This feature is subtle but very important: Currently, when a user logs in via an "external" auth system (such as Github), they are either logged into an existing bound account or a new account is created for them in the database. While this normally works jut fine, it hits a roadblock when the *internal* auth system configured is not the database, but instead something like LDAP. In that case, *most* Enterprise customers will prefer that logging in via external auth (like OIDC) will also *automatically* bind the newly created account to the backing *internal* auth account. For example, login via PingFederate OIDC (backed by LDAP) should also bind the new QE account to the associated LDAP account, via either username or email. This change allows for this binding field to be specified, and thereafter will perform the proper lookups and bindings.
177 lines
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177 lines
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import pytest
from endpoints.oauthlogin import _conduct_oauth_login
from endpoints.api.test.conftest import app, appconfig, database_uri, init_db_path, sqlitedb_file
from import GithubOAuthService
from data import model, database
from data.users import get_users_handler, DatabaseUsers
from test.test_ldap import mock_ldap
@pytest.fixture(params=[None, 'username', 'email'])
def login_service(request, app):
config = {'GITHUB': {}}
if request is not None:
config['GITHUB']['LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD'] = request.param
return GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
@pytest.fixture(params=['Database', 'LDAP'])
def auth_system(request):
return _get_users_handler(request.param)
def _get_users_handler(auth_type):
config = {}
config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] = auth_type
config['LDAP_BASE_DN'] = ['dc=quay', 'dc=io']
config['LDAP_ADMIN_DN'] = 'uid=testy,ou=employees,dc=quay,dc=io'
config['LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWD'] = 'password'
config['LDAP_USER_RDN'] = ['ou=employees']
return get_users_handler(config, None, None)
def test_existing_account(auth_system, login_service):
login_service_lid = 'someexternaluser'
# Create an existing bound federated user.
created_user = model.user.create_federated_user('someuser', '',
login_service_lid, False)
existing_user_count =
with mock_ldap():
result = _conduct_oauth_login(auth_system, login_service,
login_service_lid, login_service_lid,
assert result.to_login == created_user
# Ensure that no addtional users were created.
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
def test_new_account_via_database(login_service):
existing_user_count =
login_service_lid = 'someexternaluser'
internal_auth = DatabaseUsers()
# Conduct login. Since the external user doesn't (yet) bind to a user in the database,
# a new user should be created and bound to the external service.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, login_service, login_service_lid, login_service_lid,
assert result.to_login is not None
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count + 1
# Find the user and ensure it is bound.
new_user = model.user.get_user(login_service_lid)
federated_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(new_user, login_service.service_id())
assert federated_login is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('binding_field, lusername, lemail, expected_error', [
# No binding field + newly seen user -> New unlinked user
(None, 'someunknownuser', '', None),
# username binding field + unknown username -> Error.
('username', 'someunknownuser', '',
'username someunknownuser not found in backing auth system'),
# email binding field + unknown email address -> Error.
('email', 'someuser', '',
'email not found in backing auth system'),
# No binding field + newly seen user -> New unlinked user.
(None, 'someuser', '', None),
# username binding field + valid username -> fully bound user.
('username', 'someuser', '', None),
# email binding field + valid email -> fully bound user.
('email', 'someuser', '', None),
# username binding field + valid username + invalid email -> fully bound user.
('username', 'someuser', '', None),
# email binding field + valid email + invalid username -> fully bound user.
('email', 'someotherusername', '', None),
def test_new_account_via_ldap(binding_field, lusername, lemail, expected_error, app):
existing_user_count =
config = {'GITHUB': {}}
if binding_field is not None:
config['GITHUB']['LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD'] = binding_field
external_auth = GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
internal_auth = _get_users_handler('LDAP')
with mock_ldap():
# Conduct OAuth login.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, external_auth, 'someid', lusername, lemail)
assert result.error_message == expected_error
current_user_count =
if expected_error is None:
# Ensure that the new user was created and that it is bound to both the
# external login service and to LDAP (if a binding_field was given).
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count + 1
assert result.to_login is not None
# Check the service bindings.
external_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.to_login,
assert external_login is not None
internal_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.to_login,
if binding_field is not None:
assert internal_login is not None
assert internal_login is None
# Ensure that no addtional users were created.
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
def test_existing_account_in_ldap(app):
config = {'GITHUB': {'LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD': 'username'}}
external_auth = GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
internal_auth = _get_users_handler('LDAP')
# Add an existing federated user bound to the LDAP account associated with `someuser`.
bound_user = model.user.create_federated_user('someuser', '',
internal_auth.federated_service, 'someuser', False)
existing_user_count =
with mock_ldap():
# Conduct OAuth login with the same lid and bound field. This should find the existing LDAP
# user (via the `username` binding), and then bind Github to it as well.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, external_auth, bound_user.username,
assert result.error_message is None
# Ensure that the same user was returned, and that it is now bound to the Github account
# as well.
assert ==
# Ensure that no additional users were created.
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
# Check the service bindings.
external_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.to_login,
assert external_login is not None
internal_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.to_login,
assert internal_login is not None