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import pytest
from notifications.notificationevent import (BuildSuccessEvent, NotificationEvent,
from util.morecollections import AttrDict
from test.fixtures import *
@pytest.mark.parametrize('event_kind', NotificationEvent.event_names())
def test_create_notifications(event_kind):
assert NotificationEvent.get_event(event_kind) is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('event_name', NotificationEvent.event_names())
def test_build_notification(event_name, initialized_db):
# Create the notification event.
found = NotificationEvent.get_event(event_name)
sample_data = found.get_sample_data('foo', 'bar', {'level': 'low'})
# Make sure all calls succeed.
notification_data = {
'performer_data': {},
found.get_level(sample_data, notification_data)
found.get_summary(sample_data, notification_data)
found.get_message(sample_data, notification_data)
def test_build_emptyjson():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': None,
# No build data at all.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
def test_build_nofilter():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {},
# No build data at all.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata but no ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {},
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/somebranch',
}, notification_data)
def test_build_emptyfilter():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"ref-regex": ""},
# No build data at all.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata but no ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {},
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/somebranch',
}, notification_data)
def test_build_invalidfilter():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"ref-regex": "]["},
# No build data at all.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata but no ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {},
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/somebranch',
}, notification_data)
def test_build_withfilter():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"ref-regex": "refs/heads/master"},
# No build data at all.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata but no ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {},
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a not-matching ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/somebranch',
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a matching ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/master',
}, notification_data)
def test_build_withwildcardfilter():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"ref-regex": "refs/heads/.+"},
# No build data at all.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata but no ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {},
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a not-matching ref.
assert not BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/tags/sometag',
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and a matching ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/master',
}, notification_data)
# With trigger metadata and another matching ref.
assert BuildSuccessEvent().should_perform({
'trigger_metadata': {
'ref': 'refs/heads/somebranch',
}, notification_data)
def test_vulnerability_notification_nolevel():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {},
# No level specified.
assert VulnerabilityFoundEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
def test_vulnerability_notification_nopvulninfo():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"level": 3},
# No vuln info.
assert not VulnerabilityFoundEvent().should_perform({}, notification_data)
def test_vulnerability_notification_normal():
notification_data = AttrDict({
'event_config_dict': {"level": 3},
info = {"vulnerability": {"priority": "Critical"}}
assert VulnerabilityFoundEvent().should_perform(info, notification_data)