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from datetime import datetime
import pytest
from data import model
from endpoints.api.test.shared import conduct_api_call
from endpoints.api.mirror import RepoMirrorResource
from endpoints.test.shared import client_with_identity
from test.fixtures import *
def _setup_mirror():
repo = model.repository.get_repository('devtable', 'simple')
assert repo
robot = model.user.lookup_robot('devtable+dtrobot')
assert robot
rule = model.repo_mirror.create_rule(repo, ['latest', '3.3*', 'foo'])
assert rule
mirror_kwargs = {
'is_enabled': True,
'external_reference': '',
'sync_interval': 5000,
'sync_start_date': datetime(2020, 01, 02, 6, 30, 0),
'external_registry_username': 'fakeUsername',
'external_registry_password': 'fakePassword',
'external_registry_config': {
'verify_tls': True,
'proxy': {
'http_proxy': 'http://insecure.proxy.corp',
'https_proxy': 'https://secure.proxy.corp',
'no_proxy': 'mylocalhost'
mirror = model.repo_mirror.enable_mirroring_for_repository(repo, root_rule=rule,
internal_robot=robot, **mirror_kwargs)
assert mirror
return mirror
@pytest.mark.parametrize('existing_robot_permission, expected_permission', [
(None, 'write'),
('read', 'write'),
('write', 'write'),
('admin', 'admin'),
def test_create_mirror_sets_permissions(existing_robot_permission, expected_permission, client):
mirror_bot, _ = model.user.create_robot('newmirrorbot', model.user.get_namespace_user('devtable'))
if existing_robot_permission:
model.permission.set_user_repo_permission(mirror_bot.username, 'devtable', 'simple',
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
request_body = {
'external_reference': '',
'sync_interval': 100,
'sync_start_date': '2019-08-20T17:51:00Z',
'root_rule': {
'rule_kind': 'tag_glob_csv',
'rule_value': ['latest','foo', 'bar']
'robot_username': 'devtable+newmirrorbot',
conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'POST', params, request_body, 201)
# Check the status of the robot.
permissions = model.permission.get_user_repository_permissions(mirror_bot, 'devtable', 'simple')
assert permissions[0] == expected_permission
config = model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(model.repository.get_repository('devtable', 'simple'))
assert config.root_rule.rule_value == ['latest', 'foo', 'bar']
def test_get_mirror_does_not_exist(client):
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
resp = conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'GET', params, None, 404)
def test_get_repo_does_not_exist(client):
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/unicorn'}
resp = conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'GET', params, None, 404)
def test_get_mirror(client):
""" Verify that performing a `GET` request returns expected and accurate data. """
mirror = _setup_mirror()
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
resp = conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'GET', params, None, 200).json
assert resp['is_enabled'] == True
assert resp['external_reference'] == ''
assert resp['sync_interval'] == 5000
assert resp['sync_start_date'] == '2020-01-02T06:30:00Z'
assert resp['external_registry_username'] == 'fakeUsername'
assert 'external_registry_password' not in resp
assert 'external_registry_config' in resp
assert resp['external_registry_config']['verify_tls'] == True
assert 'proxy' in resp['external_registry_config']
assert resp['external_registry_config']['proxy']['http_proxy'] == 'http://insecure.proxy.corp'
assert resp['external_registry_config']['proxy']['https_proxy'] == 'https://secure.proxy.corp'
assert resp['external_registry_config']['proxy']['no_proxy'] == 'mylocalhost'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, value, expected_status', [
('is_enabled', True, 201),
('is_enabled', False, 201),
('is_enabled', None, 400),
('is_enabled', 'foo', 400),
('external_reference', '', 201),
('external_reference', '', 201),
('external_reference', '', 201),
('external_registry_username', 'newTestUsername', 201),
('external_registry_username', None, 201),
('external_registry_username', 123, 400),
('external_registry_password', 'newTestPassword', 400),
('external_registry_password', None, 400),
('external_registry_password', 41, 400),
('robot_username', 'devtable+dtrobot', 201),
('robot_username', 'devtable+doesntExist', 400),
('sync_start_date', '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z', 201),
('sync_start_date', 'January 1 2020', 400),
('sync_start_date', '2020-01-01T00:00:00.00Z', 400),
('sync_start_date', 'Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0000', 400),
('sync_start_date', 'Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 EST', 400),
('sync_interval', 2000, 201),
('sync_interval', -5, 400),
('https_proxy', '', 201),
('https_proxy', None, 201),
('https_proxy', '; rm -rf /', 201), # Safe; values only set in env, not eval'ed
('http_proxy', '', 201),
('http_proxy', None, 201),
('http_proxy', '; rm -rf /', 201), # Safe; values only set in env, not eval'ed
('no_proxy', '', 201),
('no_proxy', None, 201),
('no_proxy', '; rm -rf /', 201), # Safe because proxy values are not eval'ed
('verify_tls', True, 201),
('verify_tls', False, 201),
('verify_tls', None, 400),
('verify_tls', 'abc', 400),
('root_rule', {'rule_kind': 'tag_glob_csv', 'rule_value': ['3.1', '3.1*']}, 201),
('root_rule', {'rule_kind': 'tag_glob_csv'}, 400),
('root_rule', {'rule_kind': 'tag_glob_csv', 'rule_value': []}, 400),
('root_rule', {'rule_kind': 'incorrect', 'rule_value': ['3.1', '3.1*']}, 400),
def test_change_config(key, value, expected_status, client):
""" Verify that changing each attribute works as expected. """
mirror = _setup_mirror()
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
if key in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy'):
request_body = {'external_registry_config': {'proxy': {key: value}}}
elif key == 'verify_tls':
request_body = {'external_registry_config': {key: value}}
request_body = {key: value}
conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'PUT', params, request_body, expected_status)
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
resp = conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'GET', params, None, 200)
if expected_status < 400:
if key == 'external_registry_password':
assert key not in resp.json
elif key == 'verify_tls':
assert resp.json['external_registry_config']['verify_tls'] == value
elif key in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy'):
assert resp.json['external_registry_config']['proxy'][key] == value
assert resp.json[key] == value
if key == 'external_registry_password':
assert key not in resp.json
elif key == 'verify_tls':
assert resp.json['external_registry_config'][key] != value
elif key in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy'):
assert resp.json['external_registry_config']['proxy'][key] != value
assert resp.json[key] != value
@pytest.mark.parametrize('request_body, expected_status', [
# Set a new password and username => Success
({ 'external_registry_username': 'newUsername',
'external_registry_password': 'newPassword'}, 201 ),
# Set password and username to None => Success
({ 'external_registry_username': None,
'external_registry_password': None}, 201 ),
# Set username to value but password None => Sucess
({ 'external_registry_username': 'myUsername',
'external_registry_password': None}, 201 ),
# Set only new Username => Success
({'external_registry_username': 'myNewUsername'}, 201),
({'external_registry_username': None}, 201),
# Set only new Password => Failure
({'external_registry_password': 'myNewPassword'}, 400),
({'external_registry_password': None}, 400),
# Set username and password to empty string => Success?
({'external_registry_username': '',
'external_registry_password': ''}, 201),
def test_change_credentials(request_body, expected_status, client):
""" Verify credentials can only be modified as a pair. """
mirror = _setup_mirror()
with client_with_identity('devtable', client) as cl:
params = {'repository': 'devtable/simple'}
conduct_api_call(cl, RepoMirrorResource, 'PUT', params, request_body, expected_status)