- Implement logs model using Elasticsearch with tests - Implement transition model using both elasticsearch and database model - Add LOGS_MODEL configuration to choose which to use. Co-authored-by: Sida Chen <sidchen@redhat.com> Co-authored-by: Kenny Lee Sin Cheong <kenny.lee@redhat.com>
260 lines
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260 lines
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import json
import logging
from calendar import timegm
from peewee import JOIN, fn, PeeweeException
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from cachetools import lru_cache
import data
from data.database import (LogEntry, LogEntryKind, User, RepositoryActionCount, db, LogEntry3,
from data.model import config, user, DataModelException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _logs_query(selections, start_time=None, end_time=None, performer=None, repository=None,
namespace=None, ignore=None, model=LogEntry3, id_range=None):
""" Returns a query for selecting logs from the table, with various options and filters. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
assert (start_time is not None and end_time is not None) or (id_range is not None)
joined = (model.select(*selections).switch(model))
if id_range is not None:
joined = joined.where(model.id >= id_range[0], model.id <= id_range[1])
joined = joined.where(model.datetime >= start_time, model.datetime < end_time)
if repository:
joined = joined.where(model.repository == repository)
if performer:
joined = joined.where(model.performer == performer)
if namespace and not repository:
namespace_user = user.get_user_or_org(namespace)
if namespace_user is None:
raise DataModelException('Invalid namespace requested')
joined = joined.where(model.account == namespace_user.id)
if ignore:
kind_map = get_log_entry_kinds()
ignore_ids = [kind_map[kind_name] for kind_name in ignore]
joined = joined.where(~(model.kind << ignore_ids))
return joined
def get_log_entry_kinds():
kind_map = {}
for kind in LogEntryKind.select():
kind_map[kind.id] = kind.name
kind_map[kind.name] = kind.id
return kind_map
def _get_log_entry_kind(name):
kinds = get_log_entry_kinds()
return kinds[name]
def get_aggregated_logs(start_time, end_time, performer=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
ignore=None, model=LogEntry3):
""" Returns the count of logs, by kind and day, for the logs matching the given filters. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
date = db.extract_date('day', model.datetime)
selections = [model.kind, date.alias('day'), fn.Count(model.id).alias('count')]
query = _logs_query(selections, start_time, end_time, performer, repository, namespace, ignore,
return query.group_by(date, model.kind)
def get_logs_query(start_time=None, end_time=None, performer=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
ignore=None, model=LogEntry3, id_range=None):
""" Returns the logs matching the given filters. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
Performer = User.alias()
Account = User.alias()
selections = [model, Performer]
if namespace is None and repository is None:
query = _logs_query(selections, start_time, end_time, performer, repository, namespace, ignore,
model=model, id_range=id_range)
query = (query.switch(model).join(Performer, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER,
on=(model.performer == Performer.id).alias('performer')))
if namespace is None and repository is None:
query = (query.switch(model).join(Account, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER,
on=(model.account == Account.id).alias('account')))
return query
def _json_serialize(obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
return timegm(obj.utctimetuple())
return obj
def log_action(kind_name, user_or_organization_name, performer=None, repository=None, ip=None,
metadata={}, timestamp=None):
""" Logs an entry in the LogEntry table. """
if not timestamp:
timestamp = datetime.today()
account = None
if user_or_organization_name is not None:
account = User.get(User.username == user_or_organization_name).id
account = config.app_config.get('SERVICE_LOG_ACCOUNT_ID')
if account is None:
account = user.get_minimum_user_id()
if performer is not None:
performer = performer.id
if repository is not None:
repository = repository.id
kind = _get_log_entry_kind(kind_name)
metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, default=_json_serialize)
log_data = {
'kind': kind,
'account': account,
'performer': performer,
'repository': repository,
'ip': ip,
'metadata_json': metadata_json,
'datetime': timestamp
except PeeweeException as ex:
strict_logging_disabled = config.app_config.get('ALLOW_PULLS_WITHOUT_STRICT_LOGGING')
if strict_logging_disabled and kind_name in ACTIONS_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUDIT_LOGGING:
logger.exception('log_action failed', extra=({'exception': ex}).update(log_data))
def get_stale_logs_start_id(model):
""" Gets the oldest log entry. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
return (model.select(model.id).order_by(model.id).limit(1).tuples())[0][0]
except IndexError:
return None
def get_stale_logs_cutoff_id(cutoff_date, model):
""" Gets the most recent ID created before the cutoff_date. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
return (model.select(fn.Max(model.id)).where(model.datetime <= cutoff_date)
except IndexError:
return None
def get_stale_logs(start_id, end_id, model):
""" Returns all the logs with IDs between start_id and end_id inclusively. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
return model.select().where((model.id >= start_id), (model.id <= end_id))
def delete_stale_logs(start_id, end_id, model):
""" Deletes all the logs with IDs between start_id and end_id. """
# TODO(LogMigrate): Remove the branch once we're back on a single table.
model.delete().where((model.id >= start_id), (model.id <= end_id)).execute()
def get_repository_action_counts(repo, start_date):
""" Returns the daily aggregated action counts for the given repository, starting at the given
start date.
return RepositoryActionCount.select().where(RepositoryActionCount.repository == repo,
RepositoryActionCount.date >= start_date)
def get_repositories_action_sums(repository_ids):
""" Returns a map from repository ID to total actions within that repository in the last week. """
if not repository_ids:
return {}
# Filter the join to recent entries only.
last_week = datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=1)
tuples = (RepositoryActionCount.select(RepositoryActionCount.repository,
.where(RepositoryActionCount.repository << repository_ids)
.where(RepositoryActionCount.date >= last_week)
action_count_map = {}
for record in tuples:
action_count_map[record[0]] = record[1]
return action_count_map
def get_minimum_id_for_logs(start_time, repository_id=None, namespace_id=None, model=LogEntry3):
""" Returns the minimum ID for logs matching the given repository or namespace in
the logs table, starting at the given start time.
# First try bounded by a day. Most repositories will meet this criteria, and therefore
# can make a much faster query.
day_after = start_time + timedelta(days=1)
result = _get_bounded_id(fn.Min, model.datetime >= start_time,
repository_id, namespace_id, model.datetime < day_after, model=model)
if result is not None:
return result
return _get_bounded_id(fn.Min, model.datetime >= start_time, repository_id, namespace_id,
def get_maximum_id_for_logs(end_time, repository_id=None, namespace_id=None, model=LogEntry3):
""" Returns the maximum ID for logs matching the given repository or namespace in
the logs table, ending at the given end time.
# First try bounded by a day. Most repositories will meet this criteria, and therefore
# can make a much faster query.
day_before = end_time - timedelta(days=1)
result = _get_bounded_id(fn.Max, model.datetime <= end_time,
repository_id, namespace_id, model.datetime > day_before, model=model)
if result is not None:
return result
return _get_bounded_id(fn.Max, model.datetime <= end_time, repository_id, namespace_id,
def _get_bounded_id(fn, filter_clause, repository_id, namespace_id, reduction_clause=None,
assert (namespace_id is not None) or (repository_id is not None)
query = (model
if reduction_clause is not None:
query = query.where(reduction_clause)
if repository_id is not None:
query = query.where(model.repository == repository_id)
query = query.where(model.account == namespace_id)
row = query.tuples()[0]
if not row:
return None
return row[0]