import { Input, Component, Inject } from 'ng-metadata/core'; import { Repository } from '../../../types/common.types'; /** * A component that links to a manifest view. */ @Component({ selector: 'manifest-link', templateUrl: '/static/js/directives/ui/manifest-link/manifest-link.component.html' }) export class ManifestLinkComponent { @Input('<') public repository: Repository; @Input('<') public manifestDigest: string; @Input('<') public imageId: string; private showingCopyBox: boolean = false; constructor(@Inject('$timeout') private $timeout, @Inject('$element') private $element) { } private hasSHA256(digest: string) { return digest && digest.indexOf('sha256:') == 0; } private getShortDigest(digest: string) { return digest.substr('sha256:'.length).substr(0, 12); } private showCopyBox() { this.showingCopyBox = true; // Necessary to wait for digest cycle to complete. this.$timeout(() => { this.$element.find('.modal').modal('show'); }, 10); }; private hideCopyBox() { this.$element.find('.modal').modal('hide'); // Wait for the modal to hide before removing from the DOM. this.$timeout(() => { this.showingCopyBox = false; }, 10); }; }