import {Component, Inject} from 'ng-metadata/core'; const templateUrl = require('./kube-deploy-modal.component.html'); const styleUrl = require('./kube-deploy-modal.css'); @Component({ selector: 'kube-deploy-modal', templateUrl, styleUrls: [ styleUrl ], }) export class KubeDeployModalComponent { private state : 'loadingDeployments' | 'readyToDeploy' | 'deployingConfiguration' | 'cyclingDeployments' | 'deployed' | 'error'; private errorMessage: string; private deploymentsStatus: { name: string, numPods: number }[] = []; constructor(@Inject('ApiService') private ApiService) { this.state = 'loadingDeployments'; ApiService.scGetNumDeployments().then(resp => { this.deploymentsStatus = => ({ name:, numPods: dep.status.replicas })); this.state = 'readyToDeploy'; }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `There are no Quay deployments active in this namespace. \ Please check that you are running this \ tool in the same namespace as the Quay Enterprise application\ Associated error message: ${err.toString()}`; }) } deployConfiguration(): void { this.ApiService.scDeployConfiguration().then(() => { const deploymentNames: string[]= =>; this.ApiService.scCycleQEDeployments({ deploymentNames }).then(() => { this.state = 'deployed' }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `Could cycle the deployments with the new configuration. Error: ${err.toString()}`; }) }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `Could not deploy the configuration. Error: ${err.toString()}`; }) } }