149 lines
4.6 KiB
149 lines
4.6 KiB
import logging
import re
import time
import jwt
from flask import request, jsonify, abort
from cachetools import lru_cache
from app import app
from data import model
from auth.auth import process_auth
from auth.jwt_auth import build_context_and_subject
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user, get_validated_token, get_validated_oauth_token
from auth.permissions import (ModifyRepositoryPermission, ReadRepositoryPermission,
from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp
from util.cache import no_cache
from util.names import parse_namespace_repository, REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TOKEN_VALIDITY_LIFETIME_S = 60 * 60 # 1 hour
SCOPE_REGEX = re.compile(
def load_certificate_bytes(certificate_file_path):
with open(certificate_file_path) as cert_file:
return ''.join(cert_file.readlines()[1:-1]).rstrip('\n')
def load_private_key(private_key_file_path):
with open(private_key_file_path) as private_key_file:
return private_key_file.read()
def generate_registry_jwt():
""" This endpoint will generate a JWT conforming to the Docker registry v2 auth spec:
audience_param = request.args.get('service')
logger.debug('Request audience: %s', audience_param)
scope_param = request.args.get('scope')
logger.debug('Scope request: %s', scope_param)
user = get_authenticated_user()
logger.debug('Authenticated user: %s', user)
token = get_validated_token()
logger.debug('Authenticated token: %s', token)
oauthtoken = get_validated_oauth_token()
logger.debug('Authenticated OAuth token: %s', oauthtoken)
access = []
if scope_param is not None:
match = SCOPE_REGEX.match(scope_param)
if match is None:
logger.debug('Match: %s', match)
logger.debug('len: %s', len(scope_param))
logger.warning('Unable to decode repository and actions: %s', scope_param)
logger.debug('Match: %s', match.groups())
namespace_and_repo = match.group(1)
actions = match.group(2).split(',')
namespace, reponame = parse_namespace_repository(namespace_and_repo)
# Ensure that we are never creating an invalid repository.
if not REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX.match(reponame):
final_actions = []
if 'push' in actions:
# If there is no valid user or token, then the repository cannot be
# accessed.
if user is None and token is None:
# Lookup the repository. If it exists, make sure the entity has modify
# permission. Otherwise, make sure the entity has create permission.
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace, reponame)
if repo:
if not ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, reponame).can():
if not CreateRepositoryPermission(namespace).can() or user is None:
logger.debug('Creating repository: %s/%s', namespace, reponame)
model.repository.create_repository(namespace, reponame, user)
if 'pull' in actions:
# Grant pull if the user can read the repo or it is public. We also
# grant it if the user already has push, as they can clearly change
# the repository.
if (ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace, reponame).can() or
model.repository.repository_is_public(namespace, reponame) or
'push' in final_actions):
'type': 'repository',
'name': namespace_and_repo,
'actions': final_actions,
elif user is None and token is None:
# In this case, we are doing an auth flow, and it's not an anonymous pull
return abort(401)
context, subject = build_context_and_subject(user, token, oauthtoken)
token_data = {
'iss': app.config['JWT_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER'],
'aud': audience_param,
'nbf': int(time.time()),
'iat': int(time.time()),
'exp': int(time.time() + TOKEN_VALIDITY_LIFETIME_S),
'sub': subject,
'access': access,
'context': context,
certificate = load_certificate_bytes(app.config['JWT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_PATH'])
token_headers = {
'x5c': [certificate],
private_key = load_private_key(app.config['JWT_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH'])
return jsonify({'token':jwt.encode(token_data, private_key, 'RS256', headers=token_headers)})