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Charlton Austin 131acde317 refactor(data+endpoints): code review changes
this puts the view logic on the object and adds a parameter for logging

[TESTING->locally with docker compose]


- [ ] It works!
- [ ] Comments provide sufficient explanations for the next contributor
- [ ] Tests cover changes and corner cases
- [ ] Follows Quay syntax patterns and format
2017-07-12 14:10:21 -04:00

230 lines
8 KiB

""" Manage the tags of a repository. """
from flask import request, abort
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from data.model import DataModelException
from endpoints.api import (resource, nickname, require_repo_read, require_repo_write,
RepositoryParamResource, log_action, validate_json_request, path_param,
parse_args, query_param, truthy_bool, disallow_for_app_repositories)
from endpoints.api.tag_models_interface import Repository
from endpoints.api.tag_models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model
from endpoints.exception import NotFound
from endpoints.v2.manifest import _generate_and_store_manifest
from util.names import TAG_ERROR, TAG_REGEX
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class ListRepositoryTags(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Resource for listing full repository tag history, alive *and dead*. """
@query_param('specificTag', 'Filters the tags to the specific tag.', type=str, default='')
@query_param('limit', 'Limit to the number of results to return per page. Max 100.', type=int,
@query_param('page', 'Page index for the results. Default 1.', type=int, default=1)
def get(self, namespace, repository, parsed_args):
specific_tag = parsed_args.get('specificTag') or None
page = max(1, parsed_args.get('page', 1))
limit = min(100, max(1, parsed_args.get('limit', 50)))
tag_history = model.list_repository_tag_history(namespace_name=namespace,
repository_name=repository, page=page,
size=limit, specific_tag=specific_tag)
if not tag_history:
raise NotFound()
return {
'tags': [tag.to_dict() for tag in tag_history.tags],
'page': page,
'has_additional': tag_history.more,
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('tag', 'The name of the tag')
class RepositoryTag(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Resource for managing repository tags. """
schemas = {
'MoveTag': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Description of to which image a new or existing tag should point',
'required': ['image',],
'properties': {
'image': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Image identifier to which the tag should point',
def put(self, namespace, repository, tag):
""" Change which image a tag points to or create a new tag."""
if not TAG_REGEX.match(tag):
abort(400, TAG_ERROR)
image_id = request.get_json()['image']
repo = model.get_repo(namespace, repository, image_id)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
original_image_id = model.get_repo_tag_image(repo, tag)
model.create_or_update_tag(namespace, repository, tag, image_id)
username = get_authenticated_user().username
log_action('move_tag' if original_image_id else 'create_tag', namespace, {
'username': username,
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag,
'namespace': namespace,
'image': image_id,
'original_image': original_image_id
}, repo_name=repository)
_generate_and_store_manifest(namespace, repository, tag)
return 'Updated', 201
def delete(self, namespace, repository, tag):
""" Delete the specified repository tag. """
model.delete_tag(namespace, repository, tag)
username = get_authenticated_user().username
log_action('delete_tag', namespace,
{'username': username,
'repo': repository,
'namespace': namespace,
'tag': tag}, repo_name=repository)
return '', 204
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('tag', 'The name of the tag')
class RepositoryTagImages(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Resource for listing the images in a specific repository tag. """
@query_param('owned', 'If specified, only images wholely owned by this tag are returned.',
type=truthy_bool, default=False)
def get(self, namespace, repository, tag, parsed_args):
""" List the images for the specified repository tag. """
tag_image = model.get_repo_tag_image(
Repository(namespace_name=namespace, repository_name=repository), tag)
except DataModelException:
raise NotFound()
if tag_image is None:
raise NotFound()
parent_images = model.get_parent_images(namespace, repository, tag_image.docker_image_id)
image_map = {str(tag_image.docker_image_id): tag_image}
for image in parent_images:
image_map[str(image.docker_image_id)] = image
image_map_all = dict(image_map)
all_images = [tag_image] + list(parent_images)
# Filter the images returned to those not found in the ancestry of any of the other tags in
# the repository.
if parsed_args['owned']:
all_tags = model.list_repository_tags(namespace, repository)
for current_tag in all_tags:
if == tag:
# Remove the tag's image ID.
tag_image_id = str(current_tag.docker_image_id)
image_map.pop(tag_image_id, None)
# Remove any ancestors:
for ancestor_id in current_tag.image.ancestors.split('/'):
image_map.pop(ancestor_id, None)
return {
'images': [
image.to_dict(image_map_all) for image in all_images
if not parsed_args['owned'] or (str(image.docker_image_id) in image_map)
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
@path_param('tag', 'The name of the tag')
class RestoreTag(RepositoryParamResource):
""" Resource for restoring a repository tag back to a previous image. """
schemas = {
'RestoreTag': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Restores a tag to a specific image',
'required': ['image',],
'properties': {
'image': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Image identifier to which the tag should point',
'manifest_digest': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'If specified, the manifest digest that should be used',
def post(self, namespace, repository, tag):
""" Restores a repository tag back to a previous image in the repository. """
# Restore the tag back to the previous image.
image_id = request.get_json()['image']
manifest_digest = request.get_json().get('manifest_digest', None)
# Data for logging the reversion/restoration.
username = get_authenticated_user().username
log_data = {
'username': username,
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag,
'image': image_id,
repo = Repository(namespace, repository)
if manifest_digest is not None:
existing_image = model.restore_tag_to_manifest(repo, tag, manifest_digest)
existing_image = model.restore_tag_to_image(repo, tag, image_id)
_generate_and_store_manifest(namespace, repository, tag)
if existing_image is not None:
log_data['original_image'] = existing_image.docker_image_id
log_action('revert_tag', namespace, log_data, repo_name=repository)
return {
'image_id': image_id,
'original_image_id': existing_image.docker_image_id if existing_image else None,