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import os
import logging
import base64
from collections import namedtuple
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESCCM
from import convert_secret_key
class DecryptionFailureException(Exception):
""" Exception raised if a field could not be decrypted. """
EncryptionVersion = namedtuple('EncryptionVersion', ['prefix', 'encrypt', 'decrypt'])
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _encrypt_ccm(secret_key, value, field_max_length=None):
aesccm = AESCCM(secret_key)
nonce = os.urandom(AES_CCM_NONCE_LENGTH)
ct = aesccm.encrypt(nonce, value.encode('utf-8'), None)
encrypted = base64.b64encode(nonce + ct)
if field_max_length:
msg = 'Tried to encode a value too large for this field'
assert (len(encrypted) + _RESERVED_FIELD_SPACE) <= field_max_length, msg
return encrypted
def _decrypt_ccm(secret_key, value):
aesccm = AESCCM(secret_key)
decoded = base64.b64decode(value)
nonce = decoded[:AES_CCM_NONCE_LENGTH]
ct = decoded[AES_CCM_NONCE_LENGTH:]
decrypted = aesccm.decrypt(nonce, ct, None)
return decrypted.decode('utf-8')
except Exception:
logger.exception('Got exception when trying to decrypt value `%s`', value)
raise DecryptionFailureException()
# Defines the versions of encryptions we support. This will allow us to upgrade to newer encryption
# protocols (fairly seamlessly) if need be in the future.
'v0': EncryptionVersion('v0', _encrypt_ccm, _decrypt_ccm),
_RESERVED_FIELD_SPACE = len(_SEPARATOR) + max([len(k) for k in _VERSIONS.keys()])
class FieldEncrypter(object):
""" Helper object for defining how fields are encrypted and decrypted between the database
and the application.
def __init__(self, secret_key, version='v0'):
# NOTE: secret_key will be None when the system is being first initialized, so we allow that
# case here, but make sure to assert that it is *not* None below if any encryption is actually
# needed.
self._secret_key = convert_secret_key(secret_key) if secret_key is not None else None
self._encryption_version = _VERSIONS[version]
def encrypt_value(self, value, field_max_length=None):
""" Encrypts the value using the current version of encryption. """
assert self._secret_key is not None
encrypted_value = self._encryption_version.encrypt(self._secret_key, value, field_max_length)
return '%s%s%s' % (self._encryption_version.prefix, _SEPARATOR, encrypted_value)
def decrypt_value(self, value):
""" Decrypts the value, returning it. If the value cannot be decrypted
raises a DecryptionFailureException.
assert self._secret_key is not None
if _SEPARATOR not in value:
raise DecryptionFailureException('Invalid encrypted value')
version_prefix, data = value.split(_SEPARATOR, 1)
if version_prefix not in _VERSIONS:
raise DecryptionFailureException('Unknown version prefix %s' % version_prefix)
return _VERSIONS[version_prefix].decrypt(self._secret_key, data)