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Joseph Schorr efdedba2ae Superuser config tool warnings
Adds warnings displayed in the superuser config tool that the changes made will only be applied to the local instance (in non-k8s case) or that a deployment is required (in the k8s case)

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2017-01-13 15:50:50 -05:00

450 lines
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""" Superuser Config API. """
import logging
import os
import signal
from flask import abort
from endpoints.api import (ApiResource, nickname, resource, internal_only, show_if,
require_fresh_login, request, validate_json_request, verify_not_prod,
from endpoints.common import common_login
from app import app, config_provider, superusers, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY
from data import model
from data.database import configure
from auth.permissions import SuperUserPermission
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from data.database import User
from util.config.configutil import add_enterprise_config_defaults
from util.config.database import sync_database_with_config
from util.config.validator import validate_service_for_config, CONFIG_FILENAMES
from util.license import decode_license, LicenseDecodeError
from data.runmigration import run_alembic_migration
from data.users import get_federated_service_name, get_users_handler
import features
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def database_is_valid():
""" Returns whether the database, as configured, is valid. """
if app.config['TESTING']:
return False
return True
return False
def database_has_users():
""" Returns whether the database has any users defined. """
return bool(list(
class SuperUserRegistryStatus(ApiResource):
""" Resource for determining the status of the registry, such as if config exists,
if a database is configured, and if it has any defined users.
def get(self):
""" Returns the status of the registry. """
# If we have SETUP_COMPLETE, then we're ready to go!
if app.config.get('SETUP_COMPLETE', False):
return {
'provider_id': config_provider.provider_id,
'requires_restart': config_provider.requires_restart(app.config),
'status': 'ready'
# If there is no conf/stack volume, then report that status.
if not config_provider.volume_exists():
return {
'status': 'missing-config-dir'
# If there is no license file, we need to ask the user to upload it.
if not config_provider.has_license_file():
return {
'status': 'upload-license'
# If there is no config file, we need to setup the database.
if not config_provider.config_exists():
return {
'status': 'config-db'
# If the database isn't yet valid, then we need to set it up.
if not database_is_valid():
return {
'status': 'setup-db'
return {
'status': 'create-superuser' if not database_has_users() else 'config'
class _AlembicLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self):
super(_AlembicLogHandler, self).__init__()
self.records = []
def emit(self, record):
'level': record.levelname,
'message': record.getMessage()
class SuperUserSetupDatabase(ApiResource):
""" Resource for invoking alembic to setup the database. """
def get(self):
""" Invokes the alembic upgrade process. """
# Note: This method is called after the database configured is saved, but before the
# database has any tables. Therefore, we only allow it to be run in that unique case.
if config_provider.config_exists() and not database_is_valid():
# Note: We need to reconfigure the database here as the config has changed.
combined = dict(**app.config)
app.config['DB_URI'] = combined['DB_URI']
log_handler = _AlembicLogHandler()
except Exception as ex:
return {
'error': str(ex)
return {
'logs': log_handler.records
class SuperUserShutdown(ApiResource):
""" Resource for sending a shutdown signal to the container. """
def post(self):
""" Sends a signal to the phusion init system to shut down the container. """
# Note: This method is called to set the database configuration before super users exists,
# so we also allow it to be called if there is no valid registry configuration setup.
if app.config['TESTING'] or not database_has_users() or SuperUserPermission().can():
# Note: We skip if debugging locally.
if app.config.get('DEBUGGING') == True:
return {}
os.kill(1, signal.SIGINT)
return {}
class SuperUserConfig(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching and updating the current configuration, if any. """
schemas = {
'UpdateConfig': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Updates the YAML config file',
'required': [
'properties': {
'config': {
'type': 'object'
'hostname': {
'type': 'string'
'password': {
'type': 'string'
def get(self):
""" Returns the currently defined configuration, if any. """
if SuperUserPermission().can():
config_object = config_provider.get_config()
return {
'config': config_object
def put(self):
""" Updates the config override file. """
# Note: This method is called to set the database configuration before super users exists,
# so we also allow it to be called if there is no valid registry configuration setup.
if not config_provider.config_exists() or SuperUserPermission().can():
config_object = request.get_json()['config']
hostname = request.get_json()['hostname']
# Add any enterprise defaults missing from the config.
add_enterprise_config_defaults(config_object, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], hostname)
# Write the configuration changes to the config override file.
# If the authentication system is not the database, link the superuser account to the
# the authentication system chosen.
if config_object.get('AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'Database') != 'Database':
current_user = get_authenticated_user()
if current_user is None:
service_name = get_federated_service_name(config_object['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'])
if not model.user.lookup_federated_login(current_user, service_name):
# Verify the user's credentials and retrieve the user's external username+email.
handler = get_users_handler(config_object, config_provider, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY)
(result, err_msg) = handler.verify_credentials(current_user.username,
request.get_json().get('password', ''))
if not result:
logger.error('Could not save configuration due to external auth failure: %s', err_msg)
# Link the existing user to the external user.
model.user.attach_federated_login(current_user, service_name, result.username)
# Ensure database is up-to-date with config
return {
'exists': True,
'config': config_object
class SuperUserSetAndValidateLicense(ApiResource):
""" Resource for setting and validating a license. """
schemas = {
'ValidateLicense': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Validates and sets a license',
'required': [
'properties': {
'license': {
'type': 'string'
def post(self):
""" Validates the given license contents and then saves it to the config volume. """
if config_provider.has_license_file():
license_contents = request.get_json()['license']
decoded_license = decode_license(license_contents)
except LicenseDecodeError as le:
raise InvalidRequest(le.message)
statuses = decoded_license.validate({})
all_met = all(status.is_met() for status in statuses)
if all_met:
return {
'status': [status.as_dict(for_private=True) for status in statuses],
'success': all_met,
class SuperUserConfigFile(ApiResource):
""" Resource for fetching the status of config files and overriding them. """
def get(self, filename):
""" Returns whether the configuration file with the given name exists. """
if not filename in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
if SuperUserPermission().can():
return {
'exists': config_provider.volume_file_exists(filename)
def post(self, filename):
""" Updates the configuration file with the given name. """
if not filename in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
# Note: This method can be called before the configuration exists
# to upload the database SSL cert.
if not config_provider.config_exists() or SuperUserPermission().can():
uploaded_file = request.files['file']
if not uploaded_file:
config_provider.save_volume_file(filename, uploaded_file)
return {
'status': True
class SuperUserCreateInitialSuperUser(ApiResource):
""" Resource for creating the initial super user. """
schemas = {
'CreateSuperUser': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Information for creating the initial super user',
'required': [
'properties': {
'username': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The username for the superuser'
'password': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The password for the superuser'
'email': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The e-mail address for the superuser'
def post(self):
""" Creates the initial super user, updates the underlying configuration and
sets the current session to have that super user. """
# Special security check: This method is only accessible when:
# - There is a valid config YAML file.
# - There are currently no users in the database (clean install)
# We do this special security check because at the point this method is called, the database
# is clean but does not (yet) have any super users for our permissions code to check against.
if config_provider.config_exists() and not database_has_users():
data = request.get_json()
username = data['username']
password = data['password']
email = data['email']
# Create the user in the database.
superuser = model.user.create_user(username, password, email, auto_verify=True)
# Add the user to the config.
config_object = config_provider.get_config()
config_object['SUPER_USERS'] = [username]
# Update the in-memory config for the new superuser.
# Conduct login with that user.
return {
'status': True
class SuperUserConfigValidate(ApiResource):
""" Resource for validating a block of configuration against an external service. """
schemas = {
'ValidateConfig': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Validates configuration',
'required': [
'properties': {
'config': {
'type': 'object'
'password': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The users password, used for auth validation'
def post(self, service):
""" Validates the given config for the given service. """
# Note: This method is called to validate the database configuration before super users exists,
# so we also allow it to be called if there is no valid registry configuration setup. Note that
# this is also safe since this method does not access any information not given in the request.
if not config_provider.config_exists() or SuperUserPermission().can():
config = request.get_json()['config']
return validate_service_for_config(service, config, request.get_json().get('password', ''))