from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod from six import add_metaclass @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class ManifestInterface(object): """ Defines the interface for the various manifests types supported. """ @abstractproperty def is_manifest_list(self): """ Returns whether this manifest is a list. """ @abstractproperty def schema_version(self): """ The version of the schema. """ @abstractproperty def digest(self): """ The digest of the manifest, including type prefix. """ pass @abstractproperty def media_type(self): """ The media type of the schema. """ pass @abstractproperty def manifest_dict(self): """ Returns the manifest as a dictionary ready to be serialized to JSON. """ pass @abstractproperty def bytes(self): """ Returns the bytes of the manifest. """ pass @abstractproperty def layers(self): """ Returns the layers of this manifest, from base to leaf or None if this kind of manifest does not support layers. """ pass @abstractproperty def leaf_layer_v1_image_id(self): """ Returns the Docker V1 image ID for the leaf (top) layer, if any, or None if not applicable. """ pass @abstractproperty def legacy_image_ids(self): """ Returns the Docker V1 image IDs for the layers of this manifest or None if not applicable. """ pass @abstractproperty def layers_compressed_size(self): """ Returns the total compressed size of all the layers in this manifest. Returns None if this cannot be computed locally. """ @abstractproperty def blob_digests(self): """ Returns an iterator over all the blob digests referenced by this manifest, from base to leaf. The blob digests are strings with prefixes. For manifests that reference config as a blob, the blob will be included here. """ @abstractproperty def local_blob_digests(self): """ Returns an iterator over all the *non-remote* blob digests referenced by this manifest, from base to leaf. The blob digests are strings with prefixes. For manifests that reference config as a blob, the blob will be included here. """ @abstractmethod def child_manifests(self, content_retriever): """ Returns an iterator of all manifests that live under this manifest, if any or None if not applicable. """ @abstractmethod def get_manifest_labels(self, content_retriever): """ Returns a dictionary of all the labels defined inside this manifest or None if this kind of manifest does not support labels. """ pass @abstractmethod def unsigned(self): """ Returns an unsigned version of this manifest. """ @abstractmethod def generate_legacy_layers(self, images_map, content_retriever): """ Rewrites Docker v1 image IDs and returns a generator of DockerV1Metadata. If Docker gives us a layer with a v1 image ID that already points to existing content, but the checksums don't match, then we need to rewrite the image ID to something new in order to ensure consistency. Returns None if there are no legacy images associated with the manifest. """ @abstractmethod def get_v1_compatible_manifest(self, namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name, content_retriever): """ Returns the manifest that is compatible with V1, by virtue of being `amd64` and `linux`. If none, returns None. """ @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class ContentRetriever(object): """ Defines the interface for retrieval of various content referneced by a manifest. """ @abstractmethod def get_manifest_bytes_with_digest(self, digest): """ Returns the bytes of the manifest with the given digest or None if none found. """ @abstractmethod def get_blob_bytes_with_digest(self, digest): """ Returns the bytes of the blob with the given digest or None if none found. """