import cStringIO as StringIO import os import logging import copy import boto.s3.connection import boto.s3.multipart import import boto.s3.key import from io import BufferedIOBase from uuid import uuid4 from collections import namedtuple from util.registry import filelike from storage.basestorage import BaseStorageV2, InvalidChunkException import app logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _PartUploadMetadata = namedtuple('_PartUploadMetadata', ['path', 'offset', 'length']) _CHUNKS_KEY = 'chunks' class StreamReadKeyAsFile(BufferedIOBase): def __init__(self, key): self._key = key def read(self, amt=None): if self.closed: return None resp = return resp def readable(self): return True @property def closed(self): return self._key.closed def close(self): self._key.close(fast=True) class _CloudStorage(BaseStorageV2): def __init__(self, connection_class, key_class, connect_kwargs, upload_params, storage_path, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name): super(_CloudStorage, self).__init__() self.automatic_chunk_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 self._initialized = False self._bucket_name = bucket_name self._access_key = access_key self._secret_key = secret_key self._root_path = storage_path self._connection_class = connection_class self._key_class = key_class self._upload_params = upload_params self._connect_kwargs = connect_kwargs self._cloud_conn = None self._cloud_bucket = None def _initialize_cloud_conn(self): if not self._initialized: self._cloud_conn = self._connection_class(self._access_key, self._secret_key, **self._connect_kwargs) self._cloud_bucket = self._cloud_conn.get_bucket(self._bucket_name) self._initialized = True def _debug_key(self, key): """Used for debugging only.""" orig_meth = key.bucket.connection.make_request def new_meth(*args, **kwargs): print '#' * 16 print args print kwargs print '#' * 16 return orig_meth(*args, **kwargs) key.bucket.connection.make_request = new_meth def _init_path(self, path=None): path = os.path.join(self._root_path, path) if path else self._root_path if path and path[0] == '/': return path[1:] return path def get_cloud_conn(self): self._initialize_cloud_conn() return self._cloud_conn def get_cloud_bucket(self): return self._cloud_bucket def get_content(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) if not key.exists(): raise IOError('No such key: \'{0}\''.format(path)) return key.get_contents_as_string() def put_content(self, path, content): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) key.set_contents_from_string(content, **self._upload_params) return path def get_supports_resumable_downloads(self): return True def get_direct_download_url(self, path, expires_in=60, requires_cors=False): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) k = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) return k.generate_url(expires_in) def get_direct_upload_url(self, path, mime_type, requires_cors=True): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) url = key.generate_url(300, 'PUT', headers={'Content-Type': mime_type}, encrypt_key=True) return url def stream_read(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) if not key.exists(): raise IOError('No such key: \'{0}\''.format(path)) while True: buf = if not buf: break yield buf def stream_read_file(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) if not key.exists(): raise IOError('No such key: \'{0}\''.format(path)) return StreamReadKeyAsFile(key) def __initiate_multipart_upload(self, path, content_type, content_encoding): # Minimum size of upload part size on S3 is 5MB self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) metadata = {} if content_type is not None: metadata['Content-Type'] = content_type if content_encoding is not None: metadata['Content-Encoding'] = content_encoding app.metric_queue.put('MultipartUploadStart', 1) return self._cloud_bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(path, metadata=metadata, **self._upload_params) def stream_write(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None): return self._stream_write_internal(path, fp, content_type, content_encoding) def _stream_write_internal(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, cancel_on_error=True, size=filelike.READ_UNTIL_END): mp = self.__initiate_multipart_upload(path, content_type, content_encoding) # We are going to reuse this but be VERY careful to only read the number of bytes written to it buf = StringIO.StringIO() num_part = 1 total_bytes_written = 0 while size == filelike.READ_UNTIL_END or total_bytes_written < size: bytes_to_copy = self.automatic_chunk_size if size != filelike.READ_UNTIL_END: # We never want to ask for more bytes than our caller has indicated to copy bytes_to_copy = min(bytes_to_copy, size - total_bytes_written) try: # Stage the bytes into the buffer for use with the multipart upload file API bytes_staged = self.stream_write_to_fp(fp, buf, bytes_to_copy) if bytes_staged == 0: break mp.upload_part_from_file(buf, num_part, size=bytes_staged) total_bytes_written += bytes_staged num_part += 1 except IOError: app.metric_queue.put('MultipartUploadFailure', 1) if cancel_on_error: mp.cancel_upload() return 0 if total_bytes_written > 0: app.metric_queue.put('MultipartUploadSuccess', 1) mp.complete_upload() return total_bytes_written def list_directory(self, path=None): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' ln = 0 if self._root_path != '/': ln = len(self._root_path) exists = False for key in self._cloud_bucket.list(prefix=path, delimiter='/'): exists = True name = if name.endswith('/'): yield name[ln:-1] else: yield name[ln:] if exists is False: # In order to be compliant with the LocalStorage API. Even though # S3 does not have a concept of folders. raise OSError('No such directory: \'{0}\''.format(path)) def exists(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) return key.exists() def remove(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) if key.exists(): # It's a file key.delete() return # We assume it's a directory if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' for key in self._cloud_bucket.list(prefix=path): key.delete() def get_checksum(self, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) k = self._cloud_bucket.lookup(key) if k is None: raise IOError('No such key: \'{0}\''.format(path)) return k.etag[1:-1][:7] def copy_to(self, destination, path): self._initialize_cloud_conn() # First try to copy directly via boto, but only if the storages are the # same type, with the same access information. if (self.__class__ == destination.__class__ and self._access_key == destination._access_key and self._secret_key == destination._secret_key): logger.debug('Copying file from %s to %s via a direct boto copy', self._cloud_bucket, destination._cloud_bucket) source_path = self._init_path(path) source_key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, source_path) destination._initialize_cloud_conn() dest_path = destination._init_path(path) source_key.copy(destination._cloud_bucket, dest_path) return # Fallback to a slower, default copy. logger.debug('Copying file from %s to %s via a streamed copy', self._cloud_bucket, destination) with self.stream_read_file(path) as fp: destination.stream_write(path, fp) def _rel_upload_path(self, uuid): return 'uploads/{0}'.format(uuid) def initiate_chunked_upload(self): self._initialize_cloud_conn() random_uuid = str(uuid4()) metadata = { _CHUNKS_KEY: [], } return random_uuid, metadata def stream_upload_chunk(self, uuid, offset, length, in_fp, storage_metadata): self._initialize_cloud_conn() # We are going to upload each chunk to a separate key chunk_path = self._rel_upload_path(str(uuid4())) bytes_written = self._stream_write_internal(chunk_path, in_fp, cancel_on_error=False, size=length) new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(storage_metadata) # We are only going to track keys to which data was confirmed written if bytes_written > 0: new_metadata[_CHUNKS_KEY].append(_PartUploadMetadata(chunk_path, offset, bytes_written)) return bytes_written, new_metadata def _chunk_generator(self, chunk_list): for chunk in chunk_list: yield filelike.StreamSlice(self.stream_read_file(chunk.path), 0, chunk.length) @staticmethod def _chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata): return [_PartUploadMetadata(*chunk_args) for chunk_args in storage_metadata[_CHUNKS_KEY]] def complete_chunked_upload(self, uuid, final_path, storage_metadata): self._initialize_cloud_conn() # Here is where things get interesting: we are going to try to assemble this server side # In order to be a candidate all parts (after offsets have been computed) must be at least 5MB server_side_assembly = True chunk_list = self._chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata) for chunk_offset, chunk in enumerate(chunk_list): # If the chunk is both too small, and not the last chunk, we rule out server side assembly if chunk.length < self.automatic_chunk_size and (chunk_offset + 1) < len(chunk_list): server_side_assembly = False break if server_side_assembly: logger.debug('Performing server side assembly of multi-part upload for: %s', final_path) try: # Awesome, we can do this completely server side, now we have to start a new multipart # upload and use copy_part_from_key to set all of the chunks. mpu = self.__initiate_multipart_upload(final_path, content_type=None, content_encoding=None) for chunk_offset, chunk in enumerate(chunk_list): abs_chunk_path = self._init_path(chunk.path) part_num = chunk_offset + 1 chunk_end_offset_inclusive = chunk.length - 1 mpu.copy_part_from_key(self.get_cloud_bucket().name, abs_chunk_path, part_num, 0, chunk_end_offset_inclusive) mpu.complete_upload() except IOError as ioe: # Something bad happened, log it and then give up msg = 'Exception when attempting server-side assembly for: %s' logger.exception(msg, final_path) mpu.cancel_upload() raise ioe else: logger.warning('Performing client side assmebly of multi-part upload for: %s', final_path) # We are going to turn all of the server side objects into a single file-like stream, and # pass that to stream_write to chunk and upload the final object. concatenated = filelike.FilelikeStreamConcat(self._chunk_generator(chunk_list)) self.stream_write(final_path, concatenated) def cancel_chunked_upload(self, uuid, storage_metadata): self._initialize_cloud_conn() # We have to go through and delete all of the uploaded chunks for chunk in self._chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata): self.remove(chunk.path) class S3Storage(_CloudStorage): def __init__(self, storage_path, s3_access_key, s3_secret_key, s3_bucket): upload_params = { 'encrypt_key': True, } connect_kwargs = {} super(S3Storage, self).__init__(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, boto.s3.key.Key, connect_kwargs, upload_params, storage_path, s3_access_key, s3_secret_key, s3_bucket) def setup(self): self.get_cloud_bucket().set_cors_xml(""" * GET 3000 Authorization * PUT 3000 Content-Type x-amz-acl origin """) class GoogleCloudStorage(_CloudStorage): def __init__(self, storage_path, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name): upload_params = {} connect_kwargs = {} super(GoogleCloudStorage, self).__init__(,, connect_kwargs, upload_params, storage_path, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name) def setup(self): self.get_cloud_bucket().set_cors_xml(""" * GET PUT Content-Type 3000 """) def _stream_write_internal(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, cancel_on_error=True, size=filelike.READ_UNTIL_END): # Minimum size of upload part size on S3 is 5MB self._initialize_cloud_conn() path = self._init_path(path) key = self._key_class(self._cloud_bucket, path) if content_type is not None: key.set_metadata('Content-Type', content_type) if content_encoding is not None: key.set_metadata('Content-Encoding', content_encoding) if size != filelike.READ_UNTIL_END: fp = filelike.StreamSlice(fp, 0, size) # TODO figure out how to handle cancel_on_error=False key.set_contents_from_stream(fp) return key.size class RadosGWStorage(_CloudStorage): def __init__(self, hostname, is_secure, storage_path, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name): upload_params = {} connect_kwargs = { 'host': hostname, 'is_secure': is_secure, 'calling_format': boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(), } super(RadosGWStorage, self).__init__(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, boto.s3.key.Key, connect_kwargs, upload_params, storage_path, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name) # TODO remove when radosgw supports cors: def get_direct_download_url(self, path, expires_in=60, requires_cors=False): if requires_cors: return None return super(RadosGWStorage, self).get_direct_download_url(path, expires_in, requires_cors) # TODO remove when radosgw supports cors: def get_direct_upload_url(self, path, mime_type, requires_cors=True): if requires_cors: return None return super(RadosGWStorage, self).get_direct_upload_url(path, mime_type, requires_cors)