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Jake Moshenko 411ddceee0 Merge pull request from coreos-inc/tidy
Delete all the old UI code and branches for new UI
2015-06-30 14:34:43 -04:00

307 lines
9.5 KiB

(function() {
* The Setup page provides a nice GUI walkthrough experience for setting up the Enterprise
* Registry.
angular.module('quayPages').config(['pages', function(pages) {
pages.create('setup', 'setup.html', SetupCtrl,
'newLayout': true,
'title': 'Enterprise Registry Setup'
function SetupCtrl($scope, $timeout, ApiService, Features, UserService, ContainerService, CoreDialog) {
if (!Features.SUPER_USERS) {
$scope.HOSTNAME_REGEX = '^[a-zA-Z-0-9\.]+(:[0-9]+)?$';
$scope.validateHostname = function(hostname) {
if (hostname.indexOf('') == 0 || hostname.indexOf('localhost') == 0) {
return 'Please specify a non-localhost hostname. "localhost" will refer to the container, not your machine.'
return null;
// Note: The values of the enumeration are important for isStepFamily. For example,
// *all* states under the "configuring db" family must start with "config-db".
$scope.States = {
// Loading the state of the product.
'LOADING': 'loading',
// The configuration directory is missing.
'MISSING_CONFIG_DIR': 'missing-config-dir',
// The config.yaml exists but it is invalid.
'INVALID_CONFIG': 'config-invalid',
// DB is being configured.
'CONFIG_DB': 'config-db',
// DB information is being validated.
'VALIDATING_DB': 'config-db-validating',
// DB information is being saved to the config.
'SAVING_DB': 'config-db-saving',
// A validation error occurred with the database.
'DB_ERROR': 'config-db-error',
// Database is being setup.
'DB_SETUP': 'setup-db',
// Database setup has succeeded.
'DB_SETUP_SUCCESS': 'setup-db-success',
// An error occurred when setting up the database.
'DB_SETUP_ERROR': 'setup-db-error',
// The container is being restarted for the database changes.
'DB_RESTARTING': 'setup-db-restarting',
// A superuser is being configured.
'CREATE_SUPERUSER': 'create-superuser',
// The superuser is being created.
'CREATING_SUPERUSER': 'create-superuser-creating',
// An error occurred when setting up the superuser.
'SUPERUSER_ERROR': 'create-superuser-error',
// The superuser was created successfully.
'SUPERUSER_CREATED': 'create-superuser-created',
// General configuration is being setup.
'CONFIG': 'config',
// The configuration is fully valid.
'VALID_CONFIG': 'valid-config',
// The container is being restarted for the configuration changes.
'CONFIG_RESTARTING': 'config-restarting',
// The product is ready for use.
'READY': 'ready'
$scope.csrf_token = window.__token;
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.LOADING;
$scope.errors = {};
$scope.stepProgress = [];
$scope.hasSSL = false;
$scope.hostname = null;
$scope.currentState = {
'hasDatabaseSSLCert': false
$scope.$watch('currentStep', function(currentStep) {
$scope.stepProgress = $scope.getProgress(currentStep);
switch (currentStep) {
case $scope.States.CONFIG:
case $scope.States.MISSING_CONFIG_DIR:
case $scope.States.INVALID_CONFIG:
case $scope.States.DB_SETUP:
// Fall-through.
case $scope.States.CREATE_SUPERUSER:
case $scope.States.DB_RESTARTING:
case $scope.States.CONFIG_DB:
case $scope.States.VALID_CONFIG:
case $scope.States.READY:
keyboard: false,
backdrop: 'static'
$scope.restartContainer = function(state) {
$scope.currentStep = state;
ContainerService.restartContainer(function() {
$scope.showSuperuserPanel = function() {
var prefix = $scope.hasSSL ? 'https' : 'http';
var hostname = $scope.hostname || document.location.hostname;
window.location = prefix + '://' + hostname + '/superuser';
$scope.configurationSaved = function(config) {
$scope.hasSSL = config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] == 'https';
$scope.hostname = config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'];
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.VALID_CONFIG;
$scope.getProgress = function(step) {
var isStep = $scope.isStep;
var isStepFamily = $scope.isStepFamily;
var States = $scope.States;
return [
isStepFamily(step, States.CONFIG_DB),
isStepFamily(step, States.DB_SETUP),
isStep(step, States.DB_RESTARTING),
isStepFamily(step, States.CREATE_SUPERUSER),
isStep(step, States.CONFIG),
isStep(step, States.VALID_CONFIG),
isStep(step, States.CONFIG_RESTARTING),
isStep(step, States.READY)
$scope.isStepFamily = function(step, family) {
if (!step) { return false; }
return step.indexOf(family) == 0;
$scope.isStep = function(step) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
if (arguments[i] == step) {
return true;
return false;
$scope.showInvalidConfigDialog = function() {
var message = "The <code>config.yaml</code> file found in <code>conf/stack</code> could not be parsed."
var title = "Invalid configuration file";
CoreDialog.fatal(title, message);
$scope.showMissingConfigDialog = function() {
var message = "A volume should be mounted into the container at <code>/conf/stack</code>: " +
"<br><br><pre>docker run -v /path/to/config:/conf/stack</pre>" +
"<br>Once fixed, restart the container. For more information, " +
"<a href=''>" +
"Read the Setup Guide</a>"
var title = "Missing configuration volume";
CoreDialog.fatal(title, message);
$scope.parseDbUri = function(value) {
if (!value) { return null; }
// Format: mysql+pymysql://<username>:<url escaped password>@<hostname>/<database_name>
var uri = URI(value);
return {
'kind': uri.protocol(),
'username': uri.username(),
'password': uri.password(),
'database': uri.path() ? uri.path().substr(1) : ''
$scope.serializeDbUri = function(fields) {
if (!fields['server']) { return ''; }
try {
if (!fields['server']) { return ''; }
if (!fields['database']) { return ''; }
var uri = URI();
uri = uri &&['server']);
uri = uri && uri.protocol(fields['kind']);
uri = uri && uri.username(fields['username']);
uri = uri && uri.password(fields['password']);
uri = uri && uri.path('/' + (fields['database'] || ''));
uri = uri && uri.toString();
} catch (ex) {
return '';
return uri;
$scope.createSuperUser = function() {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.CREATING_SUPERUSER;
ApiService.scCreateInitialSuperuser($scope.superUser, null).then(function(resp) {
}, function(resp) {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.SUPERUSER_ERROR;
$scope.errors.SuperuserCreationError = ApiService.getErrorMessage(resp, 'Could not create superuser');
$scope.performDatabaseSetup = function() {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.DB_SETUP;
ApiService.scSetupDatabase(null, null).then(function(resp) {
if (resp['error']) {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.DB_SETUP_ERROR;
$scope.errors.DatabaseSetupError = resp['error'];
} else {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.DB_SETUP_SUCCESS;
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Could not setup database. Please report this to support.'))
$scope.validateDatabase = function() {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.VALIDATING_DB;
$scope.databaseInvalid = null;
var data = {
'config': {
'DB_URI': $scope.databaseUri
if ($scope.currentState.hasDatabaseSSLCert) {
data['config']['DB_CONNECTION_ARGS'] = {
'ssl': {
'ca': 'conf/stack/database.pem'
var params = {
'service': 'database'
ApiService.scValidateConfig(data, params).then(function(resp) {
var status = resp.status;
if (status) {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.SAVING_DB;
ApiService.scUpdateConfig(data, null).then(function(resp) {
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot update config. Please report this to support'));
} else {
$scope.currentStep = $scope.States.DB_ERROR;
$scope.errors.DatabaseValidationError = resp.reason;
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot validate database. Please report this to support'));
$scope.checkStatus = function() {
ContainerService.checkStatus(function(resp) {
$scope.currentStep = resp['status'];
}, $scope.hasSSL);
// Load the initial status.