/** * An element which displays a dialog to register a new external notification on a repository. */ angular.module('quay').directive('createExternalNotificationDialog', function () { var directiveDefinitionObject = { priority: 0, templateUrl: '/static/directives/create-external-notification-dialog.html', replace: false, transclude: false, restrict: 'C', scope: { 'repository': '=repository', 'counter': '=counter', 'notificationCreated': '¬ificationCreated' }, controller: function($scope, $element, ExternalNotificationData, ApiService, $timeout, StringBuilderService) { $scope.currentEvent = null; $scope.currentMethod = null; $scope.status = ''; $scope.currentConfig = {}; $scope.currentEventConfig = {}; $scope.clearCounter = 0; $scope.unauthorizedEmail = false; $scope.events = ExternalNotificationData.getSupportedEvents(); $scope.methods = ExternalNotificationData.getSupportedMethods(); $scope.getPattern = function(field) { return new RegExp(field.regex); }; $scope.setEvent = function(event) { $scope.currentEvent = event; $scope.currentEventConfig = {}; }; $scope.setMethod = function(method) { $scope.currentConfig = {}; $scope.currentMethod = method; $scope.unauthorizedEmail = false; }; $scope.hasRegexMismatch = function(err, fieldName) { if (!err.pattern) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < err.pattern.length; ++i) { var current = err.pattern[i]; var value = current.$viewValue; var elem = $element.find('#' + fieldName); if (value == elem[0].value) { return true; } } return false; }; $scope.createNotification = function() { if (!$scope.currentConfig.email) { $scope.performCreateNotification(); return; } $scope.status = 'checking-email'; $scope.checkEmailAuthorization(); }; $scope.checkEmailAuthorization = function() { var params = { 'repository': $scope.repository.namespace + '/' + $scope.repository.name, 'email': $scope.currentConfig.email }; ApiService.checkRepoEmailAuthorized(null, params).then(function(resp) { $scope.handleEmailCheck(resp.confirmed); }, function(resp) { $scope.handleEmailCheck(false); }); }; $scope.performCreateNotification = function() { $scope.status = 'creating'; var params = { 'repository': $scope.repository.namespace + '/' + $scope.repository.name }; var data = { 'event': $scope.currentEvent.id, 'method': $scope.currentMethod.id, 'config': $scope.currentConfig, 'eventConfig': $scope.currentEventConfig, 'title': $scope.currentTitle }; ApiService.createRepoNotification(data, params).then(function(resp) { $scope.status = ''; $scope.notificationCreated({'notification': resp}); $('#createNotificationModal').modal('hide'); }); }; $scope.handleEmailCheck = function(isAuthorized) { if (isAuthorized) { $scope.performCreateNotification(); return; } if ($scope.status == 'authorizing-email-sent') { $scope.watchEmail(); } else { $scope.status = 'unauthorized-email'; } $scope.unauthorizedEmail = true; }; $scope.sendAuthEmail = function() { $scope.status = 'authorizing-email'; var params = { 'repository': $scope.repository.namespace + '/' + $scope.repository.name, 'email': $scope.currentConfig.email }; ApiService.sendAuthorizeRepoEmail(null, params).then(function(resp) { $scope.status = 'authorizing-email-sent'; $scope.watchEmail(); }); }; $scope.watchEmail = function() { // TODO: change this to SSE? $timeout(function() { $scope.checkEmailAuthorization(); }, 1000); }; $scope.getHelpUrl = function(field, config) { var helpUrl = field['help_url']; if (!helpUrl) { return null; } return StringBuilderService.buildUrl(helpUrl, config); }; $scope.$watch('counter', function(counter) { if (counter) { $scope.clearCounter++; $scope.status = ''; $scope.currentEvent = null; $scope.currentMethod = null; $scope.unauthorizedEmail = false; $('#createNotificationModal').modal({}); } }); } }; return directiveDefinitionObject; });