No matching user found
{{ user.username }}
Your account does not currently have a password. You will need to create a password before you will be able to push or pull repositories.
An e-mail has been sent to {{ sentEmail }} to verify the change.
Account e-mail address
{{ }}
Change e-mail address
Change Password
Password changed successfully
GitHub Login
This account is connected with GitHub account: {{githubLogin}}
Cannot convert this account into an organization, as it is a member of {{user.organizations.length}} other organization{{user.organizations.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}}. Please leave {{user.organizations.length > 1 ? 'those organizations' : 'that organization'}} first.
Note: Converting a user account into an organization cannot be undone

Convert to organization

{{ user.username }}
This will continue to be the namespace for your repositories
The username and password for the account that will become administrator of the organization