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"""Backfill the namespace_user fields.
Revision ID: 3f4fe1194671
Revises: 6f2ecf5afcf
Create Date: 2014-09-24 14:29:45.192179
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '3f4fe1194671'
down_revision = '6f2ecf5afcf'
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
def upgrade(tables):
conn = op.get_bind()
conn.execute('update repository set namespace_user_id = (select id from user where user.username = repository.namespace) where namespace_user_id is NULL')
op.alter_column('repository', 'namespace_user_id', nullable=False, existing_type=sa.Integer)
op.create_index('repository_namespace_user_id_name', 'repository', ['namespace_user_id', 'name'], unique=True)
def downgrade(tables):
op.drop_index('repository_namespace_user_id_name', table_name='repository')
op.alter_column('repository', 'namespace_user_id', nullable=True, existing_type=sa.Integer, server_default=sa.text('NULL'))