# pylint: disable=old-style-class,no-init import inspect import logging import string import sys import time import uuid import os from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from datetime import datetime from random import SystemRandom import toposort from enum import Enum from peewee import * from peewee import __exception_wrapper__, Function from playhouse.pool import PooledMySQLDatabase, PooledPostgresqlDatabase, PooledSqliteDatabase from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url import resumablehashlib from cachetools import lru_cache from data.fields import (ResumableSHA256Field, ResumableSHA1Field, JSONField, Base64BinaryField, FullIndexedTextField, FullIndexedCharField) from data.text import match_mysql, match_like from data.read_slave import ReadSlaveModel from util.names import urn_generator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_DB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10 # seconds # IMAGE_NOT_SCANNED_ENGINE_VERSION is the version found in security_indexed_engine when the # image has not yet been scanned. IMAGE_NOT_SCANNED_ENGINE_VERSION = -1 schemedriver = namedtuple('schemedriver', ['driver', 'pooled_driver']) _SCHEME_DRIVERS = { 'mysql': schemedriver(MySQLDatabase, PooledMySQLDatabase), 'mysql+pymysql': schemedriver(MySQLDatabase, PooledMySQLDatabase), 'sqlite': schemedriver(SqliteDatabase, PooledSqliteDatabase), 'postgresql': schemedriver(PostgresqlDatabase, PooledPostgresqlDatabase), 'postgresql+psycopg2': schemedriver(PostgresqlDatabase, PooledPostgresqlDatabase), } SCHEME_MATCH_FUNCTION = { 'mysql': match_mysql, 'mysql+pymysql': match_mysql, 'sqlite': match_like, 'postgresql': match_like, 'postgresql+psycopg2': match_like, } SCHEME_RANDOM_FUNCTION = { 'mysql': fn.Rand, 'mysql+pymysql': fn.Rand, 'sqlite': fn.Random, 'postgresql': fn.Random, 'postgresql+psycopg2': fn.Random, } def pipes_concat(arg1, arg2, *extra_args): """ Concat function for sqlite, since it doesn't support fn.Concat. Concatenates clauses with || characters. """ reduced = arg1.concat(arg2) for arg in extra_args: reduced = reduced.concat(arg) return reduced def function_concat(arg1, arg2, *extra_args): """ Default implementation of concat which uses fn.Concat(). Used by all database engines except sqlite. """ return fn.Concat(arg1, arg2, *extra_args) SCHEME_SPECIALIZED_CONCAT = { 'sqlite': pipes_concat, } def real_for_update(query): return query.for_update() def null_for_update(query): return query def delete_instance_filtered(instance, model_class, delete_nullable, skip_transitive_deletes): """ Deletes the DB instance recursively, skipping any models in the skip_transitive_deletes set. Callers *must* ensure that any models listed in the skip_transitive_deletes must be capable of being directly deleted when the instance is deleted (with automatic sorting handling dependency order). For example, the RepositoryTag and Image tables for Repository will always refer to the *same* repository when RepositoryTag references Image, so we can safely skip transitive deletion for the RepositoryTag table. """ # We need to sort the ops so that models get cleaned in order of their dependencies ops = reversed(list(instance.dependencies(delete_nullable))) filtered_ops = [] dependencies = defaultdict(set) for query, fk in ops: # We only want to skip transitive deletes, which are done using subqueries in the form of # DELETE FROM in . If an op is not using a subquery, we allow it to be # applied directly. if fk.model not in skip_transitive_deletes or query.op.lower() != 'in': filtered_ops.append((query, fk)) if query.op.lower() == 'in': dependencies[fk.model.__name__].add(query.rhs.model.__name__) elif query.op == '=': dependencies[fk.model.__name__].add(model_class.__name__) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown operator in recursive repository delete query') sorted_models = list(reversed(toposort.toposort_flatten(dependencies))) def sorted_model_key(query_fk_tuple): cmp_query, cmp_fk = query_fk_tuple if cmp_query.op.lower() == 'in': return -1 return sorted_models.index(cmp_fk.model.__name__) filtered_ops.sort(key=sorted_model_key) with db_transaction(): for query, fk in filtered_ops: _model = fk.model if fk.null and not delete_nullable: _model.update(**{fk.name: None}).where(query).execute() else: _model.delete().where(query).execute() return instance.delete().where(instance._pk_expr()).execute() SCHEME_SPECIALIZED_FOR_UPDATE = { 'sqlite': null_for_update, } class CallableProxy(Proxy): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.obj is None: raise AttributeError('Cannot use uninitialized Proxy.') return self.obj(*args, **kwargs) class RetryOperationalError(object): def execute_sql(self, sql, params=None, commit=True): try: cursor = super(RetryOperationalError, self).execute_sql(sql, params, commit) except OperationalError: if not self.is_closed(): self.close() with __exception_wrapper__: cursor = self.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params or ()) if commit and not self.in_transaction(): self.commit() return cursor class CloseForLongOperation(object): """ Helper object which disconnects the database then reconnects after the nested operation completes. """ def __init__(self, config_object): self.config_object = config_object def __enter__(self): # TODO(jschorr): Remove this stupid hack. if self.config_object.get('TESTING') is True: return close_db_filter(None) def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): # Note: Nothing to do. The next SQL call will reconnect automatically. pass class UseThenDisconnect(object): """ Helper object for conducting work with a database and then tearing it down. """ def __init__(self, config_object): self.config_object = config_object def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): # TODO(jschorr): Remove this stupid hack. if self.config_object.get('TESTING') is True: return close_db_filter(None) class TupleSelector(object): """ Helper class for selecting tuples from a peewee query and easily accessing them as if they were objects. """ class _TupleWrapper(object): def __init__(self, data, fields): self._data = data self._fields = fields def get(self, field): return self._data[self._fields.index(TupleSelector.tuple_reference_key(field))] @classmethod def tuple_reference_key(cls, field): """ Returns a string key for referencing a field in a TupleSelector. """ if isinstance(field, Function): return field.name + ','.join([cls.tuple_reference_key(arg) for arg in field.arguments]) if isinstance(field, Field): return field.name + ':' + field.model.__name__ raise Exception('Unknown field type %s in TupleSelector' % field._node_type) def __init__(self, query, fields): self._query = query.select(*fields).tuples() self._fields = [TupleSelector.tuple_reference_key(field) for field in fields] def __iter__(self): return self._build_iterator() def _build_iterator(self): for tuple_data in self._query: yield TupleSelector._TupleWrapper(tuple_data, self._fields) db = Proxy() read_slave = Proxy() db_random_func = CallableProxy() db_match_func = CallableProxy() db_for_update = CallableProxy() db_transaction = CallableProxy() db_concat_func = CallableProxy() ensure_under_transaction = CallableProxy() def validate_database_url(url, db_kwargs, connect_timeout=5): db_kwargs = db_kwargs.copy() driver = _db_from_url(url, db_kwargs, connect_timeout=connect_timeout) driver.connect() driver.close() def _wrap_for_retry(driver): return type('Retrying' + driver.__class__.__name__, (RetryOperationalError, driver), {}) def _db_from_url(url, db_kwargs, connect_timeout=DEFAULT_DB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT): parsed_url = make_url(url) if parsed_url.host: db_kwargs['host'] = parsed_url.host if parsed_url.port: db_kwargs['port'] = parsed_url.port if parsed_url.username: db_kwargs['user'] = parsed_url.username if parsed_url.password: db_kwargs['password'] = parsed_url.password # Remove threadlocals. It used to be required. db_kwargs.pop('threadlocals', None) # Note: sqlite does not support connect_timeout. if parsed_url.drivername != 'sqlite': db_kwargs['connect_timeout'] = db_kwargs.get('connect_timeout', connect_timeout) drivers = _SCHEME_DRIVERS[parsed_url.drivername] driver = drivers.driver if os.getenv('DB_CONNECTION_POOLING', 'false').lower() == 'true': driver = drivers.pooled_driver db_kwargs['stale_timeout'] = db_kwargs.get('stale_timeout', None) db_kwargs['max_connections'] = db_kwargs.get('max_connections', None) logger.info('Connection pooling enabled for %s; stale timeout: %s; max connection count: %s', parsed_url.drivername, db_kwargs['stale_timeout'], db_kwargs['max_connections']) else: logger.info('Connection pooling disabled for %s', parsed_url.drivername) db_kwargs.pop('stale_timeout', None) db_kwargs.pop('max_connections', None) wrapped_driver = _wrap_for_retry(driver) return wrapped_driver(parsed_url.database, **db_kwargs) def configure(config_object): logger.debug('Configuring database') db_kwargs = dict(config_object['DB_CONNECTION_ARGS']) write_db_uri = config_object['DB_URI'] db.initialize(_db_from_url(write_db_uri, db_kwargs)) parsed_write_uri = make_url(write_db_uri) db_random_func.initialize(SCHEME_RANDOM_FUNCTION[parsed_write_uri.drivername]) db_match_func.initialize(SCHEME_MATCH_FUNCTION[parsed_write_uri.drivername]) db_for_update.initialize(SCHEME_SPECIALIZED_FOR_UPDATE.get(parsed_write_uri.drivername, real_for_update)) db_concat_func.initialize(SCHEME_SPECIALIZED_CONCAT.get(parsed_write_uri.drivername, function_concat)) read_slave_uri = config_object.get('DB_READ_SLAVE_URI', None) if read_slave_uri is not None: read_slave.initialize(_db_from_url(read_slave_uri, db_kwargs)) def _db_transaction(): return config_object['DB_TRANSACTION_FACTORY'](db) @contextmanager def _ensure_under_transaction(): if not config_object['TESTING']: if db.transaction_depth() == 0: raise Exception('Expected to be under a transaction') yield db_transaction.initialize(_db_transaction) ensure_under_transaction.initialize(_ensure_under_transaction) def random_string_generator(length=16): def random_string(): random = SystemRandom() return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length)]) return random_string def uuid_generator(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) get_epoch_timestamp = lambda: int(time.time()) get_epoch_timestamp_ms = lambda: int(time.time() * 1000) def close_db_filter(_): if db.obj is not None and not db.is_closed(): logger.debug('Disconnecting from database.') db.close() if read_slave.obj is not None and not read_slave.is_closed(): logger.debug('Disconnecting from read slave.') read_slave.close() class QuayUserField(ForeignKeyField): def __init__(self, allows_robots=False, robot_null_delete=False, *args, **kwargs): self.allows_robots = allows_robots self.robot_null_delete = robot_null_delete if 'model' not in kwargs: kwargs['model'] = User super(QuayUserField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class EnumField(ForeignKeyField): """ Create a cached python Enum from an EnumTable """ def __init__(self, model, enum_key_field='name', *args, **kwargs): """ model is the EnumTable model-class (see ForeignKeyField) enum_key_field is the field from the EnumTable to use as the enum name """ self.enum_key_field = enum_key_field super(EnumField, self).__init__(model, *args, **kwargs) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def enum(self): """ Returns a python enun.Enum generated from the associated EnumTable """ values = [] for row in self.rel_model.select(): key = getattr(row, self.enum_key_field) value = getattr(row, 'id') values.append((key, value)) return Enum(self.rel_model.__name__, values) def get_id(self, name): """ Returns the ForeignKeyId from the name field Example: >>> Repository.repo_kind.get_id("application") 2 """ try: return self.enum[name].value except KeyError: raise self.rel_model.DoesNotExist def get_name(self, value): """ Returns the name value from the ForeignKeyId Example: >>> Repository.repo_kind.get_name(2) "application" """ try: return self.enum(value).name except ValueError: raise self.rel_model.DoesNotExist class BaseModel(ReadSlaveModel): class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) def __getattribute__(self, name): """ Adds _id accessors so that foreign key field IDs can be looked up without making a database roundtrip. """ if name.endswith('_id'): field_name = name[0:len(name) - 3] if field_name in self._meta.fields: return self.__data__.get(field_name) return super(BaseModel, self).__getattribute__(name) class User(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, max_length=36, null=True) username = CharField(unique=True, index=True) password_hash = CharField(null=True) email = CharField(unique=True, index=True, default=random_string_generator(length=64)) verified = BooleanField(default=False) stripe_id = CharField(index=True, null=True) organization = BooleanField(default=False, index=True) robot = BooleanField(default=False, index=True) invoice_email = BooleanField(default=False) invalid_login_attempts = IntegerField(default=0) last_invalid_login = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) removed_tag_expiration_s = IntegerField(default=1209600) # Two weeks enabled = BooleanField(default=True) invoice_email_address = CharField(null=True, index=True) given_name = CharField(null=True) family_name = CharField(null=True) company = CharField(null=True) location = CharField(null=True) maximum_queued_builds_count = IntegerField(null=True) creation_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow, null=True) last_accessed = DateTimeField(null=True, index=True) def delete_instance(self, recursive=False, delete_nullable=False): # If we are deleting a robot account, only execute the subset of queries necessary. if self.robot: # For all the model dependencies, only delete those that allow robots. for query, fk in reversed(list(self.dependencies(search_nullable=True))): if isinstance(fk, QuayUserField) and fk.allows_robots: _model = fk.model if fk.robot_null_delete: _model.update(**{fk.name: None}).where(query).execute() else: _model.delete().where(query).execute() # Delete the instance itself. super(User, self).delete_instance(recursive=False, delete_nullable=False) else: if not recursive: raise RuntimeError('Non-recursive delete on user.') # These models don't need to use transitive deletes, because the referenced objects # are cleaned up directly in the model. skip_transitive_deletes = {Image, Repository, Team, RepositoryBuild, ServiceKeyApproval, RepositoryBuildTrigger, ServiceKey, RepositoryPermission, TeamMemberInvite, Star, RepositoryAuthorizedEmail, TeamMember, RepositoryTag, PermissionPrototype, DerivedStorageForImage, TagManifest, AccessToken, OAuthAccessToken, BlobUpload, RepositoryNotification, OAuthAuthorizationCode, RepositoryActionCount, TagManifestLabel, TeamSync, RepositorySearchScore, DeletedNamespace} | appr_classes delete_instance_filtered(self, User, delete_nullable, skip_transitive_deletes) Namespace = User.alias() class RobotAccountMetadata(BaseModel): robot_account = QuayUserField(index=True, allows_robots=True, unique=True) description = CharField() unstructured_json = JSONField() class DeletedNamespace(BaseModel): namespace = QuayUserField(index=True, allows_robots=False, unique=True) marked = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now) original_username = CharField(index=True) original_email = CharField(index=True) queue_id = CharField(null=True, index=True) class UserPromptTypes(object): CONFIRM_USERNAME = 'confirm_username' ENTER_NAME = 'enter_name' ENTER_COMPANY = 'enter_company' class UserPromptKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True) class UserPrompt(BaseModel): user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=False, index=True) kind = ForeignKeyField(UserPromptKind) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('user', 'kind'), True), ) class TeamRole(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True) class Team(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True) organization = QuayUserField(index=True) role = ForeignKeyField(TeamRole) description = TextField(default='') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # A team name must be unique within an organization (('name', 'organization'), True), ) class TeamMember(BaseModel): user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, index=True) team = ForeignKeyField(Team) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # A user may belong to a team only once (('user', 'team'), True), ) class TeamMemberInvite(BaseModel): # Note: Either user OR email will be filled in, but not both. user = QuayUserField(index=True, null=True) email = CharField(null=True) team = ForeignKeyField(Team) inviter = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='inviter') invite_token = CharField(default=urn_generator(['teaminvite'])) class LoginService(BaseModel): name = CharField(unique=True, index=True) class TeamSync(BaseModel): team = ForeignKeyField(Team, unique=True) transaction_id = CharField() last_updated = DateTimeField(null=True, index=True) service = ForeignKeyField(LoginService) config = JSONField() class FederatedLogin(BaseModel): user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, index=True) service = ForeignKeyField(LoginService) service_ident = CharField() metadata_json = TextField(default='{}') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on service and the local service id (('service', 'service_ident'), True), # a user may only have one federated login per service (('service', 'user'), True), ) class Visibility(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class RepositoryKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class Repository(BaseModel): namespace_user = QuayUserField(null=True) name = FullIndexedCharField(match_function=db_match_func) visibility = EnumField(Visibility) description = FullIndexedTextField(match_function=db_match_func, null=True) badge_token = CharField(default=uuid_generator) kind = EnumField(RepositoryKind) trust_enabled = BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on namespace and name (('namespace_user', 'name'), True), ) def delete_instance(self, recursive=False, delete_nullable=False): if not recursive: raise RuntimeError('Non-recursive delete on repository.') # These models don't need to use transitive deletes, because the referenced objects # are cleaned up directly skip_transitive_deletes = {RepositoryTag, RepositoryBuild, RepositoryBuildTrigger, BlobUpload, Image, TagManifest, TagManifestLabel, Label, DerivedStorageForImage, RepositorySearchScore} | appr_classes delete_instance_filtered(self, Repository, delete_nullable, skip_transitive_deletes) class RepositorySearchScore(BaseModel): repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository, unique=True) score = BigIntegerField(index=True, default=0) last_updated = DateTimeField(null=True) class Star(BaseModel): user = ForeignKeyField(User) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on user and repository (('user', 'repository'), True), ) class Role(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class RepositoryPermission(BaseModel): team = ForeignKeyField(Team, null=True) user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, null=True) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) role = ForeignKeyField(Role) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('team', 'repository'), True), (('user', 'repository'), True), ) class PermissionPrototype(BaseModel): org = QuayUserField(index=True, backref='orgpermissionproto') uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator) activating_user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, index=True, null=True, backref='userpermissionproto') delegate_user = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, backref='receivingpermission', null=True) delegate_team = ForeignKeyField(Team, backref='receivingpermission', null=True) role = ForeignKeyField(Role) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('org', 'activating_user'), False), ) class AccessTokenKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(unique=True, index=True) class AccessToken(BaseModel): friendly_name = CharField(null=True) code = CharField(default=random_string_generator(length=64), unique=True, index=True) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now) role = ForeignKeyField(Role) temporary = BooleanField(default=True) kind = ForeignKeyField(AccessTokenKind, null=True) class BuildTriggerService(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class DisableReason(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class RepositoryBuildTrigger(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator) service = ForeignKeyField(BuildTriggerService) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) connected_user = QuayUserField() auth_token = CharField(null=True) private_key = TextField(null=True) config = TextField(default='{}') write_token = ForeignKeyField(AccessToken, null=True) pull_robot = QuayUserField(allows_robots=True, null=True, backref='triggerpullrobot', robot_null_delete=True) enabled = BooleanField(default=True) disabled_reason = EnumField(DisableReason, null=True) disabled_datetime = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow, null=True, index=True) successive_failure_count = IntegerField(default=0) successive_internal_error_count = IntegerField(default=0) class EmailConfirmation(BaseModel): code = CharField(default=random_string_generator(), unique=True, index=True) user = QuayUserField() pw_reset = BooleanField(default=False) new_email = CharField(null=True) email_confirm = BooleanField(default=False) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now) class ImageStorage(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True, unique=True) image_size = BigIntegerField(null=True) uncompressed_size = BigIntegerField(null=True) uploading = BooleanField(default=True, null=True) cas_path = BooleanField(default=True) content_checksum = CharField(null=True, index=True) class ImageStorageTransformation(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class ImageStorageSignatureKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class ImageStorageSignature(BaseModel): storage = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorage) kind = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorageSignatureKind) signature = TextField(null=True) uploading = BooleanField(default=True, null=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('kind', 'storage'), True), ) class ImageStorageLocation(BaseModel): name = CharField(unique=True, index=True) class ImageStoragePlacement(BaseModel): storage = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorage) location = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorageLocation) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # An image can only be placed in the same place once (('storage', 'location'), True), ) class UserRegion(BaseModel): user = QuayUserField(index=True, allows_robots=False) location = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorageLocation) indexes = ( (('user', 'location'), True), ) class Image(BaseModel): # This class is intentionally denormalized. Even though images are supposed # to be globally unique we can't treat them as such for permissions and # security reasons. So rather than Repository <-> Image being many to many # each image now belongs to exactly one repository. docker_image_id = CharField(index=True) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) # '/' separated list of ancestory ids, e.g. /1/2/6/7/10/ ancestors = CharField(index=True, default='/', max_length=64535, null=True) storage = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorage, null=True) created = DateTimeField(null=True) comment = TextField(null=True) command = TextField(null=True) aggregate_size = BigIntegerField(null=True) v1_json_metadata = TextField(null=True) v1_checksum = CharField(null=True) security_indexed = BooleanField(default=False, index=True) security_indexed_engine = IntegerField(default=IMAGE_NOT_SCANNED_ENGINE_VERSION, index=True) # We use a proxy here instead of 'self' in order to disable the foreign key constraint parent = DeferredForeignKey('Image', null=True, backref='children') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # we don't really want duplicates (('repository', 'docker_image_id'), True), (('security_indexed_engine', 'security_indexed'), False), ) def ancestor_id_list(self): """ Returns an integer list of ancestor ids, ordered chronologically from root to direct parent. """ return map(int, self.ancestors.split('/')[1:-1]) class DerivedStorageForImage(BaseModel): source_image = ForeignKeyField(Image) derivative = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorage) transformation = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorageTransformation) uniqueness_hash = CharField(null=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('source_image', 'transformation', 'uniqueness_hash'), True), ) class RepositoryTag(BaseModel): name = CharField() image = ForeignKeyField(Image) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) lifetime_start_ts = IntegerField(default=get_epoch_timestamp) lifetime_end_ts = IntegerField(null=True, index=True) hidden = BooleanField(default=False) reversion = BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('repository', 'name'), False), # This unique index prevents deadlocks when concurrently moving and deleting tags (('repository', 'name', 'lifetime_end_ts'), True), ) class TagManifest(BaseModel): tag = ForeignKeyField(RepositoryTag, unique=True) digest = CharField(index=True) json_data = TextField() class BUILD_PHASE(object): """ Build phases enum """ ERROR = 'error' INTERNAL_ERROR = 'internalerror' BUILD_SCHEDULED = 'build-scheduled' UNPACKING = 'unpacking' PULLING = 'pulling' BUILDING = 'building' PUSHING = 'pushing' WAITING = 'waiting' COMPLETE = 'complete' CANCELLED = 'cancelled' @classmethod def is_terminal_phase(cls, phase): return (phase == cls.COMPLETE or phase == cls.ERROR or phase == cls.INTERNAL_ERROR or phase == cls.CANCELLED) class TRIGGER_DISABLE_REASON(object): """ Build trigger disable reason enum """ BUILD_FALURES = 'successive_build_failures' INTERNAL_ERRORS = 'successive_build_internal_errors' USER_TOGGLED = 'user_toggled' class QueueItem(BaseModel): queue_name = CharField(index=True, max_length=1024) body = TextField() available_after = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) available = BooleanField(default=True) processing_expires = DateTimeField(null=True) retries_remaining = IntegerField(default=5) state_id = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True, unique=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) only_save_dirty = True indexes = ( (('processing_expires', 'available'), False), (('processing_expires', 'queue_name', 'available'), False), (('processing_expires', 'available_after', 'retries_remaining', 'available'), False), (('processing_expires', 'available_after', 'queue_name', 'retries_remaining', 'available'), False), ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Always change the queue item's state ID when we update it. self.state_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) super(QueueItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class RepositoryBuild(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) access_token = ForeignKeyField(AccessToken) resource_key = CharField(index=True, null=True) job_config = TextField() phase = CharField(default=BUILD_PHASE.WAITING) started = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) display_name = CharField() trigger = ForeignKeyField(RepositoryBuildTrigger, null=True) pull_robot = QuayUserField(null=True, backref='buildpullrobot', allows_robots=True, robot_null_delete=True) logs_archived = BooleanField(default=False) queue_id = CharField(null=True, index=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('repository', 'started', 'phase'), False), (('started', 'logs_archived', 'phase'), False), ) class LogEntryKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class LogEntry(BaseModel): kind = ForeignKeyField(LogEntryKind) account = IntegerField(index=True, column_name='account_id') performer = IntegerField(index=True, null=True, column_name='performer_id') repository = IntegerField(index=True, null=True, column_name='repository_id') datetime = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) ip = CharField(null=True) metadata_json = TextField(default='{}') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('account', 'datetime'), False), (('performer', 'datetime'), False), (('repository', 'datetime'), False), (('repository', 'datetime', 'kind'), False), ) class LogEntry2(BaseModel): """ TEMP FOR QUAY.IO ONLY. DO NOT RELEASE INTO QUAY ENTERPRISE. """ kind = ForeignKeyField(LogEntryKind) account = IntegerField(index=True, db_column='account_id') performer = IntegerField(index=True, null=True, db_column='performer_id') repository = IntegerField(index=True, null=True, db_column='repository_id') datetime = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) ip = CharField(null=True) metadata_json = TextField(default='{}') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('account', 'datetime'), False), (('performer', 'datetime'), False), (('repository', 'datetime'), False), (('repository', 'datetime', 'kind'), False), ) class RepositoryActionCount(BaseModel): repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) count = IntegerField() date = DateField(index=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on repository and date (('repository', 'date'), True), ) class OAuthApplication(BaseModel): client_id = CharField(index=True, default=random_string_generator(length=20)) client_secret = CharField(default=random_string_generator(length=40)) redirect_uri = CharField() application_uri = CharField() organization = QuayUserField() name = CharField() description = TextField(default='') avatar_email = CharField(null=True, column_name='gravatar_email') class OAuthAuthorizationCode(BaseModel): application = ForeignKeyField(OAuthApplication) code = CharField(index=True) scope = CharField() data = TextField() # Context for the code, such as the user class OAuthAccessToken(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True) application = ForeignKeyField(OAuthApplication) authorized_user = QuayUserField() scope = CharField() access_token = CharField(index=True) token_type = CharField(default='Bearer') expires_at = DateTimeField() refresh_token = CharField(index=True, null=True) data = TextField() # This is context for which this token was generated, such as the user class NotificationKind(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class Notification(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True) kind = ForeignKeyField(NotificationKind) target = QuayUserField(index=True, allows_robots=True) metadata_json = TextField(default='{}') created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) dismissed = BooleanField(default=False) lookup_path = CharField(null=True, index=True) class ExternalNotificationEvent(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class ExternalNotificationMethod(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class RepositoryNotification(BaseModel): uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True) repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) event = ForeignKeyField(ExternalNotificationEvent) method = ForeignKeyField(ExternalNotificationMethod) title = CharField(null=True) config_json = TextField() event_config_json = TextField(default='{}') number_of_failures = IntegerField(default=0) class RepositoryAuthorizedEmail(BaseModel): repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) email = CharField() code = CharField(default=random_string_generator(), unique=True, index=True) confirmed = BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on email and repository (('email', 'repository'), True), ) class BlobUpload(BaseModel): repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) uuid = CharField(index=True, unique=True) byte_count = BigIntegerField(default=0) sha_state = ResumableSHA256Field(null=True, default=resumablehashlib.sha256) location = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorageLocation) storage_metadata = JSONField(null=True, default={}) chunk_count = IntegerField(default=0) uncompressed_byte_count = BigIntegerField(null=True) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) piece_sha_state = ResumableSHA1Field(null=True) piece_hashes = Base64BinaryField(null=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # create a unique index on email and repository (('repository', 'uuid'), True), ) class QuayService(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class QuayRegion(BaseModel): name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class QuayRelease(BaseModel): service = ForeignKeyField(QuayService) version = CharField() region = ForeignKeyField(QuayRegion) reverted = BooleanField(default=False) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, index=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # unique release per region (('service', 'version', 'region'), True), # get recent releases (('service', 'region', 'created'), False), ) class TorrentInfo(BaseModel): storage = ForeignKeyField(ImageStorage) piece_length = IntegerField() pieces = Base64BinaryField() class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( # we may want to compute the piece hashes multiple times with different piece lengths (('storage', 'piece_length'), True), ) class ServiceKeyApprovalType(Enum): SUPERUSER = 'Super User API' KEY_ROTATION = 'Key Rotation' AUTOMATIC = 'Automatic' class ServiceKeyApproval(BaseModel): approver = QuayUserField(null=True) approval_type = CharField(index=True) approved_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) notes = TextField(default='') class ServiceKey(BaseModel): name = CharField() kid = CharField(unique=True, index=True) service = CharField(index=True) jwk = JSONField() metadata = JSONField() created_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow) expiration_date = DateTimeField(null=True) rotation_duration = IntegerField(null=True) approval = ForeignKeyField(ServiceKeyApproval, null=True) class MediaType(BaseModel): """ MediaType is an enumeration of the possible formats of various objects in the data model. """ name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class Messages(BaseModel): content = TextField() uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, max_length=36, index=True) severity = CharField(default='info', index=True) media_type = ForeignKeyField(MediaType) class LabelSourceType(BaseModel): """ LabelSourceType is an enumeration of the possible sources for a label. """ name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) mutable = BooleanField(default=False) class Label(BaseModel): """ Label represents user-facing metadata associated with another entry in the database (e.g. a Manifest). """ uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, index=True, unique=True) key = CharField(index=True) value = TextField() media_type = EnumField(MediaType) source_type = ForeignKeyField(LabelSourceType) class TagManifestLabel(BaseModel): """ Mapping from a tag manifest to a label. """ repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository, index=True) annotated = ForeignKeyField(TagManifest, index=True) label = ForeignKeyField(Label) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('annotated', 'label'), True), ) class ApprBlob(BaseModel): """ ApprBlob represents a content-addressable object stored outside of the database. """ digest = CharField(index=True, unique=True) media_type = EnumField(MediaType) size = BigIntegerField() uncompressed_size = BigIntegerField(null=True) class ApprBlobPlacementLocation(BaseModel): """ ApprBlobPlacementLocation is an enumeration of the possible storage locations for ApprBlobs. """ name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class ApprBlobPlacement(BaseModel): """ ApprBlobPlacement represents the location of a Blob. """ blob = ForeignKeyField(ApprBlob) location = EnumField(ApprBlobPlacementLocation) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('blob', 'location'), True), ) class ApprManifest(BaseModel): """ ApprManifest represents the metadata and collection of blobs that comprise an Appr image. """ digest = CharField(index=True, unique=True) media_type = EnumField(MediaType) manifest_json = JSONField() class ApprManifestBlob(BaseModel): """ ApprManifestBlob is a many-to-many relation table linking ApprManifests and ApprBlobs. """ manifest = ForeignKeyField(ApprManifest, index=True) blob = ForeignKeyField(ApprBlob, index=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('manifest', 'blob'), True), ) class ApprManifestList(BaseModel): """ ApprManifestList represents all of the various Appr manifests that compose an ApprTag. """ digest = CharField(index=True, unique=True) manifest_list_json = JSONField() schema_version = CharField() media_type = EnumField(MediaType) class ApprTagKind(BaseModel): """ ApprTagKind is a enumtable to reference tag kinds. """ name = CharField(index=True, unique=True) class ApprTag(BaseModel): """ ApprTag represents a user-facing alias for referencing an ApprManifestList. """ name = CharField() repository = ForeignKeyField(Repository) manifest_list = ForeignKeyField(ApprManifestList, null=True) lifetime_start = BigIntegerField(default=get_epoch_timestamp_ms) lifetime_end = BigIntegerField(null=True, index=True) hidden = BooleanField(default=False) reverted = BooleanField(default=False) protected = BooleanField(default=False) tag_kind = EnumField(ApprTagKind) linked_tag = ForeignKeyField('self', null=True, backref='tag_parents') class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('repository', 'name'), False), (('repository', 'name', 'hidden'), False), # This unique index prevents deadlocks when concurrently moving and deleting tags (('repository', 'name', 'lifetime_end'), True), ) ApprChannel = ApprTag.alias() class ApprManifestListManifest(BaseModel): """ ApprManifestListManifest is a many-to-many relation table linking ApprManifestLists and ApprManifests. """ manifest_list = ForeignKeyField(ApprManifestList, index=True) manifest = ForeignKeyField(ApprManifest, index=True) operating_system = CharField(null=True) architecture = CharField(null=True) platform_json = JSONField(null=True) media_type = EnumField(MediaType) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('manifest_list', 'media_type'), False), ) class AppSpecificAuthToken(BaseModel): """ AppSpecificAuthToken represents a token generated by a user for use with an external application where putting the user's credentials, even encrypted, is deemed too risky. """ user = QuayUserField() uuid = CharField(default=uuid_generator, max_length=36, index=True) title = CharField() token_code = CharField(default=random_string_generator(length=120), unique=True, index=True) created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now) expiration = DateTimeField(null=True) last_accessed = DateTimeField(null=True) class Meta: database = db read_slaves = (read_slave,) indexes = ( (('user', 'expiration'), False), ) appr_classes = set([ApprTag, ApprTagKind, ApprBlobPlacementLocation, ApprManifestList, ApprManifestBlob, ApprBlob, ApprManifestListManifest, ApprManifest, ApprBlobPlacement]) is_model = lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, BaseModel) and x is not BaseModel all_models = [model[1] for model in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], is_model)]