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import pytest
from endpoints.oauth.login import _conduct_oauth_login
from import GithubOAuthService
from data import model, database
from data.users import get_users_handler, DatabaseUsers
from test.fixtures import app, appconfig, database_uri, init_db_path, sqlitedb_file
from test.test_ldap import mock_ldap
@pytest.fixture(params=[None, 'username', 'email'])
def login_service(request, app):
config = {'GITHUB': {}}
if request is not None:
config['GITHUB']['LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD'] = request.param
return GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
@pytest.fixture(params=['Database', 'LDAP'])
def auth_system(request):
return _get_users_handler(request.param)
def _get_users_handler(auth_type):
config = {}
config['AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] = auth_type
config['LDAP_BASE_DN'] = ['dc=quay', 'dc=io']
config['LDAP_ADMIN_DN'] = 'uid=testy,ou=employees,dc=quay,dc=io'
config['LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWD'] = 'password'
config['LDAP_USER_RDN'] = ['ou=employees']
return get_users_handler(config, None, None)
def test_existing_account(auth_system, login_service):
login_service_lid = 'someexternaluser'
# Create an existing bound federated user.
created_user = model.user.create_federated_user('someuser', '',
login_service_lid, False)
existing_user_count =
with mock_ldap():
result = _conduct_oauth_login(auth_system, login_service,
login_service_lid, login_service_lid,
assert result.user_obj == created_user
# Ensure that no addtional users were created.
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
def test_new_account_via_database(login_service):
existing_user_count =
login_service_lid = 'someexternaluser'
internal_auth = DatabaseUsers()
# Conduct login. Since the external user doesn't (yet) bind to a user in the database,
# a new user should be created and bound to the external service.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, login_service, login_service_lid, login_service_lid,
assert result.user_obj is not None
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count + 1
# Find the user and ensure it is bound.
new_user = model.user.get_user(login_service_lid)
federated_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(new_user, login_service.service_id())
assert federated_login is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('binding_field, lid, lusername, lemail, expected_error', [
# No binding field + newly seen user -> New unlinked user
(None, 'someid', 'someunknownuser', '', None),
# sub binding field + unknown sub -> Error.
('sub', 'someid', 'someuser', '',
'sub someid not found in backing auth system'),
# username binding field + unknown username -> Error.
('username', 'someid', 'someunknownuser', '',
'username someunknownuser not found in backing auth system'),
# email binding field + unknown email address -> Error.
('email', 'someid', 'someuser', '',
'email not found in backing auth system'),
# No binding field + newly seen user -> New unlinked user.
(None, 'someid', 'someuser', '', None),
# username binding field + valid username -> fully bound user.
('username', 'someid', 'someuser', '', None),
# sub binding field + valid sub -> fully bound user.
('sub', 'someuser', 'someusername', '', None),
# email binding field + valid email -> fully bound user.
('email', 'someid', 'someuser', '', None),
# username binding field + valid username + invalid email -> fully bound user.
('username', 'someid', 'someuser', '', None),
# email binding field + valid email + invalid username -> fully bound user.
('email', 'someid', 'someotherusername', '', None),
def test_new_account_via_ldap(binding_field, lid, lusername, lemail, expected_error, app):
existing_user_count =
config = {'GITHUB': {}}
if binding_field is not None:
config['GITHUB']['LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD'] = binding_field
external_auth = GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
internal_auth = _get_users_handler('LDAP')
with mock_ldap():
# Conduct OAuth login.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, external_auth, lid, lusername, lemail)
assert result.error_message == expected_error
current_user_count =
if expected_error is None:
# Ensure that the new user was created and that it is bound to both the
# external login service and to LDAP (if a binding_field was given).
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count + 1
assert result.user_obj is not None
# Check the service bindings.
external_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.user_obj,
assert external_login is not None
internal_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.user_obj,
if binding_field is not None:
assert internal_login is not None
assert internal_login is None
# Ensure that no addtional users were created.
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
def test_existing_account_in_ldap(app):
config = {'GITHUB': {'LOGIN_BINDING_FIELD': 'username'}}
external_auth = GithubOAuthService(config, 'GITHUB')
internal_auth = _get_users_handler('LDAP')
# Add an existing federated user bound to the LDAP account associated with `someuser`.
bound_user = model.user.create_federated_user('someuser', '',
internal_auth.federated_service, 'someuser', False)
existing_user_count =
with mock_ldap():
# Conduct OAuth login with the same lid and bound field. This should find the existing LDAP
# user (via the `username` binding), and then bind Github to it as well.
result = _conduct_oauth_login(internal_auth, external_auth, bound_user.username,
assert result.error_message is None
# Ensure that the same user was returned, and that it is now bound to the Github account
# as well.
assert ==
# Ensure that no additional users were created.
current_user_count =
assert current_user_count == existing_user_count
# Check the service bindings.
external_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.user_obj,
assert external_login is not None
internal_login = model.user.lookup_federated_login(result.user_obj,
assert internal_login is not None