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Jimmy Zelinskie c7fba332e6 fix handling missing authors for Bitbucket
The author was accidentally always being initialized as a JSONPathDict,
thus the `if` expression following was always true.

Fixes .
2015-10-29 14:14:05 -04:00

549 lines
18 KiB

import logging
import re
from jsonschema import validate
from buildtrigger.triggerutil import (RepositoryReadException, TriggerActivationException,
TriggerDeactivationException, TriggerStartException,
determine_build_ref, raise_if_skipped_build,
from buildtrigger.basehandler import BuildTriggerHandler
from app import app, get_app_url
from bitbucket import BitBucket
from import generate_ssh_keypair
from util.dict_wrappers import JSONPathDict, SafeDictSetter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_RAW_AUTHOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*<(.+)>')
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'repository': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'full_name': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['full_name'],
'push': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'changes': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'new': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'target': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'hash': {
'type': 'string'
'message': {
'type': 'string'
'date': {
'type': 'string'
'author': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'user': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'username': {
'type': 'string',
'links': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'html': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'href': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['href'],
'avatar': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'href': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['href'],
'required': ['html', 'avatar'],
'required': ['username'],
'links': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'html': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'href': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['href'],
'required': ['html'],
'required': ['hash', 'message', 'date'],
'required': ['target'],
'required': ['changes'],
'actor': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'username': {
'type': 'string',
'links': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'html': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'href': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['href'],
'avatar': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'href': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['href'],
'required': ['html', 'avatar'],
'required': ['username'],
'required': ['push', 'repository'],
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'node': {
'type': 'string',
'message': {
'type': 'string',
'timestamp': {
'type': 'string',
'raw_author': {
'type': 'string',
'required': ['node', 'message', 'timestamp']
def get_transformed_commit_info(bb_commit, ref, default_branch, repository_name, lookup_author):
""" Returns the BitBucket commit information transformed into our own
payload format.
except Exception as exc:
logger.exception('Exception when validating Bitbucket commit information: %s from %s', exc.message, bb_commit)
raise InvalidPayloadException(exc.message)
commit = JSONPathDict(bb_commit)
config = SafeDictSetter()
config['commit'] = commit['node']
config['ref'] = ref
config['default_branch'] = default_branch
config['git_url'] = '' % repository_name
config['commit_info.url'] = _BITBUCKET_COMMIT_URL % (repository_name, commit['node'])
config['commit_info.message'] = commit['message']
config[''] = commit['timestamp']
match = _RAW_AUTHOR_REGEX.match(commit['raw_author'])
if match:
author = lookup_author(
author_info = JSONPathDict(author) if author is not None else None
if author_info:
config[''] = author_info['user.username']
config[''] = '' % author_info['user.username']
config[''] = author_info['user.avatar']
return config.dict_value()
def get_transformed_webhook_payload(bb_payload, default_branch=None):
""" Returns the BitBucket webhook JSON payload transformed into our own payload
format. If the bb_payload is not valid, returns None.
except Exception as exc:
logger.exception('Exception when validating Bitbucket webhook payload: %s from %s', exc.message, bb_payload)
raise InvalidPayloadException(exc.message)
payload = JSONPathDict(bb_payload)
change = payload['push.changes[-1].new']
if not change:
return None
ref = ('refs/heads/' + change['name'] if change['type'] == 'branch'
else 'refs/tags/' + change['name'])
repository_name = payload['repository.full_name']
target = change['target']
config = SafeDictSetter()
config['commit'] = target['hash']
config['ref'] = ref
config['default_branch'] = default_branch
config['git_url'] = '' % repository_name
config['commit_info.url'] = target['links.html.href']
config['commit_info.message'] = target['message']
config[''] = target['date']
config[''] = target['author.user.username']
config[''] = target['author.user.links.html.href']
config[''] = target['author.user.links.avatar.href']
config['commit_info.committer.username'] = payload['actor.username']
config['commit_info.committer.url'] = payload['actor.links.html.href']
config['commit_info.committer.avatar_url'] = payload['actor.links.avatar.href']
return config.dict_value()
class BitbucketBuildTrigger(BuildTriggerHandler):
BuildTrigger for Bitbucket.
def service_name(cls):
return 'bitbucket'
def _get_client(self):
""" Returns a BitBucket API client for this trigger's config. """
key = app.config.get('BITBUCKET_TRIGGER_CONFIG', {}).get('CONSUMER_KEY', '')
secret = app.config.get('BITBUCKET_TRIGGER_CONFIG', {}).get('CONSUMER_SECRET', '')
trigger_uuid = self.trigger.uuid
callback_url = '%s/oauth1/bitbucket/callback/trigger/%s' % (get_app_url(), trigger_uuid)
return BitBucket(key, secret, callback_url, timeout=15)
def _get_authorized_client(self):
""" Returns an authorized API client. """
base_client = self._get_client()
auth_token = self.auth_token or 'invalid:invalid'
token_parts = auth_token.split(':')
if len(token_parts) != 2:
token_parts = ['invalid', 'invalid']
(access_token, access_token_secret) = token_parts
return base_client.get_authorized_client(access_token, access_token_secret)
def _get_repository_client(self):
""" Returns an API client for working with this config's BB repository. """
source = self.config['build_source']
(namespace, name) = source.split('/')
bitbucket_client = self._get_authorized_client()
return bitbucket_client.for_namespace(namespace).repositories().get(name)
def _get_default_branch(self, repository, default_value='master'):
""" Returns the default branch for the repository or the value given. """
(result, data, _) = repository.get_main_branch()
if result:
return data['name']
return default_value
def get_oauth_url(self):
""" Returns the OAuth URL to authorize Bitbucket. """
bitbucket_client = self._get_client()
(result, data, err_msg) = bitbucket_client.get_authorization_url()
if not result:
raise TriggerProviderException(err_msg)
return data
def exchange_verifier(self, verifier):
""" Exchanges the given verifier token to setup this trigger. """
bitbucket_client = self._get_client()
access_token = self.config.get('access_token', '')
access_token_secret = self.auth_token
# Exchange the verifier for a new access token.
(result, data, _) = bitbucket_client.verify_token(access_token, access_token_secret, verifier)
if not result:
return False
# Save the updated access token and secret.
self.set_auth_token(data[0] + ':' + data[1])
# Retrieve the current authorized user's information and store the username in the config.
authorized_client = self._get_authorized_client()
(result, data, _) = authorized_client.get_current_user()
if not result:
return False
username = data['user']['username']
self.put_config_key('username', username)
return True
def is_active(self):
return 'webhook_id' in self.config
def activate(self, standard_webhook_url):
config = self.config
# Add a deploy key to the repository.
public_key, private_key = generate_ssh_keypair()
config['credentials'] = [
'name': 'SSH Public Key',
'value': public_key,
repository = self._get_repository_client()
(result, created_deploykey, err_msg) = repository.deploykeys().create(
app.config['REGISTRY_TITLE'] + ' webhook key', public_key)
if not result:
msg = 'Unable to add deploy key to repository: %s' % err_msg
raise TriggerActivationException(msg)
config['deploy_key_id'] = created_deploykey['pk']
# Add a webhook callback.
description = 'Webhook for invoking builds on %s' % app.config['REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT']
webhook_events = ['repo:push']
(result, created_webhook, err_msg) = repository.webhooks().create(
description, standard_webhook_url, webhook_events)
if not result:
msg = 'Unable to add webhook to repository: %s' % err_msg
raise TriggerActivationException(msg)
config['webhook_id'] = created_webhook['uuid']
self.config = config
return config, {'private_key': private_key}
def deactivate(self):
config = self.config
webhook_id = config.pop('webhook_id', None)
deploy_key_id = config.pop('deploy_key_id', None)
repository = self._get_repository_client()
# Remove the webhook.
if webhook_id is not None:
(result, _, err_msg) = repository.webhooks().delete(webhook_id)
if not result:
msg = 'Unable to remove webhook from repository: %s' % err_msg
raise TriggerDeactivationException(msg)
# Remove the public key.
if deploy_key_id is not None:
(result, _, err_msg) = repository.deploykeys().delete(deploy_key_id)
if not result:
msg = 'Unable to remove deploy key from repository: %s' % err_msg
raise TriggerDeactivationException(msg)
return config
def list_build_sources(self):
bitbucket_client = self._get_authorized_client()
(result, data, err_msg) = bitbucket_client.get_visible_repositories()
if not result:
raise RepositoryReadException('Could not read repository list: ' + err_msg)
namespaces = {}
for repo in data:
if not repo['scm'] == 'git':
owner = repo['owner']
if not owner in namespaces:
namespaces[owner] = {
'personal': owner == self.config.get('username'),
'repos': [],
'info': {
'name': owner
namespaces[owner]['repos'].append(owner + '/' + repo['slug'])
return namespaces.values()
def list_build_subdirs(self):
config = self.config
repository = self._get_repository_client()
# Find the first matching branch.
repo_branches = self.list_field_values('branch_name') or []
branches = find_matching_branches(config, repo_branches)
if not branches:
branches = [self._get_default_branch(repository)]
(result, data, err_msg) = repository.get_path_contents('', revision=branches[0])
if not result:
raise RepositoryReadException(err_msg)
files = set([f['path'] for f in data['files']])
if 'Dockerfile' in files:
return ['/']
return []
def load_dockerfile_contents(self):
repository = self._get_repository_client()
path = self.get_dockerfile_path()
(result, data, err_msg) = repository.get_raw_path_contents(path, revision='master')
if not result:
raise RepositoryReadException(err_msg)
return data
def list_field_values(self, field_name, limit=None):
source = self.config['build_source']
(namespace, name) = source.split('/')
bitbucket_client = self._get_authorized_client()
repository = bitbucket_client.for_namespace(namespace).repositories().get(name)
if field_name == 'refs':
(result, data, _) = repository.get_branches_and_tags()
if not result:
return None
branches = [b['name'] for b in data['branches']]
tags = [t['name'] for t in data['tags']]
return ([{'kind': 'branch', 'name': b} for b in branches] +
[{'kind': 'tag', 'name': tag} for tag in tags])
if field_name == 'tag_name':
(result, data, _) = repository.get_tags()
if not result:
return None
tags = list(data.keys())
if limit:
tags = tags[0:limit]
return tags
if field_name == 'branch_name':
(result, data, _) = repository.get_branches()
if not result:
return None
branches = list(data.keys())
if limit:
branches = branches[0:limit]
return branches
return None
def get_repository_url(self):
source = self.config['build_source']
(namespace, name) = source.split('/')
return '' % (namespace, name)
def handle_trigger_request(self, request):
payload = request.get_json()
logger.debug('Got BitBucket request: %s', payload)
repository = self._get_repository_client()
default_branch = self._get_default_branch(repository)
metadata = get_transformed_webhook_payload(payload, default_branch=default_branch)
prepared = self.prepare_build(metadata)
# Check if we should skip this build.
raise_if_skipped_build(prepared, self.config)
return prepared
def manual_start(self, run_parameters=None):
run_parameters = run_parameters or {}
repository = self._get_repository_client()
bitbucket_client = self._get_authorized_client()
def get_branch_sha(branch_name):
# Lookup the commit SHA for the branch.
(result, data, _) = repository.get_branches()
if not result or not branch_name in data:
raise TriggerStartException('Could not find branch commit SHA')
return data[branch_name]['node']
def get_tag_sha(tag_name):
# Lookup the commit SHA for the tag.
(result, data, _) = repository.get_tags()
if not result or not tag_name in data:
raise TriggerStartException('Could not find tag commit SHA')
return data[tag_name]['node']
def lookup_author(email_address):
(result, data, _) = bitbucket_client.accounts().get_profile(email_address)
return data if result else None
# Find the branch or tag to build.
default_branch = self._get_default_branch(repository)
(commit_sha, ref) = determine_build_ref(run_parameters, get_branch_sha, get_tag_sha,
# Lookup the commit SHA in BitBucket.
(result, commit_info, _) = repository.changesets().get(commit_sha)
if not result:
raise TriggerStartException('Could not lookup commit SHA')
# Return a prepared build for the commit.
repository_name = '%s/%s' % (repository.namespace, repository.repository_name)
metadata = get_transformed_commit_info(commit_info, ref, default_branch,
repository_name, lookup_author)
return self.prepare_build(metadata, is_manual=True)