from flask.ext.mail import Message from app import mail, app CONFIRM_MESSAGE = """ This email address was recently used to register the username '%s' at

To confirm this email address, please click the following link: """ CHANGE_MESSAGE = """ This email address was recently asked to become the new e-mail address for username '%s' at

To confirm this email address, please click the following link: """ RECOVERY_MESSAGE = """ A user at has attempted to recover their account using this email.

If you made this request, please click the following link to recover your account and change your password:

If you did not make this request, your account has not been compromised and the user was not given access. Please disregard this email.
""" SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE = """ Event name: {0}
Customer id: {1}
Customer email: {2}
Quay user or org name: {3}
""" def send_change_email(username, email, token): msg = Message(' email change. Please confirm your email.', sender='', # Why do I need this? recipients=[email]) msg.html = CHANGE_MESSAGE % (username, token, token) mail.send(msg) def send_confirmation_email(username, email, token): msg = Message('Welcome to! Please confirm your email.', sender='', # Why do I need this? recipients=[email]) msg.html = CONFIRM_MESSAGE % (username, token, token) mail.send(msg) def send_recovery_email(email, token): msg = Message(' account recovery.', sender='', # Why do I need this? recipients=[email]) msg.html = RECOVERY_MESSAGE % (token, token) mail.send(msg) def send_invoice_email(email, contents): msg = Message(' payment received - Thank you!', sender='', # Why do I need this? recipients=[email]) msg.html = contents mail.send(msg) def send_subscription_change(event_name, customer_id, customer_email, quay_username): msg = Message(' Customer Subscription Change', sender='', # Why do I need this? recipients=['']) msg.html = SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE.format(event_name, customer_id, customer_email, quay_username) mail.send(msg)