PyJWT stopped doing this in 1.5.0 because it's not part of the spec, and there are legitimate reasons to issue future tokens. We still want to reject these though as we don't have that need.
95 lines
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95 lines
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import re
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from jwt import PyJWT
from jwt.exceptions import (
InvalidTokenError, DecodeError, InvalidAudienceError, ExpiredSignatureError,
ImmatureSignatureError, InvalidIssuedAtError, InvalidIssuerError, MissingRequiredClaimError
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from import EllipticCurvePublicNumbers
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPublicNumbers
from jwkest.jwk import keyrep, RSAKey, ECKey
# TOKEN_REGEX defines a regular expression for matching JWT bearer tokens.
TOKEN_REGEX = re.compile(r'\ABearer (([a-zA-Z0-9+\-_/]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_/]+)\Z')
class StrictJWT(PyJWT):
""" StrictJWT defines a JWT decoder with extra checks. """
def _get_default_options():
# Weird syntax to call super on a staticmethod
defaults = super(StrictJWT, StrictJWT)._get_default_options()
'require_exp': True,
'require_iat': True,
'require_nbf': True,
'exp_max_s': None,
return defaults
def _validate_claims(self, payload, options, audience=None, issuer=None, leeway=0, **kwargs):
if options.get('exp_max_s') is not None:
if 'verify_expiration' in kwargs and not kwargs.get('verify_expiration'):
raise ValueError('exp_max_s option implies verify_expiration')
options['verify_exp'] = True
# Do all of the other checks
super(StrictJWT, self)._validate_claims(payload, options, audience, issuer, leeway, **kwargs)
now = timegm(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple())
self._reject_future_iat(payload, now, leeway)
if 'exp' in payload and options.get('exp_max_s') is not None:
# Validate that the expiration was not more than exp_max_s seconds after the issue time
# or in the absense of an issue time, more than exp_max_s in the future from now
# This will work because the parent method already checked the type of exp
expiration = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(payload['exp']))
max_signed_s = options.get('exp_max_s')
start_time = datetime.utcnow()
if 'iat' in payload:
start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(payload['iat']))
if expiration > start_time + timedelta(seconds=max_signed_s):
raise InvalidTokenError('Token was signed for more than %s seconds from %s', max_signed_s,
def _reject_future_iat(self, payload, now, leeway):
iat = int(payload['iat'])
except ValueError:
raise DecodeError('Issued At claim (iat) must be an integer.')
if iat > (now + leeway):
raise InvalidIssuedAtError('Issued At claim (iat) cannot be in'
' the future.')
def exp_max_s_option(max_exp_s):
return {
'exp_max_s': max_exp_s,
decode = StrictJWT().decode
def jwk_dict_to_public_key(jwk):
""" Converts the specified JWK into a public key. """
jwkest_key = keyrep(jwk)
if isinstance(jwkest_key, RSAKey):
pycrypto_key = jwkest_key.key
return RSAPublicNumbers(e=pycrypto_key.e, n=pycrypto_key.n).public_key(default_backend())
elif isinstance(jwkest_key, ECKey):
x, y = jwkest_key.get_key()
return EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(x, y, jwkest_key.curve).public_key(default_backend())
raise Exception('Unsupported kind of JWK: %s', str(type(jwkest_key)))