<div class="error-view-element"> <div ng-switch on="info.reason"> <!-- Confirmation error --> <div ng-switch-when="confirmerror"> <h2><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Confirmation Error</h2> <h3>{{ info.error_message || 'There was an error confirming your e-mail address' }}</h3> <div> If you've received this error after trying to recover your account, please perform the recovery process again. </div> </div> <!-- OAuth login error --> <div ng-switch-when="ologinerror"> <h2><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>{{ info.service_name }} login error</h2> <h3 ng-if="info.error_message">{{ info.error_message }}</h3> <div ng-if="info.user_creation && info.register_redirect"> To continue, please register using the <a href="/signin">registration form</a>. You will be able to reassociate this {{ info.service_name }} account to your new Quay account in the user settings panel. </div> </div> <!-- Otherwise --> <div ng-switch-default> <!-- 404 --> <div class="err404" ng-if="code == 404"> <h2>404: Not Found</h2> <h3 ng-if="!info.for_repo && !info.namespace_exists">The resource you're looking for doesn't exist</h3> <h3 ng-if="info && !info.namespace_exists">Namespace <strong>{{ info.namespace }}</strong> doesn't exist</h3> <h3 ng-if="info && info.for_repo && info.namespace_exists">The repository you're looking for doesn't exist</h3> <img src="/static/img/40x/quay-logo-404.svg"> <h4 ng-if="!info.for_repo && !info.namespace_exists"> Return to the <a href="/">main page</a> </h4> <h4 ng-if="info && !info.namespace_exists && info.namespace"> <a href="/organizations/new?namespace={{ info.namespace }}">Create this namespace</a> or return to the <a href="/">main page</a> </h4> <h4 ng-if="info && info.for_repo && info.namespace_exists && info.namespace"> <a href="/new?namespace={{ info.namespace }}&name={{ info.repo_name }}">Create this repository</a> or return to the <a href="/">main page</a> </h4> </div> <!-- 403 --> <div class="err403" ng-if="code == 403"> <h2>403: Unauthorized</h2> <h3 ng-if="!info.for_repo">You are not authorized to view this resource</h3> <h3 ng-if="info.for_repo">You are not authorized to view this repository</h3> <img src="/static/img/40x/QE-logomark.svg" quay-show="!Features.BILLING"> <img src="/static/img/40x/Quay-logomark.svg" quay-show="Features.BILLING"> <h4 ng-if="info.for_repo">Contact the admin of the <strong>{{ info.namespace }}</strong> namespace for access to the repository or you can return to the <a href="/">main page</a></h4> <h4 ng-if="!info.for_repo">Return to the <a href="/">main page</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </div>