import os
import tarfile
import copy

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from six import add_metaclass

from util.abchelpers import nooper

class TarLayerReadException(Exception):
  """ Exception raised when reading a layer has failed. """

# 9MB (+ padding below) so that it matches the 10MB expected by Gzip.
CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 9

class TarLayerFormatterReporter(object):
  def report_pass(self, stream_count):
    """ Reports a formatting pass. """

class NoopReporter(TarLayerFormatterReporter):

class TarLayerFormat(object):
  """ Class which creates a generator of the combined TAR data. """
  def __init__(self, tar_stream_getter_iterator, path_prefix=None, reporter=None):
    self.tar_stream_getter_iterator = tar_stream_getter_iterator
    self.path_prefix = path_prefix or ''
    self.reporter = reporter or NoopReporter()

  def get_generator(self):
    for stream_getter in self.tar_stream_getter_iterator():
      current_tar_stream = stream_getter()

      # Read the current TAR. If it is empty, we just continue
      # to the next one.
      tar_file = TarLayerFormat._tar_file_from_stream(current_tar_stream)
      if not tar_file:

      # For each of the tar entries, yield them IF and ONLY IF we have not
      # encountered the path before.
      dangling_hard_links = defaultdict(list)
      for tar_info in tar_file:
        if not self.should_append_file(

        # Note: We use a copy here because we need to make sure we copy over all the internal
        # data of the tar header. We cannot use frombuf(tobuf()), however, because it doesn't
        # properly handle large filenames.
        clone = copy.deepcopy(tar_info) = os.path.join(self.path_prefix,

        # If the entry is a *hard* link, then prefix it as well. Soft links are relative.
        if clone.linkname and clone.type == tarfile.LNKTYPE:
          # If the entry is a dangling hard link, we skip here. Dangling hard links will be handled
          # in a second pass.
          if self.is_skipped_file(tar_info.linkname):

          clone.linkname = os.path.join(self.path_prefix, clone.linkname)

        # Yield the tar header.
        yield clone.tobuf()

        # Try to extract any file contents for the tar. If found, we yield them as well.
        if tar_info.isreg():
          for block in TarLayerFormat._emit_file(tar_file, tar_info):
            yield block

      # Close the layer stream now that we're done with it.

      # If there are any dangling hard links, open a new stream and retarget the dangling hard
      # links to a new copy of the contents, which will be placed under the *first* dangling hard
      # link's name.
      if len(dangling_hard_links) > 0:
        tar_file = TarLayerFormat._tar_file_from_stream(stream_getter())
        if not tar_file:
          raise TarLayerReadException('Could not re-read tar layer')

        for tar_info in tar_file:
          # If we encounter a file that holds the data for a dangling link,
          # emit it under the name of the first dangling hard link. All other
          # dangling hard links will be retargeted to this first name.
          if in dangling_hard_links:
            first_dangling = dangling_hard_links[][0]

            # Copy the first dangling hard link, change it to a normal file,
            # and emit the deleted file's contents for it.
            clone = copy.deepcopy(first_dangling)
   = os.path.join(self.path_prefix,
            clone.type = tar_info.type
            clone.size = tar_info.size
            clone.pax_headers = tar_info.pax_headers
            yield clone.tobuf()

            for block in TarLayerFormat._emit_file(tar_file, tar_info):
              yield block

          elif (tar_info.type == tarfile.LNKTYPE and
                tar_info.linkname in dangling_hard_links and
                not self.is_skipped_file(
            # Retarget if necessary. All dangling hard links (but the first) will
            # need to be retargeted.
            first_dangling = dangling_hard_links[tar_info.linkname][0]
            if ==
              # Skip; the first dangling is handled above.

            # Retarget the hard link to the first dangling hard link.
            clone = copy.deepcopy(tar_info)
   = os.path.join(self.path_prefix,
            clone.linkname = os.path.join(self.path_prefix,
            yield clone.tobuf()

        # Close the layer stream now that we're done with it.

      # Conduct any post-tar work.
      self.reporter.report_pass(2 if len(dangling_hard_links) > 0 else 1)

    # Last two records are empty in TAR spec.
    yield '\0' * 512
    yield '\0' * 512

  def is_skipped_file(self, filename):
    """ Returns true if the file with the given name will be skipped during append.

  def should_append_file(self, filename):
    """ Returns true if the file with the given name should be appended when producing
        the new TAR.

  def after_tar_layer(self):
    """ Invoked after a TAR layer is added, to do any post-add work. """

  def _tar_file_from_stream(stream):
    tar_file = None
      tar_file ='r|*', fileobj=stream)
    except tarfile.ReadError as re:
      if re.message != 'empty file':
        raise TarLayerReadException('Could not read layer')

    return tar_file

  def _emit_file(tar_file, tar_info):
    file_stream = tar_file.extractfile(tar_info)
    if file_stream is not None:
      length = 0
      while True:
        current_block =
        if not len(current_block):

        yield current_block
        length += len(current_block)


      # Files must be padding to 512 byte multiples.
      if length % 512 != 0:
        yield '\0' * (512 - (length % 512))