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2015-11-19 17:41:27 -05:00

83 lines
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import logging
import random
from app import analytics, app, userevents
from data import model
from flask import request
from auth.auth_context import (get_authenticated_user, get_validated_token,
get_validated_oauth_token, get_grant_user_context)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def track_and_log(event_name, repo, analytics_name=None, analytics_sample=1, **kwargs):
repository =
namespace = repo.namespace_user.username
metadata = {
'repo': repository,
'namespace': namespace,
analytics_id = 'anonymous'
authenticated_oauth_token = get_validated_oauth_token()
authenticated_user = get_authenticated_user()
authenticated_token = get_validated_token() if not authenticated_user else None
granted_username = get_grant_user_context()
# TODO: Fix this to support OAuth tokens as well.
if granted_username is not None:
authenticated_user = model.user.get_user(granted_username)
logger.debug('Logging the %s to Mixpanel and the log system', event_name)
if authenticated_oauth_token:
metadata['oauth_token_id'] =
metadata['oauth_token_application_id'] = authenticated_oauth_token.application.client_id
metadata['oauth_token_application'] =
analytics_id = 'oauth:{0}'.format(
elif authenticated_user:
metadata['username'] = authenticated_user.username
analytics_id = authenticated_user.username
elif authenticated_token:
metadata['token'] = authenticated_token.friendly_name
metadata['token_code'] = authenticated_token.code
if authenticated_token.kind:
metadata['token_type'] =
analytics_id = 'token:{0}'.format(authenticated_token.code)
metadata['public'] = True
analytics_id = 'anonymous'
extra_params = {
'repository': '%s/%s' % (namespace, repository),
'user-agent': request.user_agent.string,
# Publish the user event (if applicable)
logger.debug('Checking publishing %s to the user events system', event_name)
if authenticated_user:
logger.debug('Publishing %s to the user events system', event_name)
user_event_data = {
'action': event_name,
'repository': repository,
'namespace': namespace
event = userevents.get_event(authenticated_user.username)
event.publish_event_data('docker-cli', user_event_data)
# Save the action to mixpanel.
if random.random() < analytics_sample:
if analytics_name is None:
analytics_name = event_name
logger.debug('Logging the %s to Mixpanel', analytics_name)
analytics.track(analytics_id, analytics_name, extra_params)
# Log the action to the database.
logger.debug('Logging the %s to logs system', event_name)
model.log.log_action(event_name, namespace, performer=authenticated_user, ip=request.remote_addr,
metadata=metadata, repository=repo)
logger.debug('Track and log of %s complete', event_name)