import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../")) import logging from Crypto import Random from config_app.config_util.log import logfile_path from config_app.config_util.workers import get_worker_count logconfig = logfile_path(debug=True) bind = '' workers = get_worker_count('local', 2, minimum=2, maximum=8) worker_class = 'gevent' daemon = False pythonpath = '.' preload_app = True def post_fork(server, worker): # Reset the Random library to ensure it won't raise the "PID check failed." error after # gunicorn forks. Random.atfork() def when_ready(server): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('Starting local gunicorn with %s workers and %s worker class', workers, worker_class)