This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Joseph Schorr 4b926ae189 Add new metrics as requested by some customers
Note that the `status` field on the pull and push metrics will eventually be set to False for failed pulls and pushes in a followup PR
2016-11-03 15:28:40 -04:00

273 lines
10 KiB

import logging
from functools import wraps
from flask import request, url_for, Response
import features
from app import docker_v2_signing_key, app, metric_queue
from auth.registry_jwt_auth import process_registry_jwt_auth
from data.interfaces.v2 import pre_oci_model as model, Label
from digest import digest_tools
from endpoints.common import parse_repository_name
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect
from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp, require_repo_read, require_repo_write
from endpoints.v2.errors import (BlobUnknown, ManifestInvalid, ManifestUnknown, TagInvalid,
from endpoints.trackhelper import track_and_log
from endpoints.notificationhelper import spawn_notification
from image.docker import ManifestException
from image.docker.schema1 import DockerSchema1Manifest, DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder
from image.docker.schema2 import DOCKER_SCHEMA2_CONTENT_TYPES
from util.names import VALID_TAG_PATTERN
from util.registry.replication import queue_storage_replication
from util.validation import is_json
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BASE_MANIFEST_ROUTE = '/<repopath:repository>/manifests/<regex("{0}"):manifest_ref>'
@v2_bp.route(MANIFEST_TAGNAME_ROUTE, methods=['GET'])
def fetch_manifest_by_tagname(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref):
manifest = model.get_manifest_by_tag(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref)
if manifest is None:
has_tag = model.has_active_tag(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref)
if not has_tag:
raise ManifestUnknown()
manifest = _generate_and_store_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref)
if manifest is None:
raise ManifestUnknown()
repo = model.get_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repo is not None:
track_and_log('pull_repo', repo, analytics_name='pull_repo_100x', analytics_sample=0.01)
metric_queue.repository_pull.Inc(labelvalues=[namespace_name, repo_name, 'v2', True])
return Response(
headers={'Content-Type': manifest.media_type, 'Docker-Content-Digest': manifest.digest},
@v2_bp.route(MANIFEST_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['GET'])
def fetch_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref):
manifest = model.get_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref)
if manifest is None:
# Without a tag name to reference, we can't make an attempt to generate the manifest
raise ManifestUnknown()
repo = model.get_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repo is not None:
track_and_log('pull_repo', repo)
metric_queue.repository_pull.Inc(labelvalues=[namespace_name, repo_name, 'v2', True])
return Response(manifest.json, status=200, headers={'Content-Type': manifest.media_type,
'Docker-Content-Digest': manifest.digest})
def _reject_manifest2_schema2(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
if request.content_type in DOCKER_SCHEMA2_CONTENT_TYPES:
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'manifest schema version not supported'},
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
@v2_bp.route(MANIFEST_TAGNAME_ROUTE, methods=['PUT'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def write_manifest_by_tagname(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref):
manifest = DockerSchema1Manifest(
except ManifestException as me:
logger.exception("failed to parse manifest when writing by tagname")
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'failed to parse manifest: %s' % me.message})
if manifest.tag != manifest_ref:
raise TagInvalid()
return _write_manifest_and_log(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest)
@v2_bp.route(MANIFEST_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['PUT'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def write_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref):
manifest = DockerSchema1Manifest(
except ManifestException as me:
logger.exception("failed to parse manifest when writing by digest")
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'failed to parse manifest: %s' % me.message})
if manifest.digest != manifest_ref:
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'manifest digest mismatch'})
return _write_manifest_and_log(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest)
def _write_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest):
if (manifest.namespace == '' and
features.LIBRARY_SUPPORT and
namespace_name == app.config['LIBRARY_NAMESPACE']):
elif manifest.namespace != namespace_name:
raise NameInvalid()
if manifest.repo_name != repo_name:
raise NameInvalid()
# Ensure that the repository exists.
repo = model.get_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repo is None:
raise NameInvalid()
if not manifest.layers:"manifest provided with no layers")
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'manifest does not reference any layers'})
# Ensure all the blobs in the manifest exist.
storage_map = model.lookup_blobs_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest.checksums)
for layer in manifest.layers:
digest_str = str(layer.digest)
if digest_str not in storage_map:
raise BlobUnknown(detail={'digest': digest_str})
# Lookup all the images and their parent images (if any) inside the manifest.
# This will let us know which v1 images we need to synthesize and which ones are invalid.
all_image_ids = list(manifest.parent_image_ids | manifest.image_ids)
images_map = model.get_docker_v1_metadata_by_image_id(namespace_name, repo_name, all_image_ids)
# Rewrite any v1 image IDs that do not match the checksum in the database.
rewritten_images = list(manifest.rewrite_invalid_image_ids(images_map))
for rewritten_image in rewritten_images:
except ManifestException as me:
logger.exception("exception when rewriting v1 metadata")
raise ManifestInvalid(detail={'message': 'failed synthesizing v1 metadata: %s' % me.message})
# Store the manifest pointing to the tag.
leaf_layer_id = rewritten_images[-1].image_id
newly_created = model.save_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest.tag, leaf_layer_id,
manifest.digest, manifest.bytes)
if newly_created:
labels = []
for key, value in manifest.layers[-1].v1_metadata.labels.iteritems():
media_type = 'application/json' if is_json(value) else 'text/plain'
labels.append(Label(key=key, value=value, source_type='manifest', media_type=media_type))
model.create_manifest_labels(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest.digest, labels)
return repo, storage_map
def _write_manifest_and_log(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest):
repo, storage_map = _write_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest)
# Queue all blob manifests for replication.
# TODO(jschorr): Find a way to optimize this insertion.
for layer in manifest.layers:
digest_str = str(layer.digest)
queue_storage_replication(namespace_name, storage_map[digest_str])
track_and_log('push_repo', repo, tag=manifest.tag)
spawn_notification(repo, 'repo_push', {'updated_tags': [manifest.tag]})
metric_queue.repository_push.Inc(labelvalues=[namespace_name, repo_name, 'v2', True])
return Response(
'Docker-Content-Digest': manifest.digest,
'Location': url_for('v2.fetch_manifest_by_digest',
repository='%s/%s' % (namespace_name, repo_name),
@v2_bp.route(MANIFEST_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['DELETE'])
@process_registry_jwt_auth(scopes=['pull', 'push'])
def delete_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref):
Delete the manifest specified by the digest.
Note: there is no equivalent method for deleting by tag name because it is
forbidden by the spec.
tags = model.delete_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest_ref)
if not tags:
raise ManifestUnknown()
for tag in tags:
track_and_log('delete_tag', tag.repository,, digest=manifest_ref)
return Response(status=202)
def _generate_and_store_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name):
# Find the v1 metadata for this image and its parents.
v1_metadata = model.get_docker_v1_metadata_by_tag(namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name)
parents_v1_metadata = model.get_parents_docker_v1_metadata(namespace_name, repo_name,
# If the manifest is being generated under the library namespace, then we make its namespace
# empty.
manifest_namespace = namespace_name
if features.LIBRARY_SUPPORT and namespace_name == app.config['LIBRARY_NAMESPACE']:
manifest_namespace = ''
# Create and populate the manifest builder
builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder(manifest_namespace, repo_name, tag_name)
# Add the leaf layer
builder.add_layer(v1_metadata.content_checksum, v1_metadata.compat_json)
for parent_v1_metadata in parents_v1_metadata:
builder.add_layer(parent_v1_metadata.content_checksum, parent_v1_metadata.compat_json)
# Sign the manifest with our signing key.
manifest =
# Write the manifest to the DB.
model.create_manifest_and_update_tag(namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name, manifest.digest,
return manifest
def _determine_media_type(value):
media_type_name = 'application/json' if is_json(value) else 'text/plain'