import redis import json import time from util.dynamic import import_class from datetime import timedelta ONE_DAY = timedelta(days=1) SEVEN_DAYS = timedelta(days=7) class BuildStatusRetrievalError(Exception): pass class RedisBuildLogs(object): ERROR = 'error' COMMAND = 'command' PHASE = 'phase' def __init__(self, redis_config): args = dict(redis_config) args.update({'socket_connect_timeout': 5, 'socket_timeout': 5}) self._redis_config = redis_config self._redis = redis.StrictRedis(**args) @staticmethod def _logs_key(build_id): return 'builds/%s/logs' % build_id def append_log_entry(self, build_id, log_obj): """ Appends the serialized form of log_obj to the end of the log entry list and returns the new length of the list. """ pipeline = self._redis.pipeline(transaction=False) pipeline.expire(self._logs_key(build_id), SEVEN_DAYS) pipeline.rpush(self._logs_key(build_id), json.dumps(log_obj)) result = pipeline.execute() return result[1] def append_log_message(self, build_id, log_message, log_type=None, log_data=None): """ Wraps the message in an envelope and push it to the end of the log entry list and returns the index at which it was inserted. """ log_obj = { 'message': log_message } if log_type: log_obj['type'] = log_type if log_data: log_obj['data'] = log_data return self.append_log_entry(build_id, log_obj) - 1 def get_log_entries(self, build_id, start_index): """ Returns a tuple of the current length of the list and an iterable of the requested log entries. """ try: llen = self._redis.llen(self._logs_key(build_id)) log_entries = self._redis.lrange(self._logs_key(build_id), start_index, -1) return (llen, (json.loads(entry) for entry in log_entries)) except redis.RedisError as re: raise BuildStatusRetrievalError('Cannot retrieve build logs: %s' % re) def expire_status(self, build_id): """ Sets the status entry to expire in 1 day. """ self._redis.expire(self._status_key(build_id), ONE_DAY) def expire_log_entries(self, build_id): """ Sets the log entry to expire in 1 day. """ self._redis.expire(self._logs_key(build_id), ONE_DAY) def delete_log_entries(self, build_id): """ Delete the log entry """ self._redis.delete(self._logs_key(build_id)) @staticmethod def _status_key(build_id): return 'builds/%s/status' % build_id def set_status(self, build_id, status_obj): """ Sets the status key for this build to json serialized form of the supplied obj. """ self._redis.set(self._status_key(build_id), json.dumps(status_obj), ex=SEVEN_DAYS) def get_status(self, build_id): """ Loads the status information for the specified build id. """ try: fetched = self._redis.get(self._status_key(build_id)) except redis.RedisError as re: raise BuildStatusRetrievalError('Cannot retrieve build status: %s' % re) return json.loads(fetched) if fetched else None @staticmethod def _health_key(): return '_health' def check_health(self): try: args = dict(self._redis_config) args.update({'socket_connect_timeout': 1, 'socket_timeout': 1}) connection = redis.StrictRedis(**args) if not return (False, 'Could not ping redis') # Ensure we can write and read a key. connection.set(self._health_key(), time.time()) connection.get(self._health_key()) return (True, None) except redis.RedisError as re: return (False, 'Could not connect to redis: %s' % re.message) class BuildLogs(object): def __init__(self, app=None): = app if app is not None: self.state = self.init_app(app) else: self.state = None def init_app(self, app): buildlogs_config = app.config.get('BUILDLOGS_REDIS') if not buildlogs_config: # This is the old key name. buildlogs_config = { 'host': app.config.get('BUILDLOGS_REDIS_HOSTNAME') } buildlogs_options = app.config.get('BUILDLOGS_OPTIONS', []) buildlogs_import = app.config.get('BUILDLOGS_MODULE_AND_CLASS', None) if buildlogs_import is None: klass = RedisBuildLogs else: klass = import_class(buildlogs_import[0], buildlogs_import[1]) buildlogs = klass(buildlogs_config, *buildlogs_options) # register extension with app app.extensions = getattr(app, 'extensions', {}) app.extensions['buildlogs'] = buildlogs return buildlogs def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.state, name, None)