import os from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from collections import namedtuple from six import add_metaclass MigrationPhase = namedtuple('MigrationPhase', ['name', 'alembic_revision', 'flags']) @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class DataMigration(object): @abstractproperty def alembic_migration_revision(self): """ Returns the alembic migration revision corresponding to the currently configured phase. """ @abstractmethod def has_flag(self, flag): """ Returns true if the data migration's current phase has the given flag set. """ class NullDataMigration(DataMigration): @property def alembic_migration_revision(self): return 'head' def has_flag(self, flag): raise NotImplementedError() class DefinedDataMigration(DataMigration): def __init__(self, name, env_var, phases): assert phases = name self.phases = { phase for phase in phases} # Add a synthetic phase for new installations that skips the entire migration. self.phases['new-installation'] = phases[-1]._replace(name='new-installation', alembic_revision='head') phase_name = os.getenv(env_var) if phase_name is None: msg = 'Missing env var `%s` for data migration `%s`. %s' % (env_var,, self._error_suffix) raise Exception(msg) current_phase = self.phases.get(phase_name) if current_phase is None: msg = 'Unknown phase `%s` for data migration `%s`. %s' % (phase_name,, self._error_suffix) raise Exception(msg) self.current_phase = current_phase @property def _error_suffix(self): message = 'Available values for this migration: %s. ' % (self.phases.keys()) message += 'If this is a new installation, please use `new-installation`.' return message @property def alembic_migration_revision(self): assert self.current_phase return self.current_phase.alembic_revision def has_flag(self, flag): assert self.current_phase return flag in self.current_phase.flags