Removes filtering of log types where not necessary, removes filtering based on namespace when filtering based on repository (superfluous check that was causing issues in MySQL preventing the use of the correct index) and fix some other small issues around the API Fixes https://jira.coreos.com/browse/QUAY-931
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183 lines
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import json
import logging
from calendar import timegm
from peewee import JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, fn, PeeweeException
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from cachetools import lru_cache
import data
from data.database import LogEntry, LogEntryKind, User, RepositoryActionCount, db
from data.model import config, user, DataModelException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _logs_query(selections, start_time, end_time, performer=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
joined = (LogEntry.select(*selections).switch(LogEntry)
.where(LogEntry.datetime >= start_time, LogEntry.datetime < end_time))
if repository:
joined = joined.where(LogEntry.repository == repository)
if performer:
joined = joined.where(LogEntry.performer == performer)
if namespace and not repository:
namespace_user = user.get_user_or_org(namespace)
if namespace_user is None:
raise DataModelException('Invalid namespace requested')
joined = joined.where(LogEntry.account == namespace_user.id)
if ignore:
kind_map = get_log_entry_kinds()
ignore_ids = [kind_map[kind_name] for kind_name in ignore]
joined = joined.where(~(LogEntry.kind << ignore_ids))
return joined
def get_log_entry_kinds():
kind_map = {}
for kind in LogEntryKind.select():
kind_map[kind.id] = kind.name
kind_map[kind.name] = kind.id
return kind_map
def _get_log_entry_kind(name):
kinds = get_log_entry_kinds()
return kinds[name]
def get_aggregated_logs(start_time, end_time, performer=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
date = db.extract_date('day', LogEntry.datetime)
selections = [LogEntry.kind, date.alias('day'), fn.Count(LogEntry.id).alias('count')]
query = _logs_query(selections, start_time, end_time, performer, repository, namespace, ignore)
return query.group_by(date, LogEntry.kind)
def get_logs_query(start_time, end_time, performer=None, repository=None, namespace=None,
Performer = User.alias()
Account = User.alias()
selections = [LogEntry, Performer]
if namespace is None and repository is None:
query = _logs_query(selections, start_time, end_time, performer, repository, namespace, ignore)
query = (query.switch(LogEntry).join(Performer, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER,
on=(LogEntry.performer == Performer.id).alias('performer')))
if namespace is None and repository is None:
query = (query.switch(LogEntry).join(Account, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER,
on=(LogEntry.account == Account.id).alias('account')))
return query
def _json_serialize(obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
return timegm(obj.utctimetuple())
return obj
def log_action(kind_name, user_or_organization_name, performer=None, repository=None, ip=None,
metadata={}, timestamp=None):
if not timestamp:
timestamp = datetime.today()
account = None
if user_or_organization_name is not None:
account = User.get(User.username == user_or_organization_name).id
account = config.app_config.get('SERVICE_LOG_ACCOUNT_ID')
if account is None:
account = User.select(fn.Min(User.id)).tuples().get()[0]
if performer is not None:
performer = performer.id
if repository is not None:
repository = repository.id
kind = _get_log_entry_kind(kind_name)
metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, default=_json_serialize)
log_data = {
'kind': kind,
'account': account,
'performer': performer,
'repository': repository,
'ip': ip,
'metadata_json': metadata_json,
'datetime': timestamp
except PeeweeException as ex:
strict_logging_disabled = config.app_config.get('ALLOW_PULLS_WITHOUT_STRICT_LOGGING')
if strict_logging_disabled and kind_name in ACTIONS_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUDIT_LOGGING:
logger.exception('log_action failed', extra=({'exception': ex}).update(log_data))
def get_stale_logs_start_id():
""" Gets the oldest log entry. """
return (LogEntry.select(LogEntry.id).order_by(LogEntry.id).limit(1).tuples())[0][0]
except IndexError:
return None
def get_stale_logs_cutoff_id(cutoff_date):
""" Gets the most recent ID created before the cutoff_date. """
return (LogEntry.select(fn.Max(LogEntry.id)).where(LogEntry.datetime <= cutoff_date)
except IndexError:
return None
def get_stale_logs(start_id, end_id):
""" Returns all the logs with IDs between start_id and end_id inclusively. """
return LogEntry.select().where((LogEntry.id >= start_id), (LogEntry.id <= end_id))
def delete_stale_logs(start_id, end_id):
""" Deletes all the logs with IDs between start_id and end_id. """
LogEntry.delete().where((LogEntry.id >= start_id), (LogEntry.id <= end_id)).execute()
def get_repository_action_counts(repo, start_date):
return RepositoryActionCount.select().where(RepositoryActionCount.repository == repo,
RepositoryActionCount.date >= start_date)
def get_repositories_action_sums(repository_ids):
if not repository_ids:
return {}
# Filter the join to recent entries only.
last_week = datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=1)
tuples = (RepositoryActionCount.select(RepositoryActionCount.repository,
.where(RepositoryActionCount.repository << repository_ids)
.where(RepositoryActionCount.date >= last_week)
action_count_map = {}
for record in tuples:
action_count_map[record[0]] = record[1]
return action_count_map