import { Input, Component, Inject } from 'ng-metadata/core'; /** * A component that displays the public information associated with an application repository. */ @Component({ selector: 'app-public-view', templateUrl: '/static/js/directives/ui/app-public-view/app-public-view.component.html' }) export class AppPublicViewComponent { @Input('<') public repository: any; private settingsShown: number = 0; private logsShown: number = 0; constructor(@Inject('Config') private Config: any) { this.updateDescription = this.updateDescription.bind(this); } public showSettings(): void { this.settingsShown++; } public showLogs(): void { this.logsShown++; } private updateDescription(content: string) { this.repository.description = content; this.repository.put(); } }