99 lines
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99 lines
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* An element which displays the sign in form.
angular.module('quay').directive('signinForm', function () {
var directiveDefinitionObject = {
priority: 0,
templateUrl: '/static/directives/signin-form.html',
replace: false,
transclude: true,
restrict: 'C',
scope: {
'redirectUrl': '=redirectUrl',
'signInStarted': '&signInStarted',
'signedIn': '&signedIn'
controller: function($scope, $location, $timeout, $interval, ApiService, KeyService, UserService, CookieService, Features, Config) {
$scope.tryAgainSoon = 0;
$scope.tryAgainInterval = null;
$scope.signingIn = false;
$scope.markStarted = function() {
$scope.signingIn = true;
if ($scope.signInStarted != null) {
$scope.cancelInterval = function() {
$scope.tryAgainSoon = 0;
if ($scope.tryAgainInterval) {
$scope.tryAgainInterval = null;
$scope.$watch('user.username', function() {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$scope.signin = function() {
if ($scope.tryAgainSoon > 0) { return; }
ApiService.signinUser($scope.user).then(function() {
$scope.signingIn = false;
$scope.needsEmailVerification = false;
$scope.invalidCredentials = false;
if ($scope.signedIn != null) {
// Load the newly created user.
// Redirect to the specified page or the landing page
// Note: The timeout of 500ms is needed to ensure dialogs containing sign in
// forms get removed before the location changes.
$timeout(function() {
var redirectUrl = $scope.redirectUrl;
if (redirectUrl == $location.path() || redirectUrl == null) {
window.location = (redirectUrl ? redirectUrl : '/');
}, 500);
}, function(result) {
$scope.signingIn = false;
if (result.status == 429 /* try again later */) {
$scope.needsEmailVerification = false;
$scope.invalidCredentials = false;
$scope.tryAgainSoon = result.headers('Retry-After');
$scope.tryAgainInterval = $interval(function() {
if ($scope.tryAgainSoon <= 0) {
}, 1000, $scope.tryAgainSoon);
} else {
$scope.needsEmailVerification = result.data.needsEmailVerification;
$scope.invalidCredentials = result.data.invalidCredentials;
return directiveDefinitionObject;