99 lines
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99 lines
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from peewee import JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, Clause, SQL
from cachetools import lru_cache
from data.database import (Repository, User, Team, TeamMember, RepositoryPermission, TeamRole,
Namespace, Visibility, db_for_update)
def prefix_search(field, prefix_query):
""" Returns the wildcard match for searching for the given prefix query. """
# Escape the known wildcard characters.
prefix_query = (prefix_query
.replace('!', '!!')
.replace('%', '!%')
.replace('_', '!_')
.replace('[', '!['))
return field ** Clause(prefix_query + '%', SQL("ESCAPE '!'"))
def get_existing_repository(namespace_name, repository_name, for_update=False):
query = (Repository
.select(Repository, Namespace)
.join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user == Namespace.id))
.where(Namespace.username == namespace_name, Repository.name == repository_name))
if for_update:
query = db_for_update(query)
return query.get()
def get_public_repo_visibility():
return Visibility.get(name='public')
def filter_to_repos_for_user(query, username=None, namespace=None, include_public=True):
if not include_public and not username:
return Repository.select().where(Repository.id == '-1')
# Build a set of queries that, when unioned together, return the full set of visible repositories
# for the filters specified.
queries = []
where_clause = (True)
if namespace:
where_clause = (Namespace.username == namespace)
if include_public:
.where(Repository.visibility == get_public_repo_visibility(), where_clause))
if username:
UserThroughTeam = User.alias()
Org = User.alias()
AdminTeam = Team.alias()
AdminTeamMember = TeamMember.alias()
AdminUser = User.alias()
# Add repositories in which the user has permission.
.where(User.username == username, where_clause))
# Add repositories in which the user is a member of a team that has permission.
.join(UserThroughTeam, on=(UserThroughTeam.id == TeamMember.user))
.where(UserThroughTeam.username == username, where_clause))
# Add repositories under namespaces in which the user is the org admin.
.join(Org, on=(Repository.namespace_user == Org.id))
.join(AdminTeam, on=(Org.id == AdminTeam.organization))
.join(TeamRole, on=(AdminTeam.role == TeamRole.id))
.join(AdminTeamMember, on=(AdminTeam.id == AdminTeamMember.team))
.join(AdminUser, on=(AdminTeamMember.user == AdminUser.id))
.where(AdminUser.username == username, where_clause))
return reduce(lambda l, r: l | r, queries)
def get_user_organizations(username):
UserAlias = User.alias()
return (User
.join(UserAlias, on=(UserAlias.id == TeamMember.user))
.where(User.organization == True, UserAlias.username == username))