This will allow customers to request their usage logs for a repository or an entire namespace, and we can export the logs in a manner that doesn't absolutely destroy the database, with every step along the way timed.
66 lines
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66 lines
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import json
from app import storage
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock
from data import model, database
from workers.exportactionlogsworker import ExportActionLogsWorker
from test.fixtures import *
@pytest.mark.parametrize('namespace,repo_name,expects_logs', [
('buynlarge', 'orgrepo', True),
('devtable', 'history', False),
def test_process_queue_item(namespace, repo_name, expects_logs, app):
end_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=365)
start_time = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=365)
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace, repo_name)
assert (model.log.get_maximum_id_for_logs(end_time, repository_id=repo.id) is not None) == expects_logs
assert (model.log.get_minimum_id_for_logs(start_time, repository_id=repo.id) is not None) == expects_logs
worker = ExportActionLogsWorker(None)
called = [{}]
def handle_request(url, request):
called[0] = json.loads(request.body)
return {'status_code': 200, 'content': '{}'}
def format_date(datetime):
return datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
with HTTMock(handle_request):
'export_id': 'someid',
'repository_id': repo.id,
'namespace_id': repo.namespace_user.id,
'namespace_name': namespace,
'repository_name': repo_name,
'start_time': format_date(start_time),
'end_time': format_date(end_time),
'callback_url': 'http://testcallback/',
'callback_email': None,
assert called[0]
assert called[0][u'export_id'] == 'someid'
assert called[0][u'status'] == 'success'
url = called[0][u'exported_data_url']
assert url.find('http://localhost:5000/exportedlogs/') == 0
storage_id = url[len('http://localhost:5000/exportedlogs/'):]
created = storage.get_content(storage.preferred_locations, 'exportedactionlogs/' + storage_id)
created_json = json.loads(created)
expected_count = database.LogEntry.select().where(database.LogEntry.repository == repo).count()
assert (expected_count > 1) == expects_logs
assert created_json['export_id'] == 'someid'
assert len(created_json['logs']) == (expected_count + 1)