1200 lines
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1200 lines
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""" Superuser API. """
import json
import logging
import os
import string
import socket
import pathvalidate
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import SystemRandom
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from flask import request, make_response, jsonify
from tzlocal import get_localzone
import features
from app import (app, avatar, superusers, authentication, config_provider, license_validator,
all_queues, log_archive, build_logs)
from auth import scopes
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from auth.permissions import SuperUserPermission
from data.buildlogs import BuildStatusRetrievalError
from endpoints.api import (ApiResource, nickname, resource, validate_json_request,
internal_only, require_scope, show_if, parse_args,
query_param, abort, require_fresh_login, path_param, verify_not_prod,
page_support, log_action, InvalidRequest, format_date)
from endpoints.api.build import build_status_view, get_logs_or_log_url
from data import model, database
from data.database import ServiceKeyApprovalType
from endpoints.exception import NotFound
from util.useremails import send_confirmation_email, send_recovery_email
from util.license import decode_license, LicenseDecodeError
from util.security.ssl import load_certificate, CertInvalidException
from util.config.validator import EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY
from _init import ROOT_DIR
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _validate_logs_arguments(start_time, end_time, performer_name):
performer = None
if performer_name:
performer = model.user.get_user(performer_name)
if start_time:
start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time + ' UTC', '%m/%d/%Y %Z')
except ValueError:
start_time = None
if not start_time:
start_time = datetime.today() - timedelta(7) # One week
if end_time:
end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time + ' UTC', '%m/%d/%Y %Z')
end_time = end_time + timedelta(days=1)
except ValueError:
end_time = None
if not end_time:
end_time = datetime.today()
return start_time, end_time, performer
def get_immediate_subdirectories(directory):
return [name for name in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, name))]
def get_services():
services = set(get_immediate_subdirectories(app.config['SYSTEM_SERVICES_PATH']))
services = services - set(app.config['SYSTEM_SERVICE_BLACKLIST'])
return services
class SuperUserGetLogsForService(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching the kinds of system logs in the system. """
def get(self, service):
""" Returns the logs for the specific service. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
if not service in get_services():
logs = []
with open(app.config['SYSTEM_LOGS_FILE'], 'r') as f:
logs = [line for line in f if line.find(service + '[') >= 0]
except Exception:
logger.exception('Cannot read logs')
return {
'instance': socket.gethostname(),
'logs': '\n'.join(logs)
class SuperUserSystemLogServices(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching the kinds of system logs in the system. """
def get(self):
""" List the system logs for the current system. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
return {
'instance': socket.gethostname(),
'services': list(get_services())
def aggregated_log_view(log, kinds, start_time):
# Because we aggregate based on the day of the month in SQL, we only have that information.
# Therefore, create a synthetic date based on the day and the month of the start time.
# Logs are allowed for a maximum period of one week, so this calculation should always work.
synthetic_date = datetime(start_time.year, start_time.month, int(log.day), tzinfo=get_localzone())
if synthetic_date.day < start_time.day:
synthetic_date = synthetic_date + relativedelta(months=1)
view = {
'kind': kinds[log.kind_id],
'count': log.count,
'datetime': format_date(synthetic_date),
return view
def get_aggregate_logs(start_time, end_time, performer_name=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
(start_time, end_time, performer) = _validate_logs_arguments(start_time, end_time, performer_name)
kinds = model.log.get_log_entry_kinds()
aggregated_logs = model.log.get_aggregated_logs(start_time, end_time, performer=performer,
repository=repository, namespace=namespace,
return {
'aggregated': [aggregated_log_view(log, kinds, start_time) for log in aggregated_logs]
class SuperUserAggregateLogs(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching aggregated logs for the current user. """
@query_param('starttime', 'Earliest time from which to get logs. (%m/%d/%Y %Z)', type=str)
@query_param('endtime', 'Latest time to which to get logs. (%m/%d/%Y %Z)', type=str)
def get(self, parsed_args):
""" Returns the aggregated logs for the current system. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
start_time = parsed_args['starttime']
end_time = parsed_args['endtime']
return get_aggregate_logs(start_time, end_time)
def log_view(log, kinds, include_namespace):
view = {
'kind': kinds[log.kind_id],
'metadata': json.loads(log.metadata_json),
'ip': log.ip,
'datetime': format_date(log.datetime),
if log.performer and log.performer.username:
view['performer'] = {
'kind': 'user',
'name': log.performer.username,
'is_robot': log.performer.robot,
'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(log.performer),
if include_namespace:
if log.account and log.account.username:
if log.account.organization:
view['namespace'] = {
'kind': 'org',
'name': log.account.username,
'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_org(log.account),
view['namespace'] = {
'kind': 'user',
'name': log.account.username,
'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(log.account),
return view
def get_logs(start_time, end_time, performer_name=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
page_token=None, ignore=None):
(start_time, end_time, performer) = _validate_logs_arguments(start_time, end_time, performer_name)
kinds = model.log.get_log_entry_kinds()
logs_query = model.log.get_logs_query(start_time, end_time, performer=performer,
repository=repository, namespace=namespace,
logs, next_page_token = model.modelutil.paginate(logs_query, database.LogEntry, descending=True,
page_token=page_token, limit=LOGS_PER_PAGE)
include_namespace = namespace is None and repository is None
return {
'start_time': format_date(start_time),
'end_time': format_date(end_time),
'logs': [log_view(log, kinds, include_namespace) for log in logs],
}, next_page_token
class SuperUserLogs(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching all logs in the system. """
@query_param('starttime', 'Earliest time from which to get logs (%m/%d/%Y %Z)', type=str)
@query_param('endtime', 'Latest time to which to get logs (%m/%d/%Y %Z)', type=str)
@query_param('page', 'The page number for the logs', type=int, default=1)
def get(self, parsed_args, page_token):
""" List the usage logs for the current system. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
start_time = parsed_args['starttime']
end_time = parsed_args['endtime']
return get_logs(start_time, end_time, page_token=page_token)
def org_view(org):
return {
'name': org.username,
'email': org.email,
'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_org(org),
def user_view(user, password=None):
user_data = {
'kind': 'user',
'name': user.username,
'username': user.username,
'email': user.email,
'verified': user.verified,
'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(user),
'super_user': superusers.is_superuser(user.username),
'enabled': user.enabled,
if password is not None:
user_data['encrypted_password'] = authentication.encrypt_user_password(password)
return user_data
class ChangeLog(ApiResource):
""" Resource for returning the change log for enterprise customers. """
def get(self):
""" Returns the change log for this installation. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'CHANGELOG.md'), 'r') as f:
return {
'log': f.read()
class SuperUserOrganizationList(ApiResource):
""" Resource for listing organizations in the system. """
def get(self):
""" Returns a list of all organizations in the system. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
orgs = model.organization.get_organizations()
return {
'organizations': [org_view(org) for org in orgs]
class SuperUserList(ApiResource):
""" Resource for listing users in the system. """
schemas = {
'CreateInstallUser': {
'id': 'CreateInstallUser',
'description': 'Data for creating a user',
'required': ['username'],
'properties': {
'username': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The username of the user being created'
'email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The email address of the user being created'
def get(self):
""" Returns a list of all users in the system. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
users = model.user.get_active_users()
return {
'users': [user_view(user) for user in users]
def post(self):
""" Creates a new user. """
# Ensure that we are using database auth.
if app.config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] != 'Database':
user_information = request.get_json()
if SuperUserPermission().can():
# Generate a temporary password for the user.
random = SystemRandom()
password = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32)])
# Create the user.
username = user_information['username']
email = user_information.get('email')
prompts = model.user.get_default_user_prompts(features)
user = model.user.create_user(username, password, email, auto_verify=not features.MAILING,
email_required=features.MAILING, prompts=prompts)
# If mailing is turned on, send the user a verification email.
if features.MAILING:
confirmation = model.user.create_confirm_email_code(user)
send_confirmation_email(user.username, user.email, confirmation.code)
return {
'username': username,
'email': email,
'password': password,
'encrypted_password': authentication.encrypt_user_password(password),
class SuperUserSendRecoveryEmail(ApiResource):
""" Resource for sending a recovery user on behalf of a user. """
def post(self, username):
# Ensure that we are using database auth.
if app.config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] != 'Database':
if SuperUserPermission().can():
user = model.user.get_nonrobot_user(username)
if not user:
if superusers.is_superuser(username):
code = model.user.create_reset_password_email_code(user.email)
send_recovery_email(user.email, code.code)
return {
'email': user.email
@path_param('username', 'The username of the user being managed')
class SuperUserManagement(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing users in the system. """
schemas = {
'UpdateUser': {
'id': 'UpdateUser',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of updates for a user',
'properties': {
'password': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The new password for the user',
'email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The new e-mail address for the user',
'enabled': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Whether the user is enabled'
def get(self, username):
""" Returns information about the specified user. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
user = model.user.get_nonrobot_user(username)
if not user:
return user_view(user)
def delete(self, username):
""" Deletes the specified user. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
user = model.user.get_nonrobot_user(username)
if not user:
if superusers.is_superuser(username):
model.user.delete_user(user, all_queues, force=True)
return '', 204
def put(self, username):
""" Updates information about the specified user. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
user = model.user.get_nonrobot_user(username)
if not user:
if superusers.is_superuser(username):
user_data = request.get_json()
if 'password' in user_data:
# Ensure that we are using database auth.
if app.config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] != 'Database':
model.user.change_password(user, user_data['password'])
if 'email' in user_data:
# Ensure that we are using database auth.
if app.config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] != 'Database':
model.user.update_email(user, user_data['email'], auto_verify=True)
if 'enabled' in user_data:
# Disable/enable the user.
user.enabled = bool(user_data['enabled'])
if 'superuser' in user_data:
config_object = config_provider.get_config()
superusers_set = set(config_object['SUPER_USERS'])
if user_data['superuser']:
elif username in superusers_set:
config_object['SUPER_USERS'] = list(superusers_set)
return user_view(user, password=user_data.get('password'))
@path_param('namespace', 'The namespace of the user or organization being managed')
class SuperUserTakeOwnership(ApiResource):
""" Resource for a superuser to take ownership of a namespace. """
def post(self, namespace):
""" Takes ownership of the specified organization or user. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
# Disallow for superusers.
if superusers.is_superuser(namespace):
entity = model.user.get_user_or_org(namespace)
if entity is None:
authed_user = get_authenticated_user()
was_user = not entity.organization
if entity.organization:
# Add the superuser as an admin to the owners team of the org.
model.organization.add_user_as_admin(authed_user, entity)
# If the entity is a user, convert it to an organization and add the current superuser
# as the admin.
model.organization.convert_user_to_organization(entity, get_authenticated_user())
# Log the change.
log_metadata = {
'entity_id': entity.id,
'namespace': namespace,
'was_user': was_user,
'superuser': authed_user.username,
log_action('take_ownership', authed_user.username, log_metadata)
return jsonify({
'namespace': namespace
@path_param('name', 'The name of the organizaton being managed')
class SuperUserOrganizationManagement(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing organizations in the system. """
schemas = {
'UpdateOrg': {
'id': 'UpdateOrg',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of updates for an organization',
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The new name for the organization',
def delete(self, name):
""" Deletes the specified organization. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
org = model.organization.get_organization(name)
model.user.delete_user(org, all_queues)
return '', 204
def put(self, name):
""" Updates information about the specified user. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
org = model.organization.get_organization(name)
org_data = request.get_json()
if 'name' in org_data:
org = model.user.change_username(org.id, org_data['name'])
return org_view(org)
def key_view(key):
return {
'name': key.name,
'kid': key.kid,
'service': key.service,
'jwk': key.jwk,
'metadata': key.metadata,
'created_date': key.created_date,
'expiration_date': key.expiration_date,
'rotation_duration': key.rotation_duration,
'approval': approval_view(key.approval) if key.approval is not None else None,
def approval_view(approval):
return {
'approver': user_view(approval.approver) if approval.approver else None,
'approval_type': approval.approval_type,
'approved_date': approval.approved_date,
'notes': approval.notes,
class SuperUserServiceKeyManagement(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing service keys."""
schemas = {
'CreateServiceKey': {
'id': 'CreateServiceKey',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of creation of a service key',
'required': ['service', 'expiration'],
'properties': {
'service': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The service authenticating with this key',
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The friendly name of a service key',
'metadata': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'The key/value pairs of this key\'s metadata',
'notes': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'If specified, the extra notes for the key',
'expiration': {
'description': 'The expiration date as a unix timestamp',
'anyOf': [{'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'null'}],
def get(self):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
keys = model.service_keys.list_all_keys()
return jsonify({
'keys': [key_view(key) for key in keys],
def post(self):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
body = request.get_json()
# Ensure we have a valid expiration date if specified.
expiration_date = body.get('expiration', None)
if expiration_date is not None:
expiration_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(expiration_date))
except ValueError:
if expiration_date <= datetime.now():
# Create the metadata for the key.
user = get_authenticated_user()
metadata = body.get('metadata', {})
'created_by': 'Quay Superuser Panel',
'creator': user.username,
'ip': request.remote_addr,
# Generate a key with a private key that we *never save*.
(private_key, key) = model.service_keys.generate_service_key(body['service'], expiration_date,
name=body.get('name', ''))
# Auto-approve the service key.
model.service_keys.approve_service_key(key.kid, user, ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER,
notes=body.get('notes', ''))
# Log the creation and auto-approval of the service key.
key_log_metadata = {
'kid': key.kid,
'preshared': True,
'service': body['service'],
'name': body.get('name', ''),
'expiration_date': expiration_date,
'auto_approved': True,
log_action('service_key_create', None, key_log_metadata)
log_action('service_key_approve', None, key_log_metadata)
return jsonify({
'kid': key.kid,
'name': body.get('name', ''),
'service': body['service'],
'public_key': private_key.publickey().exportKey('PEM'),
'private_key': private_key.exportKey('PEM'),
@path_param('kid', 'The unique identifier for a service key')
class SuperUserServiceKey(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing service keys. """
schemas = {
'PutServiceKey': {
'id': 'PutServiceKey',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of updates for a service key',
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The friendly name of a service key',
'metadata': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'The key/value pairs of this key\'s metadata',
'expiration': {
'description': 'The expiration date as a unix timestamp',
'anyOf': [{'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'null'}],
def get(self, kid):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
key = model.service_keys.get_service_key(kid, approved_only=False, alive_only=False)
return jsonify(key_view(key))
except model.service_keys.ServiceKeyDoesNotExist:
def put(self, kid):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
body = request.get_json()
key = model.service_keys.get_service_key(kid, approved_only=False, alive_only=False)
except model.service_keys.ServiceKeyDoesNotExist:
key_log_metadata = {
'kid': key.kid,
'service': key.service,
'name': body.get('name', key.name),
'expiration_date': key.expiration_date,
if 'expiration' in body:
expiration_date = body['expiration']
if expiration_date is not None and expiration_date != '':
expiration_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(expiration_date))
except ValueError:
if expiration_date <= datetime.now():
'old_expiration_date': key.expiration_date,
'expiration_date': expiration_date,
log_action('service_key_extend', None, key_log_metadata)
model.service_keys.set_key_expiration(kid, expiration_date)
if 'name' in body or 'metadata' in body:
model.service_keys.update_service_key(kid, body.get('name'), body.get('metadata'))
log_action('service_key_modify', None, key_log_metadata)
updated_key = model.service_keys.get_service_key(kid, approved_only=False, alive_only=False)
return jsonify(key_view(updated_key))
def delete(self, kid):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
key = model.service_keys.delete_service_key(kid)
except model.service_keys.ServiceKeyDoesNotExist:
key_log_metadata = {
'kid': kid,
'service': key.service,
'name': key.name,
'created_date': key.created_date,
'expiration_date': key.expiration_date,
log_action('service_key_delete', None, key_log_metadata)
return make_response('', 204)
@path_param('kid', 'The unique identifier for a service key')
class SuperUserServiceKeyApproval(ApiResource):
""" Resource for approving service keys. """
schemas = {
'ApproveServiceKey': {
'id': 'ApproveServiceKey',
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Information for approving service keys',
'properties': {
'notes': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Optional approval notes',
def post(self, kid):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
notes = request.get_json().get('notes', '')
approver = get_authenticated_user()
key = model.service_keys.approve_service_key(kid, approver, ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER,
# Log the approval of the service key.
key_log_metadata = {
'kid': kid,
'service': key.service,
'name': key.name,
'expiration_date': key.expiration_date,
log_action('service_key_approve', None, key_log_metadata)
except model.ServiceKeyDoesNotExist:
except model.ServiceKeyAlreadyApproved:
return make_response('', 201)
class SuperUserCustomCertificates(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing custom certificates. """
def get(self):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
has_extra_certs_path = config_provider.volume_file_exists(EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY)
extra_certs_found = config_provider.list_volume_directory(EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY)
if extra_certs_found is None:
return {
'status': 'file' if has_extra_certs_path else 'none',
cert_views = []
for extra_cert_path in extra_certs_found:
cert_full_path = config_provider.get_volume_path(EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY, extra_cert_path)
with config_provider.get_volume_file(cert_full_path) as f:
certificate = load_certificate(f.read())
'path': extra_cert_path,
'names': list(certificate.names),
'expired': certificate.expired,
except CertInvalidException as cie:
'path': extra_cert_path,
'error': cie.message,
except IOError as ioe:
'path': extra_cert_path,
'error': ioe.message,
return {
'status': 'directory',
'certs': cert_views,
class SuperUserCustomCertificate(ApiResource):
""" Resource for managing a custom certificate. """
def post(self, certpath):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
uploaded_file = request.files['file']
if not uploaded_file:
# Save the certificate.
certpath = pathvalidate.sanitize_filename(certpath)
if not certpath.endswith('.crt'):
logger.debug('Saving custom certificate %s', certpath)
cert_full_path = config_provider.get_volume_path(EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY, certpath)
config_provider.save_volume_file(cert_full_path, uploaded_file)
logger.debug('Saved custom certificate %s', certpath)
# Validate the certificate.
logger.debug('Loading custom certificate %s', certpath)
with config_provider.get_volume_file(cert_full_path) as f:
except CertInvalidException:
logger.exception('Got certificate invalid error for cert %s', certpath)
return '', 204
except IOError:
logger.exception('Got IO error for cert %s', certpath)
return '', 204
# Call the update script to install the certificate immediately.
if not app.config['TESTING']:
logger.debug('Calling certs_install.sh')
if os.system('/conf/init/certs_install.sh') != 0:
logger.debug('certs_install.sh completed')
return '', 204
def delete(self, certpath):
if SuperUserPermission().can():
cert_full_path = config_provider.get_volume_path(EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY, certpath)
return '', 204
class SuperUserLicense(ApiResource):
""" Resource for getting and setting a license. """
schemas = {
'UpdateLicense': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Updates a license',
'required': [
'properties': {
'license': {
'type': 'string'
def get(self):
""" Returns the current decoded license. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
decoded_license = config_provider.get_license()
except LicenseDecodeError as le:
raise InvalidRequest(le.message)
statuses = decoded_license.validate(app.config)
all_met = all(status.is_met() for status in statuses)
return {
'status': [status.as_dict(for_private=True) for status in statuses],
'success': all_met,
def put(self):
""" Validates the given license contents and then saves it to the config volume. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
license_contents = request.get_json()['license']
decoded_license = decode_license(license_contents)
except LicenseDecodeError as le:
raise InvalidRequest(le.message)
statuses = decoded_license.validate(app.config)
all_met = all(status.is_met() for status in statuses)
if all_met:
# Save the license and update the license check thread.
return {
'status': [status.as_dict(for_private=True) for status in statuses],
'success': all_met,
@path_param('build_uuid', 'The UUID of the build')
class SuperUserRepositoryBuildLogs(ApiResource):
""" Resource for loading repository build logs for the superuser. """
def get(self, build_uuid):
""" Return the build logs for the build specified by the build uuid. """
if not SuperUserPermission().can():
return get_logs_or_log_url(model.build.get_repository_build(build_uuid))
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('build_uuid', 'The UUID of the build')
class SuperUserRepositoryBuildStatus(ApiResource):
""" Resource for dealing with repository build status. """
def get(self, build_uuid):
""" Return the status for the builds specified by the build uuids. """
if not SuperUserPermission().can():
build = model.build.get_repository_build(build_uuid)
return build_status_view(build)
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('build_uuid', 'The UUID of the build')
class SuperUserRepositoryBuildResource(ApiResource):
""" Resource for dealing with repository builds as a super user. """
def get(self, build_uuid):
""" Returns information about a build. """
if not SuperUserPermission().can():
build = model.build.get_repository_build(build_uuid)
except model.build.InvalidRepositoryBuildException:
raise NotFound()
return build_status_view(build)