlayable': true }, { 'title': 'Select tag or image', 'content': 'You can select a tag or image by clicking on this dropdown', 'element': '#side-panel-dropdown', 'overlayable': true }, { 'content': 'To view the admin settings for the repository, click on the gear', 'element': '#admin-cog', 'signal': AngularTourSignals.matchesLocation('/repository/{{username}}/{{repoName}}/admin'), 'overlayable': true }, { 'title': 'Repository Admin', 'content': "The repository admin panel allows for modification of a repository's permissions, notifications, visibility and other settings", 'overlayable': true, 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_view_admin' }, { 'title': 'Permissions', 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/permissions.html', 'overlayable': true, 'element': '#permissions' }, { 'title': 'Adding a permission', 'content': 'To add an <b>additional</b> permission, enter a username or robot account name into the autocomplete ' + 'or hit the dropdown arrow to manage robot accounts', 'overlayable': true, 'element': '#add-entity-permission' }, { 'templateUrl': '/static/tutorial/done.html', 'overlayable': true, 'mixpanelEvent': 'tutorial_complete' } ] }; } })();