This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

282 lines
9.4 KiB

import logging
import urlparse
import json
import string
import datetime
from flask import make_response, render_template, request, abort, session
from flask.ext.login import login_user, UserMixin
from flask.ext.principal import identity_changed
from random import SystemRandom
from data import model
from data.database import db
from app import app, login_manager, dockerfile_build_queue, notification_queue, oauth_apps
from auth.permissions import QuayDeferredPermissionUser
from auth import scopes
from endpoints.api.discovery import swagger_route_data
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
from functools import wraps
from config import getFrontendVisibleConfig
from external_libraries import get_external_javascript, get_external_css
from endpoints.notificationhelper import spawn_notification
from util.useremails import CannotSendEmailException
import features
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
profile = logging.getLogger('application.profiler')
route_data = None
class RepoPathConverter(BaseConverter):
regex = '[\.a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+/[\.a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+'
weight = 200
app.url_map.converters['repopath'] = RepoPathConverter
def route_show_if(value):
def decorator(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if not value:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
return decorator
def route_hide_if(value):
def decorator(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if value:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
return decorator
def get_route_data():
global route_data
if route_data:
return route_data
route_data = swagger_route_data(include_internal=True, compact=True)
return route_data
def truthy_param(param):
return param not in {False, 'false', 'False', '0', 'FALSE', '', 'null'}
def param_required(param_name):
def wrapper(wrapped):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if param_name not in request.args:
abort(make_response('Required param: %s' % param_name, 400))
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
return wrapper
def load_user(user_uuid):
logger.debug('User loader loading deferred user with uuid: %s' % user_uuid)
return _LoginWrappedDBUser(user_uuid)
class _LoginWrappedDBUser(UserMixin):
def __init__(self, user_uuid, db_user=None):
self._uuid = user_uuid
self._db_user = db_user
def db_user(self):
if not self._db_user:
self._db_user = model.get_user_by_uuid(self._uuid)
return self._db_user
def is_authenticated(self):
return self.db_user() is not None
def is_active(self):
return self.db_user().verified
def get_id(self):
return unicode(self._uuid)
def common_login(db_user):
if login_user(_LoginWrappedDBUser(db_user.uuid, db_user)):
logger.debug('Successfully signed in as: %s (%s)' % (db_user.username, db_user.uuid))
new_identity = QuayDeferredPermissionUser(db_user.uuid, 'user_uuid', {scopes.DIRECT_LOGIN})
identity_changed.send(app, identity=new_identity)
session['login_time'] =
return True
logger.debug('User could not be logged in, inactive?.')
return False
def handle_dme(ex):
return make_response(json.dumps({'message': ex.message}), 400)
def handle_emailexception(ex):
message = 'Could not send email. Please contact an administrator and report this problem.'
return make_response(json.dumps({'message': message}), 400)
def random_string():
random = SystemRandom()
return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8)])
def list_files(path, extension):
import os
def matches(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.' + extension
def join_path(dp, f):
# Remove the static/ prefix. It is added in the template.
return os.path.join(dp, f)[len('static/'):]
filepath = 'static/' + path
return [join_path(dp, f) for dp, dn, files in os.walk(filepath) for f in files if matches(f)]
SAVED_CACHE_STRING = random_string()
def render_page_template(name, **kwargs):
if app.config.get('DEBUGGING', False):
# If DEBUGGING is enabled, then we load the full set of individual JS and CSS files
# from the file system.
library_styles = list_files('lib', 'css')
main_styles = list_files('css', 'css')
library_scripts = list_files('lib', 'js')
main_scripts = list_files('js', 'js')
cache_buster = 'debugging'
file_lists = [library_styles, main_styles, library_scripts, main_scripts]
for file_list in file_lists:
library_styles = []
main_styles = ['dist/quay-frontend.css']
library_scripts = []
main_scripts = ['dist/quay-frontend.min.js']
cache_buster = SAVED_CACHE_STRING
use_cdn = app.config.get('USE_CDN', True)
if request.args.get('use_cdn') is not None:
use_cdn = request.args.get('use_cdn') == 'true'
external_styles = get_external_css(local=not use_cdn)
external_scripts = get_external_javascript(local=not use_cdn)
def get_oauth_config():
oauth_config = {}
for oauth_app in oauth_apps:
oauth_config[oauth_app.key_name] = oauth_app.get_public_config()
return oauth_config
contact_href = None
if len(app.config.get('CONTACT_INFO', [])) == 1:
contact_href = app.config['CONTACT_INFO'][0]
resp = make_response(render_template(name, route_data=json.dumps(get_route_data()),
mixpanel_key=app.config.get('MIXPANEL_KEY', ''),
google_analytics_key=app.config.get('GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY', ''),
sentry_public_dsn=app.config.get('SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN', ''),
is_debug=str(app.config.get('DEBUGGING', False)).lower(),
resp.headers['X-FRAME-OPTIONS'] = 'DENY'
return resp
def check_repository_usage(user_or_org, plan_found):
private_repos = model.get_private_repo_count(user_or_org.username)
repos_allowed = plan_found['privateRepos']
if private_repos > repos_allowed:
model.create_notification('over_private_usage', user_or_org, {'namespace': user_or_org.username})
model.delete_notifications_by_kind(user_or_org, 'over_private_usage')
def start_build(repository, dockerfile_id, tags, build_name, subdir, manual,
trigger=None, pull_robot_name=None):
host = urlparse.urlparse(request.url).netloc
repo_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (host, repository.namespace_user.username,
token = model.create_access_token(repository, 'write')
logger.debug('Creating build %s with repo %s tags %s and dockerfile_id %s',
build_name, repo_path, tags, dockerfile_id)
job_config = {
'docker_tags': tags,
'registry': host,
'build_subdir': subdir
with app.config['DB_TRANSACTION_FACTORY'](db):
build_request = model.create_repository_build(repository, token, job_config,
dockerfile_id, build_name,
trigger, pull_robot_name=pull_robot_name)
dockerfile_build_queue.put([repository.namespace_user.username,], json.dumps({
'build_uuid': build_request.uuid,
'pull_credentials': model.get_pull_credentials(pull_robot_name) if pull_robot_name else None
}), retries_remaining=1)
# Add the build to the repo's log.
metadata = {
'namespace': repository.namespace_user.username,
'fileid': dockerfile_id,
'manual': manual,
if trigger:
metadata['trigger_id'] = trigger.uuid
metadata['config'] = json.loads(trigger.config)
metadata['service'] =
model.log_action('build_dockerfile', repository.namespace_user.username, ip=request.remote_addr,
metadata=metadata, repository=repository)
# Add notifications for the build queue.
profile.debug('Adding notifications for repository')
event_data = {
'build_id': build_request.uuid,
'build_name': build_name,
'docker_tags': tags,
'is_manual': manual
if trigger:
event_data['trigger_id'] = trigger.uuid
event_data['trigger_kind'] =
spawn_notification(repository, 'build_queued', event_data,
subpage='build?current=%s' % build_request.uuid,
pathargs=['build', build_request.uuid])
return build_request