We move all the auth handling, serialization and deserialization into a new AuthContext interface, and then standardize a registration model for handling of specific auth context types (user, robot, token, etc).
126 lines
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126 lines
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import time
import jwt
import logging
from util.security import jwtutil
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ANONYMOUS_SUB = '(anonymous)'
CLAIM_TUF_ROOT = 'com.apostille.root'
QUAY_TUF_ROOT = 'quay'
SIGNER_TUF_ROOT = 'signer'
DISABLED_TUF_ROOT = '$disabled'
# The number of allowed seconds of clock skew for a JWT. The iat, nbf and exp are adjusted with this
# count.
class InvalidBearerTokenException(Exception):
def decode_bearer_header(bearer_header, instance_keys, config, metric_queue=None):
""" decode_bearer_header decodes the given bearer header that contains an encoded JWT with both
a Key ID as well as the signed JWT and returns the decoded and validated JWT. On any error,
raises an InvalidBearerTokenException with the reason for failure.
# Extract the jwt token from the header
match = jwtutil.TOKEN_REGEX.match(bearer_header)
if match is None:
raise InvalidBearerTokenException('Invalid bearer token format')
encoded_jwt = match.group(1)
logger.debug('encoded JWT: %s', encoded_jwt)
return decode_bearer_token(encoded_jwt, instance_keys, config, metric_queue=metric_queue)
def decode_bearer_token(bearer_token, instance_keys, config, metric_queue=None):
""" decode_bearer_token decodes the given bearer token that contains both a Key ID as well as the
encoded JWT and returns the decoded and validated JWT. On any error, raises an
InvalidBearerTokenException with the reason for failure.
# Decode the key ID.
headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(bearer_token)
kid = headers.get('kid', None)
if kid is None:
logger.error('Missing kid header on encoded JWT: %s', bearer_token)
raise InvalidBearerTokenException('Missing kid header')
# Find the matching public key.
public_key = instance_keys.get_service_key_public_key(kid)
if public_key is None:
if metric_queue is not None:
logger.error('Could not find requested service key %s with encoded JWT: %s', kid, bearer_token)
raise InvalidBearerTokenException('Unknown service key')
# Load the JWT returned.
expected_issuer = instance_keys.service_name
audience = config['SERVER_HOSTNAME']
max_signed_s = config.get('REGISTRY_JWT_AUTH_MAX_FRESH_S', 3660)
max_exp = jwtutil.exp_max_s_option(max_signed_s)
payload = jwtutil.decode(bearer_token, public_key, algorithms=[ALGORITHM], audience=audience,
issuer=expected_issuer, options=max_exp, leeway=JWT_CLOCK_SKEW_SECONDS)
except jwtutil.InvalidTokenError as ite:
logger.exception('Invalid token reason: %s', ite)
raise InvalidBearerTokenException(ite)
if not 'sub' in payload:
raise InvalidBearerTokenException('Missing sub field in JWT')
return payload
def generate_bearer_token(audience, subject, context, access, lifetime_s, instance_keys):
""" Generates a registry bearer token (without the 'Bearer ' portion) based on the given
return _generate_jwt_object(audience, subject, context, access, lifetime_s,
instance_keys.service_name, instance_keys.local_key_id,
def _generate_jwt_object(audience, subject, context, access, lifetime_s, issuer, key_id,
""" Generates a compact encoded JWT with the values specified. """
token_data = {
'iss': issuer,
'aud': audience,
'nbf': int(time.time()),
'iat': int(time.time()),
'exp': int(time.time() + lifetime_s),
'sub': subject,
'access': access,
'context': context,
token_headers = {
'kid': key_id,
return jwt.encode(token_data, private_key, ALGORITHM, headers=token_headers)
def build_context_and_subject(auth_context=None, tuf_root=None):
""" Builds the custom context field for the JWT signed token and returns it,
along with the subject for the JWT signed token. """
# Serialize to a dictionary.
context = auth_context.to_signed_dict() if auth_context else {}
# Default to quay root if not explicitly granted permission to see signer root
if not tuf_root:
tuf_root = QUAY_TUF_ROOT
CLAIM_TUF_ROOT: tuf_root
if not auth_context or auth_context.is_anonymous:
return (context, ANONYMOUS_SUB)
return (context, auth_context.authed_user.username if auth_context.authed_user else None)