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295 lines
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from data.database import Team, TeamMember, TeamRole, User, TeamMemberInvite
from data.model import (DataModelException, InvalidTeamException, UserAlreadyInTeam,
InvalidTeamMemberException, user, _basequery)
from util.validation import validate_username
def create_team(name, org_obj, team_role_name, description=''):
(username_valid, username_issue) = validate_username(name)
if not username_valid:
raise InvalidTeamException('Invalid team name %s: %s' % (name, username_issue))
if not org_obj.organization:
raise InvalidTeamException('Specified organization %s was not an organization' %
team_role = TeamRole.get(TeamRole.name == team_role_name)
return Team.create(name=name, organization=org_obj, role=team_role,
def add_user_to_team(user_obj, team):
return TeamMember.create(user=user_obj, team=team)
except Exception:
raise UserAlreadyInTeam('User %s is already a member of team %s' %
(user_obj.username, team.name))
def remove_user_from_team(org_name, team_name, username, removed_by_username):
Org = User.alias()
joined = TeamMember.select().join(User).switch(TeamMember).join(Team)
with_role = joined.join(TeamRole)
with_org = with_role.switch(Team).join(Org,
on=(Org.id == Team.organization))
found = list(with_org.where(User.username == username,
Org.username == org_name,
Team.name == team_name))
if not found:
raise DataModelException('User %s does not belong to team %s' %
(username, team_name))
if username == removed_by_username:
admin_team_query = __get_user_admin_teams(org_name, username)
admin_team_names = {team.name for team in admin_team_query}
if team_name in admin_team_names and len(admin_team_names) <= 1:
msg = 'User cannot remove themselves from their only admin team.'
raise DataModelException(msg)
user_in_team = found[0]
def get_team_org_role(team):
return TeamRole.get(TeamRole.id == team.role.id)
def set_team_org_permission(team, team_role_name, set_by_username):
if team.role.name == 'admin' and team_role_name != 'admin':
# We need to make sure we're not removing the users only admin role
user_admin_teams = __get_user_admin_teams(team.organization.username, set_by_username)
admin_team_set = {admin_team.name for admin_team in user_admin_teams}
if team.name in admin_team_set and len(admin_team_set) <= 1:
msg = (('Cannot remove admin from team \'%s\' because calling user ' +
'would no longer have admin on org \'%s\'') %
(team.name, team.organization.username))
raise DataModelException(msg)
new_role = TeamRole.get(TeamRole.name == team_role_name)
team.role = new_role
return team
def __get_user_admin_teams(org_name, username):
Org = User.alias()
user_teams = Team.select().join(TeamMember).join(User)
with_org = user_teams.switch(Team).join(Org,
on=(Org.id == Team.organization))
with_role = with_org.switch(Team).join(TeamRole)
admin_teams = with_role.where(User.username == username,
Org.username == org_name,
TeamRole.name == 'admin')
return admin_teams
def remove_team(org_name, team_name, removed_by_username):
joined = Team.select(Team, TeamRole).join(User).switch(Team).join(TeamRole)
found = list(joined.where(User.organization == True,
User.username == org_name,
Team.name == team_name))
if not found:
raise InvalidTeamException('Team \'%s\' is not a team in org \'%s\'' %
(team_name, org_name))
team = found[0]
if team.role.name == 'admin':
admin_teams = list(__get_user_admin_teams(org_name, removed_by_username))
if len(admin_teams) <= 1:
# The team we are trying to remove is the only admin team for this user
msg = ('Deleting team \'%s\' would remove all admin from user \'%s\'' %
(team_name, removed_by_username))
raise DataModelException(msg)
team.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=True)
def add_or_invite_to_team(inviter, team, user_obj=None, email=None, requires_invite=True):
# If the user is a member of the organization, then we simply add the
# user directly to the team. Otherwise, an invite is created for the user/email.
# We return None if the user was directly added and the invite object if the user was invited.
if user_obj and requires_invite:
orgname = team.organization.username
# If the user is part of the organization (or a robot), then no invite is required.
if user_obj.robot:
requires_invite = False
if not user_obj.username.startswith(orgname + '+'):
raise InvalidTeamMemberException('Cannot add the specified robot to this team, ' +
'as it is not a member of the organization')
Org = User.alias()
found = User.select(User.username)
found = found.where(User.username == user_obj.username).join(TeamMember).join(Team)
found = found.join(Org, on=(Org.username == orgname)).limit(1)
requires_invite = not any(found)
# If we have a valid user and no invite is required, simply add the user to the team.
if user_obj and not requires_invite:
add_user_to_team(user_obj, team)
return None
email_address = email if not user_obj else None
return TeamMemberInvite.create(user=user_obj, email=email_address, team=team, inviter=inviter)
def get_matching_user_teams(team_prefix, user_obj, limit=10):
team_prefix_search = _basequery.prefix_search(Team.name, team_prefix)
query = (Team
.where(TeamMember.user == user_obj, team_prefix_search)
return query
def get_organization_team(orgname, teamname):
joined = Team.select().join(User)
query = joined.where(Team.name == teamname, User.organization == True,
User.username == orgname).limit(1)
result = list(query)
if not result:
raise InvalidTeamException('Team does not exist: %s/%s', orgname,
return result[0]
def get_matching_admined_teams(team_prefix, user_obj, limit=10):
team_prefix_search = _basequery.prefix_search(Team.name, team_prefix)
admined_orgs = (_basequery.get_user_organizations(user_obj.username)
.where(TeamRole.name == 'admin'))
query = (Team
.where(team_prefix_search, Team.organization << (admined_orgs))
return query
def get_matching_teams(team_prefix, organization):
team_prefix_search = _basequery.prefix_search(Team.name, team_prefix)
query = Team.select().where(team_prefix_search, Team.organization == organization)
return query.limit(10)
def get_teams_within_org(organization):
return Team.select().where(Team.organization == organization)
def get_user_teams_within_org(username, organization):
joined = Team.select().join(TeamMember).join(User)
return joined.where(Team.organization == organization,
User.username == username)
def list_organization_members_by_teams(organization):
query = (TeamMember
.select(Team, User)
.where(Team.organization == organization))
return query
def get_organization_team_member_invites(teamid):
joined = TeamMemberInvite.select().join(Team).join(User)
query = joined.where(Team.id == teamid)
return query
def delete_team_email_invite(team, email):
found = TeamMemberInvite.get(TeamMemberInvite.email == email, TeamMemberInvite.team == team)
def delete_team_user_invite(team, user_obj):
found = TeamMemberInvite.get(TeamMemberInvite.user == user_obj, TeamMemberInvite.team == team)
except TeamMemberInvite.DoesNotExist:
return False
return True
def lookup_team_invites(user_obj):
return TeamMemberInvite.select().where(TeamMemberInvite.user == user_obj)
def lookup_team_invite(code, user_obj=None):
# Lookup the invite code.
found = TeamMemberInvite.get(TeamMemberInvite.invite_token == code)
except TeamMemberInvite.DoesNotExist:
raise DataModelException('Invalid confirmation code.')
if user_obj and found.user != user_obj:
raise DataModelException('Invalid confirmation code.')
return found
def delete_team_invite(code, user_obj=None):
found = lookup_team_invite(code, user_obj)
team = found.team
inviter = found.inviter
return (team, inviter)
def find_matching_team_invite(code, user_obj):
""" Finds a team invite with the given code that applies to the given user and returns it or
raises a DataModelException if not found. """
found = lookup_team_invite(code)
# If the invite is for a specific user, we have to confirm that here.
if found.user is not None and found.user != user_obj:
message = """This invite is intended for user "%s".
Please login to that account and try again.""" % found.user.username
raise DataModelException(message)
return found
def confirm_team_invite(code, user_obj):
""" Confirms the given team invite code for the given user by adding the user to the team
and deleting the code. Raises a DataModelException if the code was not found or does
not apply to the given user. """
found = find_matching_team_invite(code, user_obj)
# If the invite is for a specific user, we have to confirm that here.
if found.user is not None and found.user != user_obj:
message = """This invite is intended for user "%s".
Please login to that account and try again.""" % found.user.username
raise DataModelException(message)
# Add the user to the team.
add_user_to_team(user_obj, found.team)
except UserAlreadyInTeam:
# Ignore.
# Delete the invite and return the team.
team = found.team
inviter = found.inviter
return (team, inviter)