Since mockldap doesn't support pagination, just disable it globally
345 lines
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345 lines
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import ldap
import logging
import os
from ldap.controls import SimplePagedResultsControl
from collections import namedtuple
from data.users.federated import FederatedUsers, UserInformation
from util.itertoolrecipes import take
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10.0 # seconds
class LDAPConnectionBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, ldap_uri, user_dn, user_pw, allow_tls_fallback=False,
timeout=None, network_timeout=None):
self._ldap_uri = ldap_uri
self._user_dn = user_dn
self._user_pw = user_pw
self._allow_tls_fallback = allow_tls_fallback
self._timeout = timeout
self._network_timeout = network_timeout
def get_connection(self):
return LDAPConnection(self._ldap_uri, self._user_dn, self._user_pw, self._allow_tls_fallback,
self._timeout, self._network_timeout)
class LDAPConnection(object):
def __init__(self, ldap_uri, user_dn, user_pw, allow_tls_fallback=False,
timeout=None, network_timeout=None):
self._ldap_uri = ldap_uri
self._user_dn = user_dn
self._user_pw = user_pw
self._allow_tls_fallback = allow_tls_fallback
self._timeout = timeout
self._network_timeout = network_timeout
self._conn = None
def __enter__(self):
trace_level = 2 if os.environ.get('USERS_DEBUG') == '1' else 0
self._conn = ldap.initialize(self._ldap_uri, trace_level=trace_level)
self._conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 1)
self._network_timeout or _DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT)
self._conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, self._timeout or _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
if self._allow_tls_fallback:
logger.debug('TLS Fallback enabled in LDAP')
self._conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_TRY, 1)
self._conn.simple_bind_s(self._user_dn, self._user_pw)
return self._conn
def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, tb):
class LDAPUsers(FederatedUsers):
_LDAPResult = namedtuple('LDAPResult', ['dn', 'attrs'])
def __init__(self, ldap_uri, base_dn, admin_dn, admin_passwd, user_rdn, uid_attr, email_attr,
allow_tls_fallback=False, secondary_user_rdns=None, requires_email=True,
timeout=None, network_timeout=None, force_no_pagination=False):
super(LDAPUsers, self).__init__('ldap', requires_email)
self._ldap = LDAPConnectionBuilder(ldap_uri, admin_dn, admin_passwd, allow_tls_fallback,
timeout, network_timeout)
self._ldap_uri = ldap_uri
self._uid_attr = uid_attr
self._email_attr = email_attr
self._allow_tls_fallback = allow_tls_fallback
self._requires_email = requires_email
self._force_no_pagination = force_no_pagination
# Note: user_rdn is a list of RDN pieces (for historical reasons), and secondary_user_rds
# is a list of RDN strings.
relative_user_dns = [','.join(user_rdn)] + (secondary_user_rdns or [])
def get_full_rdn(relative_dn):
prefix = relative_dn.split(',') if relative_dn else []
return ','.join(prefix + base_dn)
# Create the set of full DN paths.
self._user_dns = [get_full_rdn(relative_dn) for relative_dn in relative_user_dns]
self._base_dn = ','.join(base_dn)
def _get_ldap_referral_dn(self, referral_exception):
logger.debug('Got referral: %s', referral_exception.args[0])
if not referral_exception.args[0] or not referral_exception.args[0].get('info'):
logger.debug('LDAP referral missing info block')
return None
referral_info = referral_exception.args[0]['info']
if not referral_info.startswith('Referral:\n'):
logger.debug('LDAP referral missing Referral header')
return None
referral_uri = referral_info[len('Referral:\n'):]
if not referral_uri.startswith('ldap:///'):
logger.debug('LDAP referral URI does not start with ldap:///')
return None
referral_dn = referral_uri[len('ldap:///'):]
return referral_dn
def _ldap_user_search_with_rdn(self, conn, username_or_email, user_search_dn):
query = u'(|({0}={2})({1}={2}))'.format(self._uid_attr, self._email_attr,
logger.debug('Conducting user search: %s under %s', query, user_search_dn)
return (conn.search_s(user_search_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, query.encode('utf-8')), None)
except ldap.REFERRAL as re:
referral_dn = self._get_ldap_referral_dn(re)
if not referral_dn:
return (None, 'Failed to follow referral when looking up username')
subquery = u'(%s=%s)' % (self._uid_attr, username_or_email)
return (conn.search_s(referral_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, subquery), None)
except ldap.LDAPError:
logger.debug('LDAP referral search exception')
return (None, 'Username not found')
except ldap.LDAPError:
logger.debug('LDAP search exception')
return (None, 'Username not found')
def _ldap_user_search(self, username_or_email, limit=20):
if not username_or_email:
return (None, 'Empty username/email')
# Verify the admin connection works first. We do this here to avoid wrapping
# the entire block in the INVALID CREDENTIALS check.
with self._ldap.get_connection():
return (None, 'LDAP Admin dn or password is invalid')
with self._ldap.get_connection() as conn:
logger.debug('Incoming username or email param: %s', username_or_email.__repr__())
for user_search_dn in self._user_dns:
(pairs, err_msg) = self._ldap_user_search_with_rdn(conn, username_or_email, user_search_dn)
if pairs is not None and len(pairs) > 0:
if err_msg is not None:
return (None, err_msg)
logger.debug('Found matching pairs: %s', pairs)
results = [LDAPUsers._LDAPResult(*pair) for pair in take(limit, pairs)]
# Filter out pairs without DNs. Some LDAP impls will return such pairs.
with_dns = [result for result in results if result.dn]
return (with_dns, None)
def _ldap_single_user_search(self, username_or_email):
with_dns, err_msg = self._ldap_user_search(username_or_email)
if err_msg is not None:
return (None, err_msg)
# Make sure we have at least one result.
if len(with_dns) < 1:
return (None, 'Username not found')
# If we have found a single pair, then return it.
if len(with_dns) == 1:
return (with_dns[0], None)
# Otherwise, there are multiple pairs with DNs, so find the one with the mail
# attribute (if any).
with_mail = [result for result in with_dns if result.attrs.get(self._email_attr)]
return (with_mail[0] if with_mail else with_dns[0], None)
def _build_user_information(self, response):
if not response.get(self._uid_attr):
return (None, 'Missing uid field "%s" in user record' % self._uid_attr)
if self._requires_email and not response.get(self._email_attr):
return (None, 'Missing mail field "%s" in user record' % self._email_attr)
username = response[self._uid_attr][0].decode('utf-8')
email = response.get(self._email_attr, [None])[0]
return (UserInformation(username=username, email=email, id=username), None)
def get_user(self, username_or_email):
""" Looks up a username or email in LDAP. """
logger.debug('Looking up LDAP username or email %s', username_or_email)
(found_user, err_msg) = self._ldap_single_user_search(username_or_email)
if err_msg is not None:
return (None, err_msg)
logger.debug('Found user for LDAP username or email %s', username_or_email)
_, found_response = found_user
return self._build_user_information(found_response)
def query_users(self, query, limit=20):
""" Queries LDAP for matching users. """
if not query:
return (None, self.federated_service, 'Empty query')
logger.debug('Got query %s with limit %s', query, limit)
(results, err_msg) = self._ldap_user_search(query + '*', limit=limit)
if err_msg is not None:
return (None, self.federated_service, err_msg)
final_results = []
for result in results[0:limit]:
credentials, err_msg = self._build_user_information(result.attrs)
if err_msg is not None:
logger.debug('For query %s found results %s', query, final_results)
return (final_results, self.federated_service, None)
def verify_credentials(self, username_or_email, password):
""" Verify the credentials with LDAP. """
# Make sure that even if the server supports anonymous binds, we don't allow it
if not password:
return (None, 'Anonymous binding not allowed')
(found_user, err_msg) = self._ldap_single_user_search(username_or_email)
if found_user is None:
return (None, err_msg)
found_dn, found_response = found_user
logger.debug('Found user for LDAP username %s; validating password', username_or_email)
logger.debug('DN %s found: %s', found_dn, found_response)
# First validate the password by binding as the user
with LDAPConnection(self._ldap_uri, found_dn, password.encode('utf-8'),
except ldap.REFERRAL as re:
referral_dn = self._get_ldap_referral_dn(re)
if not referral_dn:
return (None, 'Invalid username')
with LDAPConnection(self._ldap_uri, referral_dn, password.encode('utf-8'),
logger.debug('Invalid LDAP credentials')
return (None, 'Invalid password')
logger.debug('Invalid LDAP credentials')
return (None, 'Invalid password')
return self._build_user_information(found_response)
def service_metadata(self):
return {
'base_dn': self._base_dn,
def check_group_lookup_args(self, group_lookup_args, disable_pagination=False):
if not group_lookup_args.get('group_dn'):
return (False, 'Missing group_dn')
(it, err) = self.iterate_group_members(group_lookup_args, page_size=1,
if err is not None:
return (False, err)
results = list(it)
if not results:
return (False, 'Group does not exist or is empty')
return (True, None)
def iterate_group_members(self, group_lookup_args, page_size=None, disable_pagination=False):
with self._ldap.get_connection():
return (None, 'LDAP Admin dn or password is invalid')
group_dn = group_lookup_args['group_dn']
page_size = page_size or _DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
return (self._iterate_members(group_dn, page_size, disable_pagination), None)
def _iterate_members(self, group_dn, page_size, disable_pagination):
has_pagination = not(self._force_no_pagination or disable_pagination)
with self._ldap.get_connection() as conn:
lc = ldap.controls.libldap.SimplePagedResultsControl(criticality=True, size=page_size,
search_flt = '(memberOf=%s,%s)' % (group_dn, self._base_dn)
attributes = [self._uid_attr, self._email_attr]
for user_search_dn in self._user_dns:
# Conduct the initial search for users that are a member of the group.
if has_pagination:
msgid = conn.search_ext(user_search_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search_flt, serverctrls=[lc],
msgid =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search_flt, attrlist=attributes)
while True:
if has_pagination:
_, rdata, _, serverctrls = conn.result3(msgid)
_, rdata = conn.result(msgid)
# Yield any users found.
for userdata in rdata:
yield self._build_user_information(userdata[1])
# If pagination is disabled, nothing more to do.
if not has_pagination:
# Filter down the controls with which the server responded, looking for the paging
# control type. If not found, then the server does not support pagination and we already
# got all of the results.
pctrls = [control for control in serverctrls
if control.controlType == ldap.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl.controlType]
if pctrls:
# Server supports pagination. Update the cookie so the next search finds the next page,
# then conduct the next search.
cookie = lc.cookie = pctrls[0].cookie
if cookie:
msgid = conn.search_ext(user_search_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search_flt,
# No additional results.
# Pagintation is not supported.
logger.debug('Pagination is not supported for this LDAP server')