import re
import os.path
import hashlib

DIGEST_PATTERN = r'([A-Za-z0-9_+.-]+):([A-Fa-f0-9]+)'
REPLACE_WITH_PATH = re.compile(r'[+.]')
REPLACE_DOUBLE_SLASHES = re.compile(r'/+')

class InvalidDigestException(RuntimeError):

class Digest(object):

  def __init__(self, hash_alg, hash_bytes):
    self._hash_alg = hash_alg
    self._hash_bytes = hash_bytes

  def __str__(self):
    return '{0}:{1}'.format(self._hash_alg, self._hash_bytes)

  def __eq__(self, rhs):
    return isinstance(rhs, Digest) and str(self) == str(rhs)

  def parse_digest(digest):
    """ Returns the digest parsed out to its components. """
    match = Digest.DIGEST_REGEX.match(digest)
    if match is None or match.end() != len(digest):
      raise InvalidDigestException('Not a valid digest: %s', digest)

    return Digest(,

  def hash_alg(self):
    return self._hash_alg

  def hash_bytes(self):
    return self._hash_bytes

def content_path(digest):
  """ Returns a relative path to the parsed digest. """
  parsed = Digest.parse_digest(digest)
  components = []

  # Generate a prefix which is always two characters, and which will be filled with leading zeros
  # if the input does not contain at least two characters. e.g. ABC -> AB, A -> 0A
  prefix = parsed.hash_bytes[0:2].zfill(2)
  pathish = REPLACE_WITH_PATH.sub('/', parsed.hash_alg)
  normalized = REPLACE_DOUBLE_SLASHES.sub('/', pathish).lstrip('/')
  components.extend([normalized, prefix, parsed.hash_bytes])
  return os.path.join(*components)

def sha256_digest(content):
  """ Returns a sha256 hash of the content bytes in digest form. """
  def single_chunk_generator():
    yield content
  return sha256_digest_from_generator(single_chunk_generator())

def sha256_digest_from_generator(content_generator):
  """ Reads all of the data from the iterator and creates a sha256 digest from the content
  digest = hashlib.sha256()
  for chunk in content_generator:
  return 'sha256:{0}'.format(digest.hexdigest())

def sha256_digest_from_hashlib(sha256_hash_obj):
  return 'sha256:{0}'.format(sha256_hash_obj.hexdigest())

def digests_equal(lhs_digest_string, rhs_digest_string):
  """ Parse and compare the two digests, returns True if the digests are equal, False otherwise.
  return Digest.parse_digest(lhs_digest_string) == Digest.parse_digest(rhs_digest_string)