This change replaces the metricqueue library with a native Prometheus client implementation with the intention to aggregated results with the Prometheus PushGateway. This change also adds instrumentation for greenlet context switches.
172 lines
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172 lines
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import logging
import os.path
from functools import wraps
from urlparse import urlparse
from urllib import urlencode
from flask import Blueprint, make_response, url_for, request, jsonify
from semantic_version import Spec
import features
from app import app, get_app_url
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_context
from auth.permissions import (ReadRepositoryPermission, ModifyRepositoryPermission,
from auth.registry_jwt_auth import process_registry_jwt_auth, get_auth_headers
from data.registry_model import registry_model
from data.readreplica import ReadOnlyModeException
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect, anon_allowed, route_show_if
from endpoints.v2.errors import (V2RegistryException, Unauthorized, Unsupported, NameUnknown,
from util.http import abort
from util.metrics.prometheus import timed_blueprint
from util.registry.dockerver import docker_version
from util.pagination import encrypt_page_token, decrypt_page_token
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
v2_bp = timed_blueprint(Blueprint('v2', __name__))
def handle_registry_v2_exception(error):
response = jsonify({'errors': [error.as_dict()]})
response.status_code = error.http_status_code
if response.status_code == 401:
response.headers.extend(get_auth_headers(repository=error.repository, scopes=error.scopes))
logger.debug('sending response: %s', response.get_data())
return response
def handle_readonly(ex):
error = ReadOnlyMode()
response = jsonify({'errors': [error.as_dict()]})
response.status_code = error.http_status_code
logger.debug('sending response: %s', response.get_data())
return response
_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = app.config.get('V2_PAGINATION_SIZE', 100)
def paginate(start_id_kwarg_name='start_id', limit_kwarg_name='limit',
Decorates a handler adding a parsed pagination token and a callback to encode a response token.
def wrapper(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
requested_limit = int(request.args.get('n', _MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE))
except ValueError:
requested_limit = 0
limit = max(min(requested_limit, _MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE), 1)
next_page_token = request.args.get('next_page', request.args.get('last', None))
# Decrypt the next page token, if any.
start_id = None
page_info = decrypt_page_token(next_page_token)
if page_info is not None:
start_id = page_info.get('start_id', None)
def callback(results, response):
if len(results) <= limit:
next_page_token = encrypt_page_token({'start_id': max([obj.id for obj in results])})
link_url = os.path.join(get_app_url(), url_for(request.endpoint, **request.view_args))
link_param = urlencode({'n': limit, 'next_page': next_page_token})
link = '<%s?%s>; rel="next"' % (link_url, link_param)
response.headers['Link'] = link
kwargs[limit_kwarg_name] = limit
kwargs[start_id_kwarg_name] = start_id
kwargs[callback_kwarg_name] = callback
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return wrapper
def _require_repo_permission(permission_class, scopes=None, allow_public=False):
def wrapper(func):
def wrapped(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs):
logger.debug('Checking permission %s for repo: %s/%s', permission_class, namespace_name,
permission = permission_class(namespace_name, repo_name)
if permission.can():
return func(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs)
repository = namespace_name + '/' + repo_name
if allow_public:
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None or not repository_ref.is_public:
raise Unauthorized(repository=repository, scopes=scopes)
if repository_ref.kind != 'image':
msg = 'This repository is for managing %s and not container images.' % repository_ref.kind
raise Unsupported(detail=msg)
if repository_ref.is_public:
if not features.ANONYMOUS_ACCESS:
raise Unauthorized(repository=repository, scopes=scopes)
return func(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs)
raise Unauthorized(repository=repository, scopes=scopes)
return wrapped
return wrapper
require_repo_read = _require_repo_permission(ReadRepositoryPermission, scopes=['pull'],
require_repo_write = _require_repo_permission(ModifyRepositoryPermission, scopes=['pull', 'push'])
require_repo_admin = _require_repo_permission(AdministerRepositoryPermission, scopes=[
'pull', 'push'])
def get_input_stream(flask_request):
if flask_request.headers.get('transfer-encoding') == 'chunked':
return flask_request.environ['wsgi.input']
return flask_request.stream
def v2_support_enabled():
docker_ver = docker_version(request.user_agent.string)
# Check if our version is one of the blacklisted versions, if we can't
# identify the version (None) we will fail open and assume that it is
# newer and therefore should not be blacklisted.
if docker_ver is not None and Spec(app.config['BLACKLIST_V2_SPEC']).match(docker_ver):
response = make_response('true', 200)
if get_authenticated_context() is None:
response = make_response('true', 401)
return response
from endpoints.v2 import (