Before, we'd load *all* the robots, which can be a huge issue in namespaces with a large number of robots. Now, we only load the top-20 robots (as per recency in login), and we also limit the information returned to the entity search to save some bandwidth. Fixes
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* An element which displays a box to search for an entity (org, user, robot, team). This control
* allows for filtering of the entities found and whether to allow selection by e-mail.
angular.module('quay').directive('entitySearch', function () {
var number = 0;
var directiveDefinitionObject = {
priority: 0,
templateUrl: '/static/directives/entity-search.html',
replace: false,
transclude: false,
restrict: 'C',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
scope.ngModel = ctrl;
scope: {
'namespace': '=namespace',
'placeholder': '=placeholder',
'forRepository': '=forRepository',
'skipPermissions': '=skipPermissions',
// Default: ['user', 'team', 'robot']
'allowedEntities': '=allowedEntities',
'currentEntity': '=currentEntity',
'entitySelected': '&entitySelected',
'emailSelected': '&emailSelected',
// When set to true, the contents of the control will be cleared as soon
// as an entity is selected.
'autoClear': '=autoClear',
// Set this property to immediately clear the contents of the control.
'clearValue': '=clearValue',
// Whether e-mail addresses are allowed.
'allowEmails': '=allowEmails',
'emailMessage': '@emailMessage',
// True if the menu should pull right.
'pullRight': '@pullRight'
controller: function($rootScope, $scope, $element, Restangular, UserService, ApiService, UtilService, AvatarService, Config) {
$scope.requiresLazyLoading = true;
$scope.isLazyLoading = false;
$scope.userRequestedLazyLoading = false;
$scope.teams = null;
$ = {};
$ = null;
$scope.isAdmin = false;
$scope.isOrganization = false;
$scope.includeTeams = true;
$scope.includeRobots = true;
$scope.includeOrgs = false;
$scope.currentEntityInternal = $scope.currentEntity;
$scope.createRobotInfo = null;
$scope.createTeamInfo = null;
$scope.Config = Config;
var isSupported = function(kind, opt_array) {
return $.inArray(kind, opt_array || $scope.allowedEntities || ['user', 'team', 'robot']) >= 0;
var resetCache = function() {
$scope.requiresLazyLoading = true;
$scope.teams = null;
$ = null;
$scope.lazyLoad = function() {
$scope.userRequestedLazyLoading = true;
$scope.checkLazyLoad = function() {
if (!$scope.namespace || !$scope.thisUser || !$scope.requiresLazyLoading ||
$scope.isLazyLoading || !$scope.userRequestedLazyLoading) {
$scope.isLazyLoading = true;
$scope.isAdmin = UserService.isNamespaceAdmin($scope.namespace);
$scope.isOrganization = !!UserService.getOrganization($scope.namespace);
// Reset the cached teams and robots, just to be sure.
$scope.teams = null;
$ = null;
var requiredOperations = 0;
var operationComplete = function() {
if (requiredOperations <= 0) {
$scope.isLazyLoading = false;
$scope.requiresLazyLoading = false;
// Load the organization's teams (if applicable).
if ($scope.isOrganization && isSupported('team')) {
// Note: We load the org here directly so that we always have the fully up-to-date
// teams list.
ApiService.getOrganization(null, {'orgname': $scope.namespace}).then(function(resp) {
$scope.teams = Object.keys(resp.teams).map(function(key) {
return resp.teams[key];
}, operationComplete);
// Load the user/organization's robots (if applicable).
if ($scope.isAdmin && isSupported('robot')) {
var params = {
'token': false,
'limit': 20
ApiService.getRobots($scope.isOrganization ? $scope.namespace : null, null, params).then(function(resp) {
$ = resp.robots;
}, operationComplete);
if (requiredOperations == 0) {
$scope.askCreateTeam = function() {
$scope.createTeamInfo = {
'namespace': $scope.namespace,
'repository': $scope.forRepository,
'skip_permissions': $scope.skipPermissions
$scope.askCreateRobot = function() {
$scope.createRobotInfo = {
'namespace': $scope.namespace,
'repository': $scope.forRepository,
'skip_permissions': $scope.skipPermissions
$scope.handleTeamCreated = function(created) {
$scope.setEntity(, 'team', false, created.avatar);
if (created.new_team) {
$scope.handleRobotCreated = function(created) {
$scope.setEntity(, 'user', true, created.avatar);
$scope.setEntity = function(name, kind, is_robot, avatar) {
var entity = {
'name': name,
'kind': kind,
'is_robot': is_robot,
'avatar': avatar
if ($scope.isOrganization) {
entity['is_org_member'] = true;
$scope.setEntityInternal(entity, false);
$scope.clearEntityInternal = function() {
$scope.currentEntityInternal = null;
$scope.currentEntity = null;
$scope.entitySelected({'entity': null});
if ($scope.ngModel) {
$scope.ngModel.$setValidity('entity', false);
$scope.setEntityInternal = function(entity, updateTypeahead) {
// If the entity is an external entity, convert it to a known user via an API call.
if (entity.kind == 'external') {
var params = {
ApiService.linkExternalUser(null, params).then(function(resp) {
$scope.setEntityInternal(resp['entity'], updateTypeahead);
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Could not link external user'));
if (updateTypeahead) {
$(input).typeahead('val', $scope.autoClear ? '' :;
} else {
$(input).val($scope.autoClear ? '' :;
if (!$scope.autoClear) {
$scope.currentEntityInternal = entity;
$scope.currentEntity = entity;
$scope.entitySelected({'entity': entity});
if ($scope.ngModel) {
$scope.ngModel.$setValidity('entity', !!entity);
// Setup the typeahead.
var input = $element[0].firstChild.firstChild;
(function() {
// Create the bloodhound search query system.
$rootScope.__entity_search_counter = (($rootScope.__entity_search_counter || 0) + 1);
var entitySearchB = new Bloodhound({
name: 'entities' + $rootScope.__entity_search_counter,
remote: {
url: '/api/v1/entities/%QUERY',
replace: function (url, uriEncodedQuery) {
var namespace = $scope.namespace || '';
url = url.replace('%QUERY', uriEncodedQuery);
url += '?namespace=' + encodeURIComponent(namespace);
if ($scope.isOrganization && isSupported('team')) {
url += '&includeTeams=true'
if (isSupported('org')) {
url += '&includeOrgs=true'
return url;
filter: function(data) {
var datums = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; ++i) {
var entity = data.results[i];
var found = 'user';
if (entity.kind == 'user' || entity.kind == 'external') {
found = entity.is_robot ? 'robot' : 'user';
} else if (entity.kind == 'team') {
found = 'team';
} else if (entity.kind == 'org') {
found = 'org';
if (!isSupported(found)) {
'tokens': [],
'entity': entity
return datums;
datumTokenizer: function(d) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.val);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace
// Setup the typeahead.
'highlight': true,
'hint': false,
}, {
display: 'value',
source: entitySearchB.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
'notFound': function(info) {
// Only display the empty dialog if the server load has finished.
if (info.resultKind == 'remote') {
var val = $(input).val();
if (!val) {
return null;
if (UtilService.isEmailAddress(val)) {
if ($scope.allowEmails) {
return '<div class="tt-message">' + $scope.emailMessage + '</div>';
} else {
return '<div class="tt-empty">A ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT + ' username (not an e-mail address) must be specified</div>';
var classes = [];
if (isSupported('user')) { classes.push('users'); }
if (isSupported('org')) { classes.push('organizations'); }
if ($scope.isAdmin && isSupported('robot')) { classes.push('robot accounts'); }
if ($scope.isOrganization && isSupported('team')) { classes.push('teams'); }
if (classes.length == 0) {
return '<div class="tt-empty">No matching entities found</div>';
var class_string = '';
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
if (i == classes.length - 1) {
class_string += ' or ';
} else {
class_string += ', ';
class_string += classes[i];
return '<div class="tt-empty">No matching ' + Config.REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT + ' ' + class_string + ' found</div>';
return null;
'suggestion': function (datum) {
template = '<div class="entity-mini-listing">';
if (Config['AVATAR_KIND'] === 'gravatar' &&
((datum.entity.kind == 'user' && !datum.entity.is_robot) || (datum.entity.kind == 'org'))) {
template += '<i class="fa"><img class="avatar-image" src="' +
AvatarService.getAvatar(datum.entity.avatar.hash, 20, 'mm') +
} else if (datum.entity.kind == 'external') {
template += '<i class="fa fa-user fa-lg"></i>';
} else if (datum.entity.kind == 'user' && datum.entity.is_robot) {
template += '<i class="fa ci-robot fa-lg"></i>';
} else if (datum.entity.kind == 'team') {
template += '<i class="fa fa-group fa-lg"></i>';
template += '<span class="name">' + datum.value + '</span>';
if (datum.entity.title) {
template += '<span class="title">' + datum.entity.title + '</span>';
if (datum.entity.is_org_member === false && datum.entity.kind == 'user') {
template += '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" title="User is outside the organization"></i>';
template += '</div>';
return template;
$(input).on('keypress', function(e) {
var val = $(input).val();
var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (code == 13 && $scope.allowEmails && UtilService.isEmailAddress(val)) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.emailSelected({'email': val});
$(input).on('input', function(e) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$(input).on('typeahead:selected', function(e, datum) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.setEntityInternal(datum.entity, true);
$scope.$watch('clearValue', function() {
if (!input) { return; }
$(input).typeahead('val', '');
$scope.$watch('placeholder', function(title) {
input.setAttribute('placeholder', title);
$scope.$watch('allowedEntities', function(allowed) {
if (!allowed) { return; }
$scope.includeTeams = isSupported('team', allowed);
$scope.includeRobots = isSupported('robot', allowed);
$scope.$watch('namespace', function(namespace) {
if (!namespace) { return; }
UserService.updateUserIn($scope, function(currentUser){
if (currentUser.anonymous) { return; }
$scope.thisUser = currentUser;
$scope.$watch('currentEntity', function(entity) {
if ($scope.currentEntityInternal != entity) {
if (entity) {
$scope.setEntityInternal(entity, false);
} else {
return directiveDefinitionObject;