""" List, create and manage repository events/notifications. """

import logging
from flask import request

from endpoints.api import (
  RepositoryParamResource, nickname, resource, require_repo_admin, log_action,
  validate_json_request, request_error, path_param, disallow_for_app_repositories, InvalidRequest)
from endpoints.exception import NotFound
from notifications.models_interface import Repository
from notifications.notificationevent import NotificationEvent
from notifications.notificationmethod import (
  NotificationMethod, CannotValidateNotificationMethodException)
from endpoints.api.repositorynotification_models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepositoryNotificationList(RepositoryParamResource):
  """ Resource for dealing with listing and creating notifications on a repository. """
  schemas = {
    'NotificationCreateRequest': {
      'type': 'object',
      'description': 'Information for creating a notification on a repository',
      'required': [
      'properties': {
        'event': {
          'type': 'string',
          'description': 'The event on which the notification will respond',
        'method': {
          'type': 'string',
          'description': 'The method of notification (such as email or web callback)',
        'config': {
          'type': 'object',
          'description': 'JSON config information for the specific method of notification'
        'eventConfig': {
          'type': 'object',
          'description':  'JSON config information for the specific event of notification',
        'title': {
          'type': 'string',
          'description': 'The human-readable title of the notification',

  def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
    parsed = request.get_json()

    method_handler = NotificationMethod.get_method(parsed['method'])
      method_handler.validate(namespace_name, repository_name, parsed['config'])
    except CannotValidateNotificationMethodException as ex:
      raise request_error(message=ex.message)

    new_notification = model.create_repo_notification(namespace_name, repository_name,
                                                      parsed['event'], parsed['method'],
                                                      parsed['config'], parsed['eventConfig'],

    log_action('add_repo_notification', namespace_name, {
      'repo': repository_name,
      'namespace': namespace_name,
      'notification_id': new_notification.uuid,
      'event': new_notification.event_name,
      'method': new_notification.method_name}, repo_name=repository_name)
    return new_notification.to_dict(), 201

  def get(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
    """ List the notifications for the specified repository. """
    notifications = model.list_repo_notifications(namespace_name, repository_name)
    return {'notifications': [n.to_dict() for n in notifications]}

@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('uuid', 'The UUID of the notification')
class RepositoryNotification(RepositoryParamResource):
  """ Resource for dealing with specific notifications. """

  def get(self, namespace_name, repository_name, uuid):
    """ Get information for the specified notification. """
    found = model.get_repo_notification(uuid)
    if not found:
      raise NotFound()
    return found.to_dict()

  def delete(self, namespace_name, repository_name, uuid):
    """ Deletes the specified notification. """
    deleted = model.delete_repo_notification(namespace_name, repository_name, uuid)
    if not deleted:
      raise InvalidRequest("No repository notification found for: %s, %s, %s" %
                           (namespace_name, repository_name, uuid))

    log_action('delete_repo_notification', namespace_name, {
      'repo': repository_name,
      'namespace': namespace_name,
      'notification_id': uuid,
      'event': deleted.event_name,
      'method': deleted.method_name}, repo_name=repository_name)

    return 'No Content', 204

  def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name, uuid):
    """ Resets repository notification to 0 failures. """
    reset = model.reset_notification_number_of_failures(namespace_name, repository_name, uuid)
    if not reset:
      raise InvalidRequest("No repository notification found for: %s, %s, %s" %
                           (namespace_name, repository_name, uuid))

    log_action('reset_repo_notification', namespace_name, {
      'repo': repository_name,
      'namespace': namespace_name,
      'notification_id': uuid,
      'event': reset.event_name,
      'method': reset.method_name}, repo_name=repository_name)

    return 'No Content', 204

@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('uuid', 'The UUID of the notification')
class TestRepositoryNotification(RepositoryParamResource):
  """ Resource for queuing a test of a notification. """

  def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name, uuid):
    """ Queues a test notification for this repository. """
    test_note = model.queue_test_notification(uuid)
    if not test_note:
      raise InvalidRequest("No repository notification found for: %s, %s, %s" %
                           (namespace_name, repository_name, uuid))

    return {}, 200