This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Joseph Schorr 3a68740ff7 Better handling of namespace validation to fix a number of issues
- Fixes a bug which allows for underscores at the beginning of namespaces: Fixes 
- Allows dots and dashes for newer Docker clients: Fixes 
- Has the UI display better messaging associated with namespace entry
2016-10-20 13:32:22 -04:00

344 lines
10 KiB

var TEAM_PATTERN = '^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$';
var ROBOT_PATTERN = '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{3,29}$';
var USERNAME_PATTERN = '^([a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*){4,30}$';
// Define the pages module.
quayPages = angular.module('quayPages', [], function(){});
// Define a constant for creating pages.
quayPages.constant('pages', {
'_pages': {},
'create': function(pageName, templateName, opt_controller, opt_flags, opt_profiles) {
var profiles = opt_profiles || ['old-layout', 'layout'];
for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; ++i) {
this._pages[profiles[i] + ':' + pageName] = {
'name': pageName,
'controller': opt_controller,
'templateName': templateName,
'flags': opt_flags || {}
'get': function(pageName, profiles) {
for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; ++i) {
var current = profiles[i];
var key = + ':' + pageName;
var page = this._pages[key];
if (page) {
return [current, page];
return null;
quayDependencies = ['ngRoute', 'chieffancypants.loadingBar', 'cfp.hotkeys', 'angular-tour', 'restangular', 'angularMoment',
'mgcrea.ngStrap', 'ngCookies', 'ngSanitize', 'angular-md5', 'pasvaz.bindonce', 'ansiToHtml',
'core-ui', 'core-config-setup', 'quayPages', 'infinite-scroll', 'react'];
if (window.__config && (window.__config.MIXPANEL_KEY || window.__config.MUNCHKIN_KEY || window.__config.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY)) {
if (window.__config && window.__config.MIXPANEL_KEY) {
if (window.__config && window.__config.MUNCHKIN_KEY) {
if (window.__config && window.__config.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY) {
// Define the application.
quayApp = angular.module('quay', quayDependencies, function($provide, cfpLoadingBarProvider) {
cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = false;
// Disable tooltips on touch devices.
quayApp.config(['$tooltipProvider', function ($tooltipProvider) {
var tooltipFactory = $tooltipProvider.$get[$tooltipProvider.$get.length - 1];
// decorate the tooltip getter
$tooltipProvider.$get[$tooltipProvider.$get.length - 1] = function($window) {
if ('ontouchstart' in $window) {
var existing = tooltipFactory.apply(this, arguments);
return function(element) {
// Note: We only disable bs-tooltip's themselves. $tooltip is used for other things
// (such as the datepicker), so we need to be specific when canceling it.
if (element.attr('bs-tooltip') == null) {
return existing.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return null;
return tooltipFactory.apply(this, arguments);
quayApp.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
if (!window.__config['DEBUG']) {
// Configure the routes.
quayApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', 'pages', function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, pages) {
// If you add a route here, you must add a corresponding route in thr endpoints/
// index rule to make sure that deep links directly deep into the app continue to work.
var layoutProfile = 'layout';
window.console.log('Using layout profile: ' + layoutProfile);
var routeBuilder = new AngularRouteBuilder($routeProvider, pages, [
// Start with the old pages (if we asked for it).
{id: 'old-layout', templatePath: '/static/partials/'},
// Fallback back combined new/existing pages.
{id: 'layout', templatePath: '/static/partials/'}
], layoutProfile);
// Repository View
.route('/repository/:namespace/:name', 'repo-view')
.route('/repository/:namespace/:name/tag/:tag', 'repo-view')
// Image View
.route('/repository/:namespace/:name/image/:image', 'image-view')
// Repo Build View
.route('/repository/:namespace/:name/build/:buildid', 'build-view')
// Create repository notification
.route('/repository/:namespace/:name/create-notification', 'create-repository-notification')
// Repo List
.route('/repository/', 'repo-list')
// Organizations
.route('/organizations/', 'organizations')
// New Organization
.route('/organizations/new/', 'new-organization')
// View Organization
.route('/organization/:orgname', 'org-view')
// View Organization Team
.route('/organization/:orgname/teams/:teamname', 'team-view')
// Organization View Application
.route('/organization/:orgname/application/:clientid', 'manage-application')
// View Organization Billing
.route('/organization/:orgname/billing', 'billing')
// View Organization Billing Invoices
.route('/organization/:orgname/billing/invoices', 'invoices')
// View User
.route('/user/:username', 'user-view')
// View User Billing
.route('/user/:username/billing', 'billing')
// View User Billing Invoices
.route('/user/:username/billing/invoices', 'invoices')
// Sign In
.route('/signin/', 'signin')
// New Repository
.route('/new/', 'new-repo')
// ER Management
.route('/superuser/', 'superuser')
// ER Setup
.route('/setup/', 'setup')
// Plans
.route('/plans/', 'plans')
// Tutorial
.route('/tutorial/', 'tutorial')
// Contact
.route('/contact/', 'contact')
// About
.route('/about/', 'about')
// Security
.route('/security/', 'security')
// TOS
.route('/tos', 'tos')
// Privacy
.route('/privacy', 'privacy')
// Landing Page
.route('/', 'landing')
// Tour
.route('/tour/', 'tour')
.route('/tour/features', 'tour')
.route('/tour/organizations', 'tour')
.route('/tour/enterprise', 'tour')
// Confirm Invite
.route('/confirminvite', 'confirm-invite')
// Enterprise marketing page
.route('/enterprise', 'enterprise')
// Public Repo Experiments
.route('/__exp/publicRepo', 'public-repo-exp')
// 404/403
.route('/:catchall', 'error-view')
.route('/:catch/:all', 'error-view');
// Configure compile provider to add additional URL prefixes to the sanitization list. We use
// these on the Contact page.
quayApp.config(function($compileProvider) {
// Configure the API provider.
quayApp.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
// Configure analytics.
if (window.__config && window.__config.MIXPANEL_KEY) {
quayApp.config(['$analyticsProvider', function($analyticsProvider) {
// Configure sentry.
if (window.__config && window.__config.SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN) {
quayApp.config(function($provide) {
$provide.decorator("$exceptionHandler", function($delegate) {
return function(ex, cause) {
$delegate(ex, cause);
Raven.captureException(ex, {extra: {cause: cause}});
// Run the application.['$location', '$rootScope', 'Restangular', 'UserService', 'PlanService', '$http', '$timeout', 'CookieService', 'Features', '$anchorScroll', 'UtilService', 'MetaService', 'UIService',
function($location, $rootScope, Restangular, UserService, PlanService, $http, $timeout, CookieService, Features, $anchorScroll, UtilService, MetaService, UIService) {
var defaultTitle = window.__config['REGISTRY_TITLE'] || 'Quay Container Registry';
// Handle session security.
Restangular.setDefaultRequestParams(['post', 'put', 'remove', 'delete'], {'_csrf_token': window.__token || ''});
// Handle session expiration.
Restangular.setErrorInterceptor(function(response) {
if (response.status == 503) {
return false;
if (response.status == 500) {
document.location = '/500';
return false;
if (! {
return true;
var invalid_token =['title'] == 'invalid_token' ||['error_type'] == 'invalid_token';
if (response.status == 401 && invalid_token &&['session_required'] !== false) {
return false;
return true;
// Check if we need to redirect based on a previously chosen plan.
var result = PlanService.handleNotedPlan();
// Check to see if we need to show a redirection page.
var redirectUrl = CookieService.get('quay.redirectAfterLoad');
if (!result && redirectUrl && redirectUrl.indexOf(window.location.href) == 0) {
window.location = redirectUrl;
$rootScope.$watch('description', function(description) {
if (!description) {
description = 'Hosted private docker repositories. Includes full user management and history. Free for public repositories.';
// Note: We set the content of the description tag manually here rather than using Angular binding
// because we need the <meta> tag to have a default description that is not of the form "{{ description }}",
// we read by tools that do not properly invoke the Angular code.
$('#descriptionTag').attr('content', description);
// Listen for scope changes and update the title and description accordingly.
$rootScope.$watch(function() {
var title = MetaService.getTitle($rootScope.currentPage) || defaultTitle;
if ($rootScope.title != title) {
$rootScope.title = title;
var description = MetaService.getDescription($rootScope.currentPage) || '';
if ($rootScope.description != description) {
$rootScope.description = description;
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (event, current, previous) {
$rootScope.current = current.$$route;
$rootScope.currentPage = current;
$rootScope.pageClass = '';
if (!current.$$route) { return; }
var pageClass = current.$$route.pageClass || '';
if (typeof pageClass != 'string') {
pageClass = pageClass(Features);
$rootScope.pageClass = pageClass;
$rootScope.newLayout = !!current.$$route.newLayout;
$rootScope.fixFooter = !!current.$$route.fixFooter;
var initallyChecked = false;
window.__isLoading = function() {
if (!initallyChecked) {
initallyChecked = true;
return true;
return $http.pendingRequests.length > 0;