""" Create, list and manage an organization's teams. """ import json from functools import wraps from flask import request import features from app import avatar, authentication from auth.permissions import (AdministerOrganizationPermission, ViewTeamPermission, SuperUserPermission) from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user from auth import scopes from data import model from endpoints.api import (resource, nickname, ApiResource, validate_json_request, request_error, log_action, internal_only, require_scope, path_param, query_param, truthy_bool, parse_args, require_user_admin, show_if, format_date, verify_not_prod, require_fresh_login) from endpoints.exception import Unauthorized, NotFound, InvalidRequest from util.useremails import send_org_invite_email from util.names import parse_robot_username def permission_view(permission): return { 'repository': { 'name': permission.repository.name, 'is_public': permission.repository.visibility.name == 'public' }, 'role': permission.role.name } def try_accept_invite(code, user): (team, inviter) = model.team.confirm_team_invite(code, user) model.notification.delete_matching_notifications(user, 'org_team_invite', org=team.organization.username) orgname = team.organization.username log_action('org_team_member_invite_accepted', orgname, { 'member': user.username, 'team': team.name, 'inviter': inviter.username }) return team def handle_addinvite_team(inviter, team, user=None, email=None): requires_invite = features.MAILING and features.REQUIRE_TEAM_INVITE invite = model.team.add_or_invite_to_team(inviter, team, user, email, requires_invite=requires_invite) if not invite: # User was added to the team directly. return orgname = team.organization.username if user: model.notification.create_notification('org_team_invite', user, metadata={ 'code': invite.invite_token, 'inviter': inviter.username, 'org': orgname, 'team': team.name }) send_org_invite_email(user.username if user else email, user.email if user else email, orgname, team.name, inviter.username, invite.invite_token) return invite def team_view(orgname, team): view_permission = ViewTeamPermission(orgname, team.name) role = model.team.get_team_org_role(team).name return { 'name': team.name, 'description': team.description, 'can_view': view_permission.can(), 'role': role, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_team(team) } def member_view(member, invited=False): return { 'name': member.username, 'kind': 'user', 'is_robot': member.robot, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(member), 'invited': invited, } def invite_view(invite): if invite.user: return member_view(invite.user, invited=True) else: return { 'email': invite.email, 'kind': 'invite', 'avatar': avatar.get_data(invite.email, invite.email, 'user'), 'invited': True } def disallow_for_synced_team(except_robots=False): """ Disallows the decorated operation for a team that is marked as being synced from an internal auth provider such as LDAP. If except_robots is True, then the operation is allowed if the member specified on the operation is a robot account. """ def inner(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # Team syncing can only be enabled if we have a federated service. if authentication.federated_service: orgname = kwargs['orgname'] teamname = kwargs['teamname'] if model.team.get_team_sync_information(orgname, teamname): if not except_robots or not parse_robot_username(kwargs.get('membername', '')): raise InvalidRequest('Cannot call this method on an auth-synced team') return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return inner @resource('/v1/organization//team/') @path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization') @path_param('teamname', 'The name of the team') class OrganizationTeam(ApiResource): """ Resource for manging an organization's teams. """ schemas = { 'TeamDescription': { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Description of a team', 'required': [ 'role', ], 'properties': { 'role': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Org wide permissions that should apply to the team', 'enum': [ 'member', 'creator', 'admin', ], }, 'description': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Markdown description for the team', }, }, }, } @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('updateOrganizationTeam') @validate_json_request('TeamDescription') def put(self, orgname, teamname): """ Update the org-wide permission for the specified team. """ edit_permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if edit_permission.can(): team = None details = request.get_json() is_existing = False try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) is_existing = True except model.InvalidTeamException: # Create the new team. description = details['description'] if 'description' in details else '' role = details['role'] if 'role' in details else 'member' org = model.organization.get_organization(orgname) team = model.team.create_team(teamname, org, role, description) log_action('org_create_team', orgname, {'team': teamname}) if is_existing: if ('description' in details and team.description != details['description']): team.description = details['description'] team.save() log_action('org_set_team_description', orgname, {'team': teamname, 'description': team.description}) if 'role' in details: role = model.team.get_team_org_role(team).name if role != details['role']: team = model.team.set_team_org_permission(team, details['role'], get_authenticated_user().username) log_action('org_set_team_role', orgname, {'team': teamname, 'role': details['role']}) return team_view(orgname, team), 200 raise Unauthorized() @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('deleteOrganizationTeam') def delete(self, orgname, teamname): """ Delete the specified team. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): model.team.remove_team(orgname, teamname, get_authenticated_user().username) log_action('org_delete_team', orgname, {'team': teamname}) return '', 204 raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/organization//team//syncing') @path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization') @path_param('teamname', 'The name of the team') class OrganizationTeamSyncing(ApiResource): """ Resource for managing syncing of a team by a backing group. """ @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @require_scope(scopes.SUPERUSER) @nickname('enableOrganizationTeamSync') @verify_not_prod @require_fresh_login def post(self, orgname, teamname): # User must be both the org admin AND a superuser. if SuperUserPermission().can() and AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname).can(): try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() config = request.get_json() # Ensure that the specified config points to a valid group. status, err = authentication.check_group_lookup_args(config) if not status: raise InvalidRequest('Could not sync to group: %s' % err) # Set the team's syncing config. model.team.set_team_syncing(team, authentication.federated_service, config) return team_view(orgname, team) raise Unauthorized() @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @require_scope(scopes.SUPERUSER) @nickname('disableOrganizationTeamSync') @verify_not_prod @require_fresh_login def delete(self, orgname, teamname): # User must be both the org admin AND a superuser. if SuperUserPermission().can() and AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname).can(): try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() model.team.remove_team_syncing(orgname, teamname) return team_view(orgname, team) raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/organization//team//members') @path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization') @path_param('teamname', 'The name of the team') class TeamMemberList(ApiResource): """ Resource for managing the list of members for a team. """ @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @parse_args() @query_param('includePending', 'Whether to include pending members', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @nickname('getOrganizationTeamMembers') def get(self, orgname, teamname, parsed_args): """ Retrieve the list of members for the specified team. """ view_permission = ViewTeamPermission(orgname, teamname) edit_permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if view_permission.can(): team = None try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() members = model.organization.get_organization_team_members(team.id) invites = [] if parsed_args['includePending'] and edit_permission.can(): invites = model.team.get_organization_team_member_invites(team.id) data = { 'name': teamname, 'members': [member_view(m) for m in members] + [invite_view(i) for i in invites], 'can_edit': edit_permission.can(), } if authentication.federated_service: if SuperUserPermission().can() and AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname).can(): data['can_sync'] = { 'service': authentication.federated_service, } data['can_sync'].update(authentication.service_metadata()) sync_info = model.team.get_team_sync_information(orgname, teamname) if sync_info is not None: data['synced'] = { 'service': sync_info.service.name, } if SuperUserPermission().can(): data['synced'].update({ 'last_updated': format_date(sync_info.last_updated), 'config': json.loads(sync_info.config), }) return data raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/organization//team//members/') @path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization') @path_param('teamname', 'The name of the team') @path_param('membername', 'The username of the team member') class TeamMember(ApiResource): """ Resource for managing individual members of a team. """ @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('updateOrganizationTeamMember') @disallow_for_synced_team(except_robots=True) def put(self, orgname, teamname, membername): """ Adds or invites a member to an existing team. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): team = None user = None # Find the team. try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() # Find the user. user = model.user.get_user(membername) if not user: raise request_error(message='Unknown user') # Add or invite the user to the team. inviter = get_authenticated_user() invite = handle_addinvite_team(inviter, team, user=user) if not invite: log_action('org_add_team_member', orgname, {'member': membername, 'team': teamname}) return member_view(user, invited=False) # User was invited. log_action('org_invite_team_member', orgname, { 'user': membername, 'member': membername, 'team': teamname }) return member_view(user, invited=True) raise Unauthorized() @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('deleteOrganizationTeamMember') @disallow_for_synced_team(except_robots=True) def delete(self, orgname, teamname, membername): """ Delete a member of a team. If the user is merely invited to join the team, then the invite is removed instead. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): # Remote the user from the team. invoking_user = get_authenticated_user().username # Find the team. try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() # Find the member. member = model.user.get_user(membername) if not member: raise NotFound() # First attempt to delete an invite for the user to this team. If none found, # then we try to remove the user directly. if model.team.delete_team_user_invite(team, member): log_action('org_delete_team_member_invite', orgname, { 'user': membername, 'team': teamname, 'member': membername }) return '', 204 model.team.remove_user_from_team(orgname, teamname, membername, invoking_user) log_action('org_remove_team_member', orgname, {'member': membername, 'team': teamname}) return '', 204 raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/organization//team//invite/') @show_if(features.MAILING) class InviteTeamMember(ApiResource): """ Resource for inviting a team member via email address. """ @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('inviteTeamMemberEmail') @disallow_for_synced_team() def put(self, orgname, teamname, email): """ Invites an email address to an existing team. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): team = None # Find the team. try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() # Invite the email to the team. inviter = get_authenticated_user() invite = handle_addinvite_team(inviter, team, email=email) log_action('org_invite_team_member', orgname, { 'email': email, 'team': teamname, 'member': email }) return invite_view(invite) raise Unauthorized() @require_scope(scopes.ORG_ADMIN) @nickname('deleteTeamMemberEmailInvite') def delete(self, orgname, teamname, email): """ Delete an invite of an email address to join a team. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): team = None # Find the team. try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() # Delete the invite. if not model.team.delete_team_email_invite(team, email): raise NotFound() log_action('org_delete_team_member_invite', orgname, { 'email': email, 'team': teamname, 'member': email }) return '', 204 raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/organization//team//permissions') @path_param('orgname', 'The name of the organization') @path_param('teamname', 'The name of the team') class TeamPermissions(ApiResource): """ Resource for listing the permissions an org's team has in the system. """ @nickname('getOrganizationTeamPermissions') def get(self, orgname, teamname): """ Returns the list of repository permissions for the org's team. """ permission = AdministerOrganizationPermission(orgname) if permission.can(): try: team = model.team.get_organization_team(orgname, teamname) except model.InvalidTeamException: raise NotFound() permissions = model.permission.list_team_permissions(team) return { 'permissions': [permission_view(permission) for permission in permissions] } raise Unauthorized() @resource('/v1/teaminvite/') @internal_only @show_if(features.MAILING) class TeamMemberInvite(ApiResource): """ Resource for managing invites to join a team. """ @require_user_admin @nickname('acceptOrganizationTeamInvite') def put(self, code): """ Accepts an invite to join a team in an organization. """ # Accept the invite for the current user. team = try_accept_invite(code, get_authenticated_user()) if not team: raise NotFound() orgname = team.organization.username return { 'org': orgname, 'team': team.name } @nickname('declineOrganizationTeamInvite') @require_user_admin def delete(self, code): """ Delete an existing invitation to join a team. """ (team, inviter) = model.team.delete_team_invite(code, user_obj=get_authenticated_user()) model.notification.delete_matching_notifications(get_authenticated_user(), 'org_team_invite', code=code) orgname = team.organization.username log_action('org_team_member_invite_declined', orgname, { 'member': get_authenticated_user().username, 'team': team.name, 'inviter': inviter.username }) return '', 204