import logging.config if __name__ == "__main__": logging.config.fileConfig('conf/logging.conf', disable_existing_loggers=False) import logging import argparse import os import requests import re import json import shutil import tarfile from docker import Client from docker.errors import APIError from tempfile import TemporaryFile, mkdtemp from zipfile import ZipFile from functools import partial from datetime import datetime, timedelta from threading import Event from uuid import uuid4 from collections import defaultdict from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from data import model from data.database import BUILD_PHASE from workers.worker import Worker, WorkerUnhealthyException, JobException from app import userfiles as user_files, build_logs, sentry, dockerfile_build_queue from endpoints.notificationhelper import spawn_notification from util.safetar import safe_extractall from util.dockerfileparse import parse_dockerfile, ParsedDockerfile, serialize_dockerfile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TIMEOUT_PERIOD_MINUTES = 20 CACHE_EXPIRATION_PERIOD_HOURS = 24 NO_TAGS = ['<none>:<none>'] RESERVATION_TIME = (TIMEOUT_PERIOD_MINUTES + 5) * 60 DOCKER_BASE_URL = None # Set this if you want to use a different docker URL/socket. def matches_system_error(status_str): """ Returns true if the given status string matches a known system error in the Docker builder. """ KNOWN_MATCHES = ['lxc-start: invalid', 'lxc-start: failed to', 'lxc-start: Permission denied'] for match in KNOWN_MATCHES: # 10 because we might have a Unix control code at the start. found = status_str.find(match[0:len(match) + 10]) if found >= 0 and found <= 10: return True return False class StatusWrapper(object): def __init__(self, build_uuid): self._uuid = build_uuid self._status = { 'total_commands': None, 'current_command': None, 'push_completion': 0.0, 'pull_completion': 0.0, } self.__exit__(None, None, None) def __enter__(self): return self._status def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): build_logs.set_status(self._uuid, self._status) class _IncompleteJsonError(Exception): def __init__(self, start_from): self.start_from = start_from class _StreamingJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): FLAGS = re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[ \t\n\r]*', FLAGS) def decode(self, s, _w=WHITESPACE.match): """Return the Python representation of ``s`` (a ``str`` or ``unicode`` instance containing a JSON document) """ start_from = 0 while start_from < len(s): try: obj, end = self.raw_decode(s[start_from:], idx=_w(s[start_from:], 0).end()) except ValueError: raise _IncompleteJsonError(start_from) end = _w(s[start_from:], end).end() start_from += end yield obj class StreamingDockerClient(Client): def _stream_helper(self, response): """Generator for data coming from a chunked-encoded HTTP response.""" content_buf = '' for content in response.iter_content(chunk_size=256): content_buf += content try: for val in json.loads(content_buf, cls=_StreamingJSONDecoder): yield val content_buf = '' except _IncompleteJsonError as exc: content_buf = content_buf[exc.start_from:] class DockerfileBuildContext(object): def __init__(self, build_context_dir, dockerfile_subdir, repo, tag_names, push_token, build_uuid, cache_size_gb, pull_credentials=None): self._build_dir = build_context_dir self._dockerfile_subdir = dockerfile_subdir self._repo = repo self._tag_names = tag_names self._push_token = push_token self._status = StatusWrapper(build_uuid) self._build_logger = partial(build_logs.append_log_message, build_uuid) self._pull_credentials = pull_credentials self._cache_size_gb = cache_size_gb # Note: We have two different clients here because we (potentially) login # with both, but with different credentials that we do not want shared between # the build and push operations. self._push_cl = StreamingDockerClient(timeout=1200, base_url = DOCKER_BASE_URL) self._build_cl = StreamingDockerClient(timeout=1200, base_url = DOCKER_BASE_URL) dockerfile_path = os.path.join(self._build_dir, dockerfile_subdir, 'Dockerfile') if not os.path.exists(dockerfile_path): raise RuntimeError('Build job did not contain a Dockerfile.') # Compute the number of steps with open(dockerfile_path, 'r') as dockerfileobj: self._parsed_dockerfile = parse_dockerfile( self.__inject_quay_repo_env(self._parsed_dockerfile, repo) self._num_steps = len(self._parsed_dockerfile.commands) with open(dockerfile_path, 'w') as dockerfileobj: dockerfileobj.write(serialize_dockerfile(self._parsed_dockerfile)) logger.debug('Will build and push to repo %s with tags named: %s', self._repo, self._tag_names) def __enter__(self): try: self.__cleanup_containers() self.__cleanup_images() self.__prune_cache() except APIError: sentry.client.captureException() message = 'Docker installation is no longer healthy.' logger.exception(message) raise WorkerUnhealthyException(message) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): shutil.rmtree(self._build_dir) try: self.__cleanup_containers() except APIError: sentry.client.captureException() message = 'Docker installation is no longer healthy.' logger.exception(message) raise WorkerUnhealthyException(message) @staticmethod def __inject_quay_repo_env(parsed_dockerfile, quay_reponame): env_command = { 'command': 'ENV', 'parameters': 'QUAY_REPOSITORY %s' % quay_reponame } for index, command in reversed(list(enumerate(parsed_dockerfile.commands))): if command['command'] == 'FROM': new_command_index = index + 1 logger.debug('Injecting env command at dockerfile index: %s', new_command_index) parsed_dockerfile.commands.insert(new_command_index, env_command) break @staticmethod def __total_completion(statuses, total_images): percentage_with_sizes = float(len(statuses.values()))/total_images sent_bytes = sum([status['current'] for status in statuses.values()]) total_bytes = sum([status['total'] for status in statuses.values()]) return float(sent_bytes)/total_bytes*percentage_with_sizes @staticmethod def __monitor_completion(status_stream, required_message, status_updater, status_completion_key, num_images=0): images = {} for status in status_stream: logger.debug('%s: %s', status_completion_key, status) if 'status' in status: status_msg = status['status'] if status_msg == required_message: if 'progressDetail' in status and 'id' in status: image_id = status['id'] detail = status['progressDetail'] if 'current' in detail and 'total' in detail: images[image_id] = detail with status_updater as status_update: status_update[status_completion_key] = \ DockerfileBuildContext.__total_completion(images, max(len(images), num_images)) elif 'errorDetail' in status: message = 'Error pushing image.' if 'message' in status['errorDetail']: message = str(status['errorDetail']['message']) raise RuntimeError(message) def pull(self): image_and_tag_tuple = self._parsed_dockerfile.get_image_and_tag() if image_and_tag_tuple is None or image_and_tag_tuple[0] is None: self._build_logger('Missing FROM command in Dockerfile', build_logs.ERROR) raise JobException('Missing FROM command in Dockerfile') image_and_tag = ':'.join(image_and_tag_tuple) # Login with the specified credentials (if any). if self._pull_credentials: logger.debug('Logging in with pull credentials: %s@%s', self._pull_credentials['username'], self._pull_credentials['registry']) self._build_logger('Pulling base image: %s' % image_and_tag, log_data = { 'phasestep': 'login', 'username': self._pull_credentials['username'], 'registry': self._pull_credentials['registry'] }) self._build_cl.login(self._pull_credentials['username'], self._pull_credentials['password'], registry=self._pull_credentials['registry'], reauth=True) # Pull the image, in case it was updated since the last build self._build_logger('Pulling base image: %s' % image_and_tag, log_data = { 'phasestep': 'pull', 'repo_url': image_and_tag }) pull_status = self._build_cl.pull(image_and_tag, stream=True) self.__monitor_completion(pull_status, 'Downloading', self._status, 'pull_completion') def build(self, reservation_extension_method): # Start the build itself. logger.debug('Starting build.') with self._status as status: status['total_commands'] = self._num_steps logger.debug('Building to tags named: %s', self._tag_names) context_path = os.path.join(self._build_dir, self._dockerfile_subdir) logger.debug('Final context path: %s exists: %s', context_path, os.path.exists(context_path)) build_status =, stream=True) current_step = 0 built_image = None for status in build_status: fully_unwrapped = "" if isinstance(status, dict): keys_to_extract = ['error', 'status', 'stream'] for key in keys_to_extract: if key in status: fully_unwrapped = status[key] break if not fully_unwrapped: logger.debug('Status dict did not have any extractable keys and was: %s', status) elif isinstance(status, basestring): fully_unwrapped = status status_str = str(fully_unwrapped.encode('utf-8')) # Check for system errors when building. if matches_system_error(status_str): raise WorkerUnhealthyException(status_str) logger.debug('Status: %s', status_str) step_increment ='Step ([0-9]+) :', status_str) if step_increment: self._build_logger(status_str, build_logs.COMMAND) current_step = int( logger.debug('Step now: %s/%s', current_step, self._num_steps) with self._status as status_update: status_update['current_command'] = current_step # Tell the queue that we're making progress every time we advance a step reservation_extension_method(RESERVATION_TIME) continue else: self._build_logger(status_str) complete = re.match(r'Successfully built ([a-z0-9]+)$', status_str) if complete: built_image = logger.debug('Final image ID is: %s', built_image) continue # Get the image count if not built_image: return return built_image def push(self, built_image): # Login to the registry host = re.match(r'([a-z0-9.:]+)/.+/.+$', self._repo) if not host: raise RuntimeError('Invalid repo name: %s' % self._repo) for protocol in ['https', 'http']: registry_endpoint = '%s://%s/v1/' % (protocol, logger.debug('Attempting login to registry: %s', registry_endpoint) try: self._push_cl.login('$token', self._push_token, registry=registry_endpoint) break except APIError: pass # Probably the wrong protocol for tag in self._tag_names: logger.debug('Tagging image %s as %s:%s', built_image, self._repo, tag) self._push_cl.tag(built_image, self._repo, tag) history = json.loads(self._push_cl.history(built_image)) num_images = len(history) logger.debug('Pushing to repo %s', self._repo) resp = self._push_cl.push(self._repo, stream=True) self.__monitor_completion(resp, 'Pushing', self._status, 'push_completion', num_images) def __cleanup_containers(self): # First clean up any containers that might be holding the images for running in self._build_cl.containers(quiet=True): logger.debug('Killing container: %s', running['Id']) self._build_cl.kill(running['Id']) # Next, remove all of the containers (which should all now be killed) for container in self._build_cl.containers(all=True, quiet=True): logger.debug('Removing container: %s', container['Id']) self._build_cl.remove_container(container['Id']) def __cleanup_images(self): """ Remove tags on internal nodes, and remove images older than the expiratino time. """ ids_to_images, ids_to_children = self.__compute_image_graph() # Untag all internal nodes, which are usually the base images for internal_id in ids_to_children.keys(): internal = ids_to_images[internal_id] if internal['RepoTags'] != NO_TAGS: for tag_name in internal['RepoTags']: self._build_cl.remove_image(tag_name) # Make sure all of the leaves have gibberish tags, and remove those older than our expiration leaves = set(ids_to_images.keys()) - set(ids_to_children.keys()) now = for leaf_id in leaves: leaf = ids_to_images[leaf_id] created = datetime.fromtimestamp(leaf['Created']) expiration = created + timedelta(hours=CACHE_EXPIRATION_PERIOD_HOURS) if expiration > now: # Assign a new tag as a uuid to preserve this image new_tag = str(uuid4()) self._build_cl.tag(leaf['Id'], new_tag) # Remove all of the existing tags if leaf['RepoTags'] != NO_TAGS: for tag_name in leaf['RepoTags']: self._build_cl.remove_image(tag_name) def __prune_cache(self): """ Remove the oldest leaf image until the cache size is the desired size. """ logger.debug('Pruning cache to size(gb): %s', self._cache_size_gb) while self.__compute_cache_size_gb() > self._cache_size_gb: logger.debug('Locating the oldest image in the cache to prune.') # Find the oldest tagged image and remove it oldest_creation_time = datetime.max oldest_image = None for image in self._build_cl.images(): created = datetime.fromtimestamp(image['Created']) if created < oldest_creation_time: oldest_creation_time = created oldest_image = image logger.debug('Removing oldest image from cache: %s', oldest_image['Id']) # Remove all tags on the oldest image if oldest_image['RepoTags'] == NO_TAGS: # Remove the image id directly since there are no tags self._build_cl.remove_image(oldest_image['Id']) else: # Remove all tags for tag_name in oldest_image['RepoTags']: self._build_cl.remove_image(tag_name) def __compute_cache_size_gb(self): all_images = self._build_cl.images(all=True) size_in_bytes = sum([img['Size'] for img in all_images]) size_in_gb = float(size_in_bytes)/1024/1024/1024 logger.debug('Computed cache size(gb) of: %s', size_in_gb) return size_in_gb def __compute_image_graph(self): all_images = self._build_cl.images(all=True) ids_to_images = {} ids_to_children = defaultdict(list) for image in all_images: if image['ParentId'] != '': ids_to_children[image['ParentId']].append(image) ids_to_images[image['Id']] = image return (ids_to_images, ids_to_children) class DockerfileBuildWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, cache_size_gb, *vargs, **kwargs): super(DockerfileBuildWorker, self).__init__(*vargs, **kwargs) self._mime_processors = { 'application/zip': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_zip, 'application/x-zip-compressed': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_zip, 'text/plain': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_dockerfile, 'application/octet-stream': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_dockerfile, 'application/x-tar': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_tarball, 'application/gzip': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_tarball, 'application/x-gzip': DockerfileBuildWorker.__prepare_tarball, } self._timeout = Event() self._cache_size_gb = cache_size_gb @staticmethod def __prepare_zip(request_file): build_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='docker-build-') # Save the zip file to temp somewhere with TemporaryFile() as zip_file: zip_file.write(request_file.content) to_extract = ZipFile(zip_file) to_extract.extractall(build_dir) return build_dir @staticmethod def __prepare_dockerfile(request_file): build_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='docker-build-') dockerfile_path = os.path.join(build_dir, "Dockerfile") with open(dockerfile_path, 'w') as dockerfile: dockerfile.write(request_file.content) return build_dir @staticmethod def __prepare_tarball(request_file): build_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='docker-build-') # Save the zip file to temp somewhere with'r|*', fileobj=request_file.raw) as tar_stream: safe_extractall(tar_stream, build_dir) return build_dir def watchdog(self): logger.debug('Running build watchdog code.') try: docker_cl = Client(base_url = DOCKER_BASE_URL) # Iterate the running containers and kill ones that have been running more than 20 minutes for container in docker_cl.containers(): start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(container['Created']) running_time = - start_time if running_time > timedelta(minutes=TIMEOUT_PERIOD_MINUTES): logger.warning('Container has been running too long: %s with command: %s', container['Id'], container['Command']) docker_cl.kill(container['Id']) self._timeout.set() except ConnectionError as exc: raise WorkerUnhealthyException(exc.message) def process_queue_item(self, job_details): self._timeout.clear() # Make sure we have more information for debugging problems sentry.client.user_context(job_details) repository_build = model.get_repository_build(job_details['namespace'], job_details['repository'], job_details['build_uuid']) pull_credentials = job_details.get('pull_credentials', None) job_config = json.loads(repository_build.job_config) resource_url = user_files.get_file_url(repository_build.resource_key, requires_cors=False) tag_names = job_config['docker_tags'] build_subdir = job_config['build_subdir'] repo = job_config['repository'] access_token = repository_build.access_token.code log_appender = partial(build_logs.append_log_message, repository_build.uuid) # Lookup and save the version of docker being used. docker_cl = Client(base_url = DOCKER_BASE_URL) docker_version = docker_cl.version().get('Version', '') dash = docker_version.find('-') # Strip any -tutum or whatever off of the version. if dash > 0: docker_version = docker_version[:dash] log_appender('initializing', build_logs.PHASE, log_data = { 'docker_version': docker_version }) log_appender('Docker version: %s' % docker_version) start_msg = ('Starting job with resource url: %s repo: %s' % (resource_url, repo)) logger.debug(start_msg) docker_resource = requests.get(resource_url, stream=True) c_type = docker_resource.headers['content-type'] if ';' in c_type: c_type = c_type.split(';')[0] filetype_msg = ('Request to build type: %s with repo: %s and tags: %s' % (c_type, repo, tag_names)) log_appender(filetype_msg) # Spawn a notification that the build has started. event_data = { 'build_id': repository_build.uuid, 'build_name': repository_build.display_name, 'docker_tags': tag_names, 'trigger_id': repository_build.trigger.uuid, 'trigger_kind': } spawn_notification(repository_build.repository, 'build_start', event_data, subpage='build?current=%s' % repository_build.uuid, pathargs=['build', repository_build.uuid]) # Setup a handler for spawning failure messages. def spawn_failure(message, event_data): event_data['error_message'] = message spawn_notification(repository_build.repository, 'build_failure', event_data, subpage='build?current=%s' % repository_build.uuid, pathargs=['build', repository_build.uuid]) if c_type not in self._mime_processors: log_appender('error', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.ERROR message = 'Unknown mime-type: %s' % c_type log_appender(message, build_logs.ERROR) spawn_failure(message, event_data) raise JobException(message) # Try to build the build directory package from the buildpack. log_appender('unpacking', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.UNPACKING build_dir = None try: build_dir = self._mime_processors[c_type](docker_resource) except Exception as ex: cur_message = ex.message or 'Error while unpacking build package' log_appender(cur_message, build_logs.ERROR) spawn_failure(cur_message, event_data) raise JobException(cur_message) # Start the build process. try: with DockerfileBuildContext(build_dir, build_subdir, repo, tag_names, access_token, repository_build.uuid, self._cache_size_gb, pull_credentials) as build_ctxt: log_appender('pulling', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.PULLING build_ctxt.pull() self.extend_processing(RESERVATION_TIME) log_appender('building', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.BUILDING built_image = if not built_image: log_appender('error', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.ERROR message = 'Unable to build dockerfile.' if self._timeout.is_set(): message = 'Build step was terminated after %s minutes.' % TIMEOUT_PERIOD_MINUTES log_appender(message, build_logs.ERROR) raise JobException(message) self.extend_processing(RESERVATION_TIME) log_appender('pushing', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.PUSHING build_ctxt.push(built_image) log_appender('complete', build_logs.PHASE) repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.COMPLETE # Spawn a notification that the build has completed. spawn_notification(repository_build.repository, 'build_success', event_data, subpage='build?current=%s' % repository_build.uuid, pathargs=['build', repository_build.uuid]) except WorkerUnhealthyException as exc: # Spawn a notification that the build has failed. log_appender('Worker has become unhealthy. Will retry shortly.', build_logs.ERROR) spawn_failure(exc.message, event_data) # Raise the exception to the queue. raise exc except JobException as exc: # Spawn a notification that the build has failed. spawn_failure(exc.message, event_data) # Raise the exception to the queue. raise exc except ConnectionError as exc: # A connection exception means the worker has become unhealthy (Docker is down) # so we re-raise as that exception. log_appender('Docker daemon has gone away. Will retry shortly.', build_logs.ERROR) raise WorkerUnhealthyException(exc.message) except Exception as exc: # Spawn a notification that the build has failed. spawn_failure(exc.message, event_data) # Write the error to the logs. sentry.client.captureException() log_appender('error', build_logs.PHASE) logger.exception('Exception when processing request.') repository_build.phase = BUILD_PHASE.ERROR log_appender(str(exc), build_logs.ERROR) # Raise the exception to the queue. raise JobException(str(exc)) if __name__ == "__main__": desc = 'Worker daemon to monitor dockerfile build' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument('--cachegb', default=20, type=float, help='Maximum cache size in gigabytes.') args = parser.parse_args() worker = DockerfileBuildWorker(args.cachegb, dockerfile_build_queue, reservation_seconds=RESERVATION_TIME) worker.start(start_status_server_port=8000)