* endpoint/api/repository: limit the number of tags returned - Limit the number of tags returned by /api/v1/repository/<ns:repo> to 500. - Uses the tag history endpoint instead, with an active tag filte. - Update UI to use tag history endpoint instead.
348 lines
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348 lines
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""" List, create and manage repositories. """
import logging
import datetime
import features
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from flask import request, abort
from app import dockerfile_build_queue, tuf_metadata_api
from endpoints.api import (
format_date, nickname, log_action, validate_json_request, require_repo_read, require_repo_write,
require_repo_admin, RepositoryParamResource, resource, parse_args, ApiResource, request_error,
require_scope, path_param, page_support, query_param, truthy_bool, show_if)
from endpoints.api.repository_models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model
from endpoints.exception import (
Unauthorized, NotFound, InvalidRequest, ExceedsLicenseException, DownstreamIssue)
from endpoints.api.billing import lookup_allowed_private_repos, get_namespace_plan
from endpoints.api.subscribe import check_repository_usage
from auth.permissions import (ModifyRepositoryPermission, AdministerRepositoryPermission,
CreateRepositoryPermission, ReadRepositoryPermission)
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from auth import scopes
from util.names import REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_allowed_private_repos(namespace):
""" Checks to see if the given namespace has reached its private repository limit. If so,
raises a ExceedsLicenseException.
# Not enabled if billing is disabled.
if not features.BILLING:
if not lookup_allowed_private_repos(namespace):
raise ExceedsLicenseException()
class RepositoryList(ApiResource):
"""Operations for creating and listing repositories."""
schemas = {
'NewRepo': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of a new repository',
'required': [
'properties': {
'repository': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Repository name',
'visibility': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Visibility which the repository will start with',
'enum': [
'namespace': {
'description': ('Namespace in which the repository should be created. If omitted, the '
'username of the caller is used'),
'description': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Markdown encoded description for the repository',
'repo_kind': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'The kind of repository',
'enum': ['image', 'application', None],
def post(self):
"""Create a new repository."""
owner = get_authenticated_user()
req = request.get_json()
if owner is None and 'namespace' not in 'req':
raise InvalidRequest('Must provide a namespace or must be logged in.')
namespace_name = req['namespace'] if 'namespace' in req else owner.username
permission = CreateRepositoryPermission(namespace_name)
if permission.can():
repository_name = req['repository']
visibility = req['visibility']
if model.repo_exists(namespace_name, repository_name):
raise request_error(message='Repository already exists')
visibility = req['visibility']
if visibility == 'private':
# Verify that the repository name is valid.
if not REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX.match(repository_name):
raise InvalidRequest('Invalid repository name')
kind = req.get('repo_kind', 'image') or 'image'
model.create_repo(namespace_name, repository_name, owner, req['description'],
visibility=visibility, repo_kind=kind)
log_action('create_repo', namespace_name,
{'repo': repository_name,
'namespace': namespace_name}, repo_name=repository_name)
return {
'namespace': namespace_name,
'name': repository_name,
'kind': kind,
}, 201
raise Unauthorized()
@query_param('namespace', 'Filters the repositories returned to this namespace', type=str)
@query_param('starred', 'Filters the repositories returned to those starred by the user',
type=truthy_bool, default=False)
@query_param('public', 'Adds any repositories visible to the user by virtue of being public',
type=truthy_bool, default=False)
@query_param('last_modified', 'Whether to include when the repository was last modified.',
type=truthy_bool, default=False)
@query_param('popularity', 'Whether to include the repository\'s popularity metric.',
type=truthy_bool, default=False)
@query_param('repo_kind', 'The kind of repositories to return', type=str, default='image')
def get(self, page_token, parsed_args):
""" Fetch the list of repositories visible to the current user under a variety of situations.
# Ensure that the user requests either filtered by a namespace, only starred repositories,
# or public repositories. This ensures that the user is not requesting *all* visible repos,
# which can cause a surge in DB CPU usage.
if not parsed_args['namespace'] and not parsed_args['starred'] and not parsed_args['public']:
raise InvalidRequest('namespace, starred or public are required for this API call')
user = get_authenticated_user()
username = user.username if user else None
last_modified = parsed_args['last_modified']
popularity = parsed_args['popularity']
if parsed_args['starred'] and not username:
# No repositories should be returned, as there is no user.
repos, next_page_token = model.get_repo_list(
parsed_args['starred'], user, parsed_args['repo_kind'], parsed_args['namespace'], username,
parsed_args['public'], page_token, last_modified, popularity)
return {'repositories': [repo.to_dict() for repo in repos]}, next_page_token
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class Repository(RepositoryParamResource):
"""Operations for managing a specific repository."""
schemas = {
'RepoUpdate': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Fields which can be updated in a repository.',
'required': ['description',],
'properties': {
'description': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Markdown encoded description for the repository',
@query_param('includeStats', 'Whether to include action statistics', type=truthy_bool,
@query_param('includeTags', 'Whether to include repository tags', type=truthy_bool,
def get(self, namespace, repository, parsed_args):
"""Fetch the specified repository."""
logger.debug('Get repo: %s/%s' % (namespace, repository))
include_tags = parsed_args['includeTags']
max_tags = 500;
repo = model.get_repo(namespace, repository, get_authenticated_user(), include_tags, max_tags)
if repo is None:
raise NotFound()
repo_data = repo.to_dict()
repo_data['can_write'] = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository).can()
repo_data['can_admin'] = AdministerRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository).can()
if parsed_args['includeStats'] and repo.repository_base_elements.kind_name != 'application':
stats = []
found_dates = {}
for count in repo.counts:
found_dates['%s/%s' % (count.date.month, count.date.day)] = True
# Fill in any missing stats with zeros.
for day in range(1, MAX_DAYS_IN_3_MONTHS):
day_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=day)
key = '%s/%s' % (day_date.month, day_date.day)
if key not in found_dates:
'date': day_date.date().isoformat(),
'count': 0,
repo_data['stats'] = stats
return repo_data
def put(self, namespace, repository):
""" Update the description in the specified repository. """
if not model.repo_exists(namespace, repository):
raise NotFound()
values = request.get_json()
model.set_description(namespace, repository, values['description'])
log_action('set_repo_description', namespace,
{'repo': repository,
'namespace': namespace,
'description': values['description']}, repo_name=repository)
return {'success': True}
def delete(self, namespace, repository):
""" Delete a repository. """
username = model.purge_repository(namespace, repository)
if features.BILLING:
plan = get_namespace_plan(namespace)
model.check_repository_usage(username, plan)
# Remove any builds from the queue.
dockerfile_build_queue.delete_namespaced_items(namespace, repository)
log_action('delete_repo', namespace, {'repo': repository, 'namespace': namespace})
return '', 204
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepositoryVisibility(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Custom verb for changing the visibility of the repository. """
schemas = {
'ChangeVisibility': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Change the visibility for the repository.',
'required': ['visibility',],
'properties': {
'visibility': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Visibility which the repository will start with',
'enum': [
def post(self, namespace, repository):
""" Change the visibility of a repository. """
if model.repo_exists(namespace, repository):
values = request.get_json()
visibility = values['visibility']
if visibility == 'private':
model.set_repository_visibility(namespace, repository, visibility)
log_action('change_repo_visibility', namespace,
{'repo': repository,
'namespace': namespace,
'visibility': values['visibility']}, repo_name=repository)
return {'success': True}
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepositoryTrust(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Custom verb for changing the trust settings of the repository. """
schemas = {
'ChangeRepoTrust': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Change the trust settings for the repository.',
'required': ['trust_enabled',],
'properties': {
'trust_enabled': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Whether or not signing is enabled for the repository.'
def post(self, namespace, repository):
""" Change the visibility of a repository. """
if not model.repo_exists(namespace, repository):
raise NotFound()
tags, _ = tuf_metadata_api.get_default_tags_with_expiration(namespace, repository)
if tags and not tuf_metadata_api.delete_metadata(namespace, repository):
raise DownstreamIssue('Unable to delete downstream trust metadata')
values = request.get_json()
model.set_trust(namespace, repository, values['trust_enabled'])
'change_repo_trust', namespace,
{'repo': repository,
'namespace': namespace,
'trust_enabled': values['trust_enabled']}, repo_name=repository)
return {'success': True}